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Feel it! Das Management der Emotionen

Ein Diskussion zwischen Eva Ulouz, Linda Williams, Dorthe Staunas und Chris Steyaert, moderiert von Scott Loren

Deutsch / 01/01/2012

Listening to Narratives

English / 01/01/2012

Gendersensible Forschung zu nachhaltigem Konsum : Erkenntnisse aus aktuellen sozial-ökologischen Forschungsprojekten in Deutschland

Der Beitrag gibt auf Basis einer knappen theoretischen Skizzierung des Gender- Begriffs einen Überblick über Forschungsprojekte, die für verschiedene Bereiche des nachhaltigen Konsums nach der Bedeutung von Gender bzw. Geschlecht fragen. Anschliessend werden aus der Zusammenschau mögliche Konsequenzen für zukünftige Forschungsprojekte gezogen.

Deutsch / 01/12/2011

Gender and sustainable consumption : Results and Conceptual Insights from Six Projects in the Research Programme "Sustainable Consumption - From Knowledge to Action"

Although the relevance of gender issues in research on sustainability and sustainable consumption has been emphasized by different authors over the last decade (e.g. Weller 2004; Martine/Villarael 1997), there are still ‘gender gaps' as well as a lack of differentiated research (Vinz 2009) in this area. The integration of a gender perspective has been a prominent demand in the...

English / 06/11/2011

The production of educational space : Heterotopia and the business university

This article responds to recent calls for rethinking management education and fostering a spatial understanding of educational practices. We propose to introduce Foucault's notion of heterotopic space and the spatial thought of Lefebvre into the debate about the current and future state of business schools. In particular, we conceptually and empirically discuss the potential for...

English / 01/11/2011

(Up)Setting the rhythm of the creative city : A case study on the aesthetic (re)organization of public spaces

With the rise of the creative economy and the growth of urban tourism cities around the world became part of a new organizational logic. In order to become attractive for the creative work force as well as for weekend tourists new galleries, museums and libraries were built in many city centers during the past decades. Furthermore, seaside promenades were opened, inner city districts...

English / 08/10/2011

Ein Weiterbildungsprogramm mit Modellcharakter

Der Klinikalltag zeigt: Fort- und Weiterbildung
muss sich daran messen lassen,
inwieweit sie Arbeits- und Lernprozesse optimiert,
Belastungen reduziert, individuelle
Ressourcen erhöht und dabei organisationale
Ressourcen schont. Diese Forderung
bildete den Ausgangspunkt eines dreijährigen
Forschungsprojekts, das im Rahmen

Deutsch / 20/09/2011

Comparison of Controller Attention Decrease During Different Break Patterns in Night Shifts

Night shifts result in a high pressure on employees' health. Regarding air traffic control, they may also represent a safety issue. Research showed that cognitive performance is decreased at night (Monk 1996) and safety risks increase starting from the second working hour without a break (Folkard et al. 2005). Investigating a request to extend the middle part of a night shift...

English / 19/09/2011

Using Comics as a Transfer Support Tool for Crew Resource Management Training

Transfer of Crew Resource Management (CRM) Training is an important issue when determining the effectiveness of CRM, but factors influencing transfer after training such as supervisor support cannot be easily controlled in the daily work of airline crews. In this study, a comic-based transfer support tool for flight
attendants was designed and tested. Nineteen flight attendants...

English / 19/09/2011

Sozialkompetenzen und Sozialkapital bei Aschenputtel & Co

Der Beitrag diskutiert vor allem Netzwerke als soziales Kapital in Märchen aus Sicht der Managementforschung und -praxis. Grundlage bildert der Vergleich eines destruktiven und nicht selbstndig gebildeten (Aschenputtel KHM21) sowie eines konstruktiven und meist eigeninitiativ entwickelten Netzwerks (Der Held in Der Teufel mit den drei goldenen Haaren, KHM 29). Bei beiden unterstützen...

Full Text

Deutsch / 01/08/2011


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