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Value of Aggregators

Akca, Selin; Rao, Anita (2020). Value of Aggregators. Marketing Science, 39(5):893-922.

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English / 02/10/2020

Die digitale öffentliche Urkunde im Kontext der AG.

Müller, Lukas & Pafumi, Lara
Die digitale öffentliche Urkunde im Kontext der AG.
Reprax : Zeitschrift zur Handelsregisterpraxis,
ISSN 1424-3628


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/ 08/09/2020

Motivating doctors into leadership and management: a cross-sectional survey

Bäker, Agnes; Bech, Mickael; Geerts, Jaason; Maigaard Axelsen, Susanne; Ullum, Henrik; Krabbe, Marie P; Goodall, Amanda H (2020). Motivating doctors into leadership and management: a cross-sectional survey. BMJ Leader, 2020(July):1-19.

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English / 04/09/2020

Steueranrechnung in der Schweiz.

Hongler, Peter & Limacher, Fabienne
Steueranrechnung in der Schweiz.
IFF Forum für Steuerrecht (FStR),

ISSN 1424-9855


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/ 03/09/2020

Aktuelles zum Recht der Kryptowährungen.

Müller, Lukas & Ong, Malik
Aktuelles zum Recht der Kryptowährungen.
Aktuelle Juristische Praxis,
ISSN 1660-3362


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/ 17/08/2020

Does persistence pay off? Accessing social activities with a foreign-sounding name

Dietl, Helmut; Gomez Gonzalez, Carlos; Moretti, Paolo; Nesseler, Cornel (2020). Does persistence pay off? Accessing social activities with a foreign-sounding name. Applied Economics Letters:Epub ahead of print.

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English / 07/07/2020

Unternehmensdiagnose in Schweizer Unternehmen : Untersuchungen zum Erfolg mit besonderer Berücksichtung des Humanpotentials

Wohlgemuth, A C (1989). Unternehmensdiagnose in Schweizer Unternehmen : Untersuchungen zum Erfolg mit besonderer Berücksichtung des Humanpotentials. Bern: Lang.

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English / 07/07/2020

Network-based ranking in social systems: three challenges

Mariani, Manuel; Lü, Linyuan (2020). Network-based ranking in social systems: three challenges. Journal of Physics: Complexity, 1(1):011001.

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English / 03/06/2020

Least-squares/relaxation method for the numerical solution of a 2D Pucci’s equation

The numerical solution of the Dirichlet problem for an elliptic Pucci’s equation in two dimensions of space is addressed by using a least-squares approach. The algorithm relies on an iterative relaxation method that decouples a variational linear elliptic PDE problem from the local nonlinearities. The approximation method relies on mixed low order finite element methods. The least-...

Institution partenaire

Haute Ecole de Gestion de Genève

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English / 15/04/2020

Flexible Gewinnsteuersätze.

Hongler, Peter & Opel, Andrea
Flexible Gewinnsteuersätze.
Steuer Revue,

ISSN 1424-0025


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/ 02/04/2020

Warum wechseln Unternehmen die Revisionsstelle?: Eine empirische Untersuchung bei KMU in der Schweiz

Eberle, Reto; Willi, Bettina (2020). Warum wechseln Unternehmen die Revisionsstelle?: Eine empirische Untersuchung bei KMU in der Schweiz. Expert Focus, 94(3):154-161.

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English / 11/03/2020

Security governance as a service on the cloud

Small companies need help to detect and to respond to increasing security related threats. This paper presents a cloud service that automates processes that make checks for such threats, implement mitigating procedures, and generally instructs client companies on the steps to take. For instance, a process that automates the search for leaked credentials on the Dark Web will, in the...

Institution partenaire

Haute Ecole de Gestion de Genève

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English / 09/03/2020

Replik: Whistleblower und interne Kontrolle: Gastkommentar

Eberle, Reto. Replik: Whistleblower und interne Kontrolle: Gastkommentar. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 18 February 2020, p.9.

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English / 28/02/2020

Macro- and mesoscale pattern interdependencies in complex networks

Palazzi, Maria J; Borge-Holthoefer, Javier; Tessone, Claudio J; Solé-Ribalta, Albert (2019). Macro- and mesoscale pattern interdependencies in complex networks. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 16:20190553.

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English / 20/02/2020

Managerial power and CEO pay

Göx, Robert; Hemmer, Thomas (2017). Managerial power and CEO pay. SSRN 3020732, University of Zurich, Rice University.

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English / 05/02/2020


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