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Mining online community data: the nature of ideas in online communities

Ideas are essential for innovation and for the continuous renewal of a firm’s product offerings. Previous research has argued that online communities contain such ideas. Therefore, online communities such as forums, Facebook groups, blogs etc. are potential gold mines for innovative ideas that can be used for boosting the innovation performance of the firm. However, the nature of...

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English / 06/06/2017

Method and application of characterisation of life cycle impact data of construction materials using geographic information systems

Purpose: This research presents a methodology to characterize life cycle impact data (LCIA) of alternative construction materials outside of the European context.
Methods: This methodology was based on the characterization of data and life cycle assessment (LCA) using geographic information systems (GIS), which has been proposed as an effective alternative for this purpose. The...

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English / 01/01/2017

«Embeddedness»: Einbettung von Firmen als Voraussetzung für Nachhaltigkeit

Multinationale Unternehmen, die gerade auch in weniger entwickelten Ländern investieren, sind beliebte Prügelknaben. Ihnen wird unter anderem vorgeworfen, wegen geringerer Regulierung die Umwelt zu verschmutzen, Menschenrechte zu verletzten oder von tieferen Sozialstandards auf Kosten der lokalen Belegschaft zu profitieren. Die Wirklichkeit ist komplexer. Sie zeigt: Multinationale...

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Deutsch / 01/01/2017

Coping with migration-induced urban growth: addressing the blind spot of UN habitat

The demography of cities in the 21st century will be shaped, to a large extent, by migration. This paper argues that the rights-based approach to urban policy advocated in the preparatory work of Habitat III, the UN Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development to be held in October 2016 in Quito, Ecuador, may not be conducive to this goal. The approach lacks a contextual...

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English / 19/08/2016

Frischluft für die Weltbank

Paul Romer hat die Grundsätze der Mainstream-Ökonomie auf den Kopf gestellt. Ob er seine Ideen als neuer Weltbank-Chefökonom in die Praxis umsetzen kann, bleibt offen. Die Widerstände sind gross.

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Deutsch / 08/08/2016

When corporatism leads to corporate governance failure : the case of Swiss watch industry

Corporatism is often seen as the way Swiss stakeholders in business and politics handle industrial challenges in a reasonable and flexible way. The following publication argues, however, that the emergence of corporatist structures in the Swiss watch industry has often encouraged rent-seeking and collusion at the expense of the creation of new markets through innovation. This legacy...

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English / 09/06/2016

Reference price formation for product innovations: the role of consistent price-value-relationships

When deciding between product alternatives, consumers have to compare the observed prices to their internal reference price to determine whether the offer is a good deal or not. For product innovations, for which no reference price has been established, it is unclear against which standard the observed price is compared. Despite extensive research on the use of reference prices,...

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English / 19/02/2016

The role of biotechnology in combating climate change: A question of politics?

Biotechnology is a platform technology that may significantly contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation. Yet biotechnology is hardly ever referred to as a ‘clean technology’. This paper investigates why biotechnology tends to be ignored in this context. A global stakeholder survey on biotechnology and climate change was conducted with 55 representatives of 44...

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English / 01/02/2016

Forget "Unlearning": How an empirically unwarranted concept was allegedly imported from psychology to flourish in management and organisation studies

We provide a critique of the development in organisation studies of the idea of ‘unlearning’ as allegedly imported from the psychology literature by Hedberg and understood to mean the manageable discard of knowledge precedent to and aiding later learning. We re-review the psychology literature and in contrast to Hedberg, find that this definition of unlearning is not empirically...

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English / 01/01/2016

Special Issue: A contextual and dynamic understanding of sustainable urbanisation

By 2030, sixty percent of the world’s population is projected to live in cities. The majority of this growth in urban areas is expected to occur in cities in Asia, Africa and Latin America. The transition from rural to urban life styles is likely to increase household consumption and will require massive investments in urban infrastructure.

How will society cope with this...

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English / 01/01/2016

Charter Cities als Antwort auf die Flüchtlingskrise Neue Städte für Migranten

Ob ausländische Arbeitskräfte,Wirtschaftsflüchtlinge oder Vertriebene, ein Hauptmotiv von Migranten, ihre Heimat zu verlassen, ist die Aussicht auf eine bessere Zukunft an einem
neuen Ort. «Charter cities» könnten Alternativen bieten.

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Deutsch / 02/12/2015

Abbau von Hemmnissen für Sanierungen von Liegenschaften institutioneller Investoren (HEMSAN)

Der vorliegende Bericht untersucht, welches die Hemmnisse und Anreize für institutionelle Investoren sind, um Investitionen in energetisch wirksame Erneuerungen von Renditeliegenschaften zu tätigen. Aufgrund einer ersten Analyse anhand von Literatur und Interviews kann davon ausgegangen werden, dass insbesondere eine mangelnde Rendite für die Eigentümer ein Problem sein kann. Dabei...

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Deutsch / 30/09/2015

Agricultural Biotechnology and Public Attitudes: An Attempt to Explain the Mismath between Experience and Perception

The main barriers to maximize the benefits and minimize the risk of modern agricultural biotechnology for society and the environment are not technical but regulatory in nature. Preventive regulation of agricultural biotechnology must be understood as a policy response to public rather than scientific concerns about the development and use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in...

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English / 01/09/2015


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