Publications des institutions partenaires

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On scope effects in contingent valuation: : does the statistical distributional assumption matter ?

In this paper, we test for scope effects in Contingent Valuation applying different distributional assumptions for WTP, a non-parametric estimation and an estimation based on an open-ended format. Mean WTP is sensitive to the distributional assumption, but so is the scope effect. The nonparametric model, without conditions on the distribution, is the best able to identify scope...

Institution partenaire

Haute Ecole de Gestion de Genève

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English / 18/08/2015

On scope effects in contingent valuation: does the statistical distributional assumption matter ?

In this paper, we test for scope effects in Contingent Valuation applying different distributional assumptions for WTP, a non-parametric estimation and an estimation based on an open-ended format. Mean WTP is sensitive to the distributional assumption, but so is the scope effect. The nonparametric model, without conditions on the distribution, is the best able to identify scope...

Institution partenaire

Haute Ecole de Gestion de Genève

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English / 18/08/2015

Investing optimally in advertising and quality to mitigate product-harm crisis

Product-harm crisis are the nightmare of any firm as they have a disastrous effect on their sales and image. This paper proposes a new model to compute the optimal investment in quality and advertising in order to reduce the probability of occurrence of a possible product-harm crisis and mitigate its effects. This method uses stochastic control theory and can be used for both...

Institution partenaire

Haute Ecole de Gestion de Genève

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English / 28/05/2015

Coupling techno-economic energy models with a share of choice

Classical energy planning models assume that consumers are rational and this is obviously not always the case. This paper proposes an original method to take into account the consumer’s real behavior in an energy model. It couples a classical energy model with a Share of Choice model.

Institution partenaire

Haute Ecole de Gestion de Genève

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English / 28/05/2015

Measuring the quality of records to improve organizational documentary testimony

This paper presents the important elements of doctoral research into archival science at the Université de Montréal – Ecole de bibliothéconomie et des sciences de information, about the definition and the measurement of the dimensions of quality applied to historical archives. It focuses mainly on three questions: first, what are intrinsic and extrinsic archival qualities; second,...

Institution partenaire

Haute Ecole de Gestion de Genève

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English / 27/04/2015

Measuring inheritance patterns in object oriented systems ::the dynamic Inheritance ratio metric

Among the code structuration mechanisms in object oriented systems, class hierarchies based on the generalization relationship play a prominent role. Indeed it is used to represent and code hierarchies of abstractions supposed to help with code understanding, maintenance and extension. But it is common to see class hierarchies and the associated inheritance mechanism be diverted from...

Institution partenaire

Haute Ecole de Gestion de Genève

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English / 24/03/2015

Digital diplomatics and measurement of electronic public data qualities ::what lessons should be learned ?

Purpose – This paper aims to present a recent study on the definition and measurement of quality dimensions of public electronic records and archives (QADEPs: Qualités des archives et documents électroniques publics). It develops an original model and a complete method with tools to define and measure electronic public data qualities within public institutions. It highlights also the...

Institution partenaire

Haute Ecole de Gestion de Genève

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English / 17/03/2015


The Swiss life sciences poster series hightlights Swiss research institutions achievements and global collaborations. It builds upon analysis of 2004-14 Web of science data.

Institution partenaire

Haute Ecole de Gestion de Genève

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English / 09/03/2015

A Numerical Algorithm for a fully nonlinear PDE involving the Jacobian determinant

We address the numerical solution of the Dirichlet problem for a partial differential equation involving the Jacobian determinant in two dimensions of space. The problem consists in finding a vector-valued function such that the determinant of its gradient is given point-wise in a bounded domain, together with essential boundary conditions. The proposed numerical algorithm relies on...

Institution partenaire

Haute Ecole de Gestion de Genève

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English / 18/02/2015


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