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Euro area sovereign debt: restructuring options

Countries with large debts stocks are vulnerable to the vagaries of the markets. Confidence crises can arise out of nowhere, constricting access to the markets. Hence, the question arises as to whether these countries should put in place mechanisms that will help them better prepare for the possibility of crisis. In effect, the choice is whether to buy insurance. The cost of buying...

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English / 14/11/2019

Narrativas, políticas y resultados del desarrollo alternativo en la región andina

Desde principios del 2000, muchos países latinoamericanos alcanzaron un notable crecimiento económico acompañado de la reducción de la pobreza y la desigualdad, debido en gran parte a la persistente aplicación del patrón secular de exportación de materias primas. El fin del superciclo de los precios de los las materias primas en 2014 puso en riesgo algunas de estas ganancias en...

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English / 05/11/2019

Alternative development narratives, policies and outcomes in the Andean Region

Since the early 2000s, many Latin American countries achieved remarkable economic growth coupled with poverty and inequality reduction, largely due to the pursuit of a centuries-old pattern of commodity exports. The end of the commodity price super-cycle in 2014 puts some of these development gains in jeopardy, raising anxiety among emerging middle classes wary of slipping back into...

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English / 05/11/2019

Le "fardeau" de la dette publique suisse: éclairages des recherches scientifiques et pistes pour le futur

The Swiss Federal government finances are in an excellent shape: debt is small (and decreasing), and carries a low interest rate. This paper reviews the prospects for the Swiss finances drawing on the recent literature. We argue that the current policy of running surpluses and paying down the debt is inefficient, and propose three alternatives. First, as the interest rate on the debt...

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English / 17/10/2019

The financial development of London in the 17th century revisited: a view from the accounts of the Corporation of London

We study an overlooked episode of financial development in England during the 17th century. We construct a novel, annual series of interest rates paid by the Corporation of London. We show that: interest rates declined by 350 basis points; Interest rates co-moved with Amsterdam: we attribute half of this decline to the integration of the capital markets of London and Amsterdam and...

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English / 01/10/2019

Finance and firm volatility: evidence from Alibaba FinTech Credit in China

The online trading platform Alibaba provides financial technology (FinTech) credit for millions of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs). Using an internal credit score threshold that governs the allocation of credit, we apply a Fuzzy Regression Discontinuity Design (RDD) to explore the causal effect of credit access on firm volatility. We find that credit access significantly...

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English / 27/09/2019

The impact of environmental regulation on Chinese spatial development

We examine the relationship between environmental regulation and spatial development in China. Exploiting changes in national pollution standards for three industries, ammonia, paper and cement, we measure the impact of environmental regulation on industry productivity. Our results suggest that national pollution standards do not affect industry productivity, but they reallocate...

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English / 19/09/2019

Limits to the independence of the ECB

The ECB might seem to be the most independent central bank in the world. Its statutes were carefully designed to ensure independence and they are enshrined in an international treaty. Yet, while serving many governments may be a protection, it can also act as a constraint on policy decisions. This essay explains how the ECB has faced limits during the Eurozone crisis. First, it had...

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English / 02/08/2019

Taming the global financial cycle: what role for the global financial safety net?

An ongoing active debate considers the role of the Global Financial Cycle (GFC) in driving international capital flows - especially in emerging economies - as well as the policy options available to absorb their impact. We make two contributions to the debate. First, we rely on a structural measure of the GFC developed in a companion paper to identify episodes of large capital flows...

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English / 02/08/2019

Corporate debt, firm size and financial fragility in emerging markets

The post-Global Financial Crisis period shows a surge in corporate leverage in emergingmarkets and a number of countries with deteriorated corporate financial fragility indicators (Altman's Z-score). Firm size plays a critical role in the relationship between leverage, firm fragility and exchange rate movements in emerging markets. While the relationship between firm-leverage and...

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English / 30/07/2019

How FinTech enters China's credit market

How does FinTech credit mitigate local credit supply frictions in China's segmented credit market? In our simple theoretical models, we show that FinTech credit (i) expands the extensive margin of credit to borrowers of lower credit scores and (ii) provides relatively more credit to borrowers with lower credit scores. We confirm both predictions based on comprehensive data from one...

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English / 19/07/2019

Oil prices, inflation expectations and monetary policy

The sharp declines in oil prices starting in late 2014 sparked a debate about their effect on inflation and the world economy (e.g. GEP January 2015). The decline in oil prices lowered inflation in the short run and in some cases pushed some economies that already experience very low inflation into deflation. More surprisingly, data from the US, Euro area, UK and Israel shows that...

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English / 28/06/2019

Has inflation targeting become less credible?

Beginning with the global financial crisis (2008) the correlation between crude oil prices and medium-term and forward inflation expectations increased leading to fears of their un-anchoring. Using the first principal component of commodity prices as a measure for global aggregate demand, we decompose nominal oil prices to a global demand factor and remaining factors. Using a...

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English / 28/06/2019

Nominal exchange rate dynamics and monetary policy: uncovered interest rate parity and purchasing power parity revisited

The increasing globalization of trade in goods and services and the deepening of financial markets have reduced frictions that may impede the operation of the PPP and UIP relationships in the short run. In this paper, we estimate the short term relative PPP and UIP relationships. Using data from Israel, which has a deep market for inflation expectations for 12 months, we show that...

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English / 28/06/2019


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