Publications des institutions partenaires

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Ethics by design: necessity or curse?

Ethics by Design concerns the methods, algorithms and tools needed to endow autonomous agents with the capability to reason about the ethical aspects of their decisions, and the methods, tools and formalisms to guarantee that an agent’s behavior remains within given moral bounds. In this context some questions arise: How and to what extent can agents un-derstand the social reality in...

Institution partenaire

Haute Ecole de Gestion de Genève

Full Text

/ 05/03/2018

Active risk-based investing

Risk-based investing is experiencing growing success among investors, although some critics contend that the implicit “no-views” characteristic of these solutions might trigger other forms of risk, such as valuation risk. In this article, the authors introduce an analytical framework that allows investors to add active views on top of a risk-based solution, bridging the gap between...

Institution partenaire

Haute Ecole de Gestion de Genève

Full Text

English / 05/03/2018

Grown local: community attachment and market entries in the Franconian beer industry

Geographic communities are often thought to support new ventures, particularly when newcomers are able to replicate incumbents’ characteristics. This paper elaborates on the conditions under which geographic communities may hinder the action of newcomers. Particular attention is dedicated to the case in which incumbents’ identities build on community traditions and rely on strong...

Institution partenaire

Haute Ecole de Gestion de Genève

Full Text

English / 05/03/2018

Wine indices in practice: nicely labeled but slightly corked

This paper examines and compares wine price indices available on the wine market with those proposed in academia. We especially analyze the impact illiquidity has on the different indices and validate our findings using a simulation which allows us to define the biases induced by illiquidity on the statistical properties of the indices. We also propose adjustments to help market...

Institution partenaire

Haute Ecole de Gestion de Genève

Full Text

English / 05/03/2018

Strategic renewal: past research, theoretical tensions and future challenges

Strategic renewal has become a prominent theme in a variety of organization and management research domains in recent years. It refers to the process that allows organizations to alter their path dependence by transforming their strategic intent and capabilities. With contributions from an increasing range of theoretical perspectives and research contexts, the strategic renewal...

Institution partenaire

Haute Ecole de Gestion de Genève

Full Text

English / 05/03/2018

International diversification: an exploration-exploitation perspective

We take an exploration-exploitation perspective on international diversification. Specifically, we suggest that, since changes in international diversification are typically related to exploration or exploitation-related motives (e.g., exploring new knowledge or exploiting existing knowledge) and since both motives show self-reinforcing effects, international diversification...

Institution partenaire

Haute Ecole de Gestion de Genève

Full Text

/ 05/03/2018

How do Airbnb hosts set a price for their rental?: :

Collaborative consumption based on the sharing economy concept is no doubt becoming critical to the way people travel. Airbnb is a notable case to exhibit how online (P2P) platforms have helped individuals to rent out their extra living spaces to people from around the world. This study tried to understand the impact of the destinations’ characteristics on the price determinants of...

Institution partenaire

Haute Ecole de Gestion de Genève

Full Text

/ 05/03/2018

Exploratory study of social network user's commitment: a typology proposal

The objective of this research is to understand user commitment in the context of social networks. We propose a conceptualization of commitment as a cognitive and affective immersion activity that evolves over time. Our research aims are, firstly, to define commitment through social networks and understand its role in creating relationship between users and organizations; secondly,...

Institution partenaire

Haute Ecole de Gestion de Genève

Full Text

/ 05/03/2018

Eye-Tracking Experiments in Social and Environmental Accounting Research

In this article, we demonstrate the relevance of eye-tracking experiments in social and environmental accounting (SEA) research. Up to now, this type of design has been used in some areas within accounting research, but SEA has been neglected. If one is to adopt a user perspective [Merkl-Davies, D. M., and N. M. Brennan. 2007. “Discretionary Disclosure Strategies in Corporate...

Institution partenaire

Haute Ecole de Gestion de Genève

Full Text

English / 05/03/2018

Student perceptions of ethics, CSR, and sustainability (ECSRS) in hospitality management education

This study examines how hospitality students perceive ethics, corporate social responsibility (CSR), and sustainability (ECSRS) with regard to their current academic program and future career. Previous literature has shown an evolution in higher education institutions to implement ECSRS topics into their curriculum. This quantitative study measured 202 first-year students’ levels of...

Institution partenaire

Haute Ecole de Gestion de Genève

Full Text

English / 05/03/2018

Optimal student sectioning on mandatory courses with various sections numbers

In sufficiently large schools, courses are given to classes in sections of various sizes. Consequently, classes have to be split into various given numbers of sections. We focus on how to dispatch the students into sections of equal size, so as to minimize the number of edges in the resulting conflict graph. As a main result, we show that subdividing the students set in a regular way...

Institution partenaire

Haute Ecole de Gestion de Genève

Full Text Full Text

English / 23/02/2018

An alternating direction method of multipliers for the numerical solution of a fully nonlinear partial differential equation involving the Jacobian determinant

We consider the Dirichlet problem for a partial differential equation involving the Jacobian determinant in two dimensions of space. The problem consists in finding a vector-valued function such that the determinant of its gradient is given pointwise in a bounded domain, together with essential boundary conditions. This problem was initially considered in Dacorogna and Moser [Ann....

Institution partenaire

Haute Ecole de Gestion de Genève

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English / 19/02/2018


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