Publications des institutions partenaires

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Organizational creativity's flavor : Taste-making as central practice in crafting contemporary dance and movement theatre

Purpose - Presenting empirical findings from an ethnography on the making of contemporary dance and movement theatre, this paper aims to deepen our understanding of organizational creativity as practice driven by the nexus of idea generation and evaluation. From a practice-based perspective situated in a sociology of attachment (Hennion, 2004; 2007), the concept of ‘taste-making...

English / 05/07/2012

Multiplicity and reflexivity in organizational research : Towards a performative approach to the visual

Purpose - The purpose of this paper is, first, to assess the potential of the visual to enact multiplicity and reflexivity in organizational research, and second, to develop a performative approach to the visual, which offers aesthetic strategies for creating future research accounts in organization and management studies.

Design/methodology/approach - The paper reviews...

English / 01/07/2012

Flexibility under complexity: Work contexts, task profiles and team processes of high responsibility teams

Purpose - The purpose of the present study is to introduce the elements characterising the work context of high responsibility teams (HRTs) operating in high reliability contexts such as medicine or aviation. Based on these elements, the authors reflected on the function of teamwork in these contexts, which is strongly dominated by a notion of flexibility under complexity, based on...

English / 01/03/2012

Organizational Creativity Revisited : An audio-visual ethnography of the production of contemporary movement and dance theater as ‚making events work'

Most organizational creativity research can be regarded as torn between partial vantage points (Kallio, Barry, Visscher, & de Weerd-Nederhof, 2011), the 4 P's of creativity research - person, process, press and product (Rhodes, 1961). This approach must be seen in regard to two basic assumptions, methodological individualism inherited from psychology and economy, and...

English / 05/02/2012

Werte-Coaching nach Viktor E. Frankl

Das Kapitel zu "Werte-Coaching nach Viktor E. Frankl" fokussiert auf die Persönlichkeit des Coachees und handelt von der Sinnfrage. Petra Kipfelsberger beschreibt Theorie und Praxis des Werte-Coachings, das im Anschluss an Viktor E. Frankls existenzanalytisch begründeter Logotherapie entwickelt wurde. Der Mensch ist gemäss Frankl ein homo noeticus - die geistige Dimension...

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Deutsch / 01/01/2012

Spacing Organization: non-representational theory and performing organizational space

This article connects to and extends the attempts to bring space back into critical organizational theory, which, we argue, has mainly been based on the socio-spatial perspective as pioneered by Henri Lefebvre. Taking issue with the various ways in which Lefebvre's work can be interpreted, we develop an alternative route. Adopting a mode of non-representational theorizing as...

English / 01/01/2012

Exploring 'the Other' at work. Gender and Diversity in Organizations

This synopsis provides a concise overview of my contributions to the field of gender and diversity in organizations. Organizing my publications as 10 contributions to four distinctive themes of ‘exploring the Other' allowed me to briefly situate my work in the context of the field's four major debates of the last decade. First, my contributions to the theme of the ‘re-...

English / 01/01/2012


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