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Organizing Corporate Social Responsibility in Small and Large Firms: Size Matters

Based on the findings of a qualitative empirical study of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in Swiss MNCs and SMEs, we suggest that smaller firms are not necessarily less advanced in organizing CSR than large firms. Results according to theoretically derived assessment frameworks illustrate the actual implementation status of CSR in organizational practices. We propose that small...

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English / 01/07/2013

Social Enterprise and Dis/identification : The Politics of Identity Work in the English Third Sector

Social enterprise has been criticized for discursively transforming third sector organizations and practitioners into economic agents. Such a critique too readily construes the discourse of social enterprise as a deterministic force that encroaches on all aspects of organizational and individual identity. We reintroduce
a sense of agency to discursive conceptualizations through...

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English / 01/06/2013

Nachhaltigkeit beginnt beim Umdenken

Nachhaltigkeit ist zum alles bekräftigenden Zauberwort geworden. Der Applaus ist garantiert - oder kennen Sie jemanden, der gegen nachhaltiges Wirtschaften ist? Offenbar tut das allgemein erhobene Nachhaltigkeitspostulat niemandem weh. Diese vordergründige Harmonie ist verdächtig: Beruht der Erfolg des Zauberworts etwa auf einem Scheinkonsens?

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Deutsch / 15/04/2013

Morality Meet Politics, Politics Meet Morality : Exploring the Political in Political Responsibility

This brief response to Smith focuses on his distinction between moral and political responsibility in general and how it relates to human rights in particular. It argues that the notion of political responsibility as is used in the debate on political CSR often does not exclude morality but is based on it.

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English / 13/03/2013

Manifest zur Steuer- und Finanzplatzpolitik der Schweiz: Kein Schutz mehr für Steuerflucht!

Renommierte Wissenschaftler im Netzwerk "kontrapunkt" fordern vom Bundesrat mehr internationale Koopeerationsbereitschaft beim Kampf gegen die Steuerflucht.
"Der Sonntag" publiziert das Manifest.

Online verfügbar auf der Website von kontrapunkt:

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Deutsch / 17/02/2013

Managervergütungen - letztlich ein Integritätsproblem

Wenn es am guten Willen der obersten Verantwortungsträger fehlt, nützen alle Bemühungen um eine bessere Corporate Governance und um zeitgemässe Führungssysteme wenig. Jahrelange öffentliche Kritik ist an den Bezügern von Millionengehältern ungehört abgeprallt. Woran liegt das? Und wo ist für eine nachhaltige Lösung des Problems anzusetzen? Ein grundlegender Faktor ist in der Debatte...

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Deutsch / 30/01/2013

From Body of Knowledge to Ways of Thinking : Theoretical Implications of Sector-specific CR in Europe

The main question of this final section of the book is: What theoretical lessons can we learn from sector-specific corporate responsibility in Europe? We will develop our argument in five steps:First, a perspective on cultural business ethics will be sketched that can be located between pure business perspectives, on the one hand, and pure normative perspectives on CR, on the...

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English / 01/01/2013

Fair information technologies : The corporate responsibility of online social networks as public regulators

From a business ethics perspective, this dissertation studies the role of companies in the information and communication technologies (ICT) sector as regulators with respect to access to knowledge, civic engagement online, and civil liberties on online platforms. To this end, it takes into account three cases: (1.) digital divides and the capabilities of corporate citizens to...

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English / 01/01/2013

Sector-specific Corporate Responsibility in Germany

Germany is one of the world's leading exporters and benefits from a healthy economy despite the economic and financial crisis. It is also the origin of the so-called "social market economy". In light of this tradition and its strong economy, which boasts many leading companies, the country has been criticised for not doing enough regarding explicit corporate...

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English / 01/01/2013

Experts' views on sector-specific corporate responsibility

Sector-specific corporate responsibility (SCR) is an emerging subject both in practice and in the general CR discussion. In order to look into existing knowledge and perceptions of the concept, we surveyed CR experts in the eight European countries covered in the study via an online survey (see Section 2.1). These national perspectives were complemented by interviews with CR experts...

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English / 01/01/2013

Features and Trends of Sector-specific Corporate Responsibility

This study is an initial foray into the emerging field of sector-specific corporate responsibility (SCR). While the previous chapters have presented the empirical evidence that had been gathered, this chapter aims to make sense of the data. At first, five sets of evaluation criteria for SCR initiatives are introduced and explained. The criteria are then applied on four good examples...

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English / 01/01/2013

Ethics and Economics

Revised edition of the chapter under the same title in "Ethics in the Economy: Handbook of Business Ethics", ed. by L. Zsolnai, 2002.

Business ethics is more than just ‘applied ethics.' There is no domain which is ‘free' from normative presuppositions, and mainstream economics is nothing more than a strongly normative ‘ideal theory' of rational action...

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English / 01/01/2013

The Normative Foundations of Entrepreneurial Activity

Chapter B3 in the textbook (required readings) for the course "Business Administration A", University of St. Gallen, September 2013

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English / 01/01/2013

Normative Orientation Processes

Chapter FI1 in the textbook (required readings) for the course "Business Administration A", University of St. Gallen, September 2013

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English / 01/01/2013

Sozialer Fortschritt in der Bürgergesellschaft : Horizonte einer zivilisierten Marktwirtschaft

Etwas muss schief gelaufen sein mit dem modernen Projekt der freiheitlichen Gesellschaft und Marktwirtschaft. Der wirtschaftliche «Fortschritt» dient kaum mehr der Erweiterung der realen Bürgerfreiheit und der Verbesserung der gesellschaftlichen Verhältnisse, sondern entfaltet eine eigensinnige Sachzwanglogik des globalen Standortwettbewerbs gegen sie. Eine auffallend kleine...

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Deutsch / 01/01/2013

Was spricht gegen Gewinnmaximierung?

Forumsbeitrag, samt einem Kommentar von Unternehmer Peter Stämpfli und Antwort des Autors

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Deutsch / 29/11/2012


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