Publications des institutions partenaires

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Overcoming constraints of collective imagination: An inquiry into activist entrepreneuring, disruptive truth-telling and the creation of ‘possible worlds’

This article introduces ‘activist entrepreneuring’ to suggest a fresh understanding of en- trepreneuring which foregrounds how constraints of imagination are removed through critical speech. Specifically, we link Michel Foucault's work on parrhesia, or courageous speech, and various literatures on (utopian) imagination to discuss ‘disruptive truth-telling’ as the generative...

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English / 01/01/2018

Responsible Practices are Culturally Embedded: Theoretical Considerations on Industry-Specific Corporate Social Responsibility

In this paper, we develop our argument in three steps: Firstly, we elaborate on some theoretical perspectives for industry-specific CSR by referring to cultural business ethics, a theoretical approach which is located between purely business perspectives and purely normative perspectives on CSR. Secondly, we briefly introduce the papers of this special issue, which covers a wide...

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English / 12/07/2017

Responsible Practices are Culturally Embedded: Theoretical Considerations on Industry-Specific Corporate Social Responsibility

In this paper, we develop our argument in three steps: Firstly, we elaborate on some theoretical perspectives for industry-specific CSR by referring to cultural business ethics, a theoretical approach which is located between purely business perspectives and purely normative perspectives on CSR. Secondly, we briefly introduce the papers of this special issue, which covers a wide...

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English / 12/07/2017

Creating Shared Value. A Fundamental Critique

This article offers a fundamental critique of Michael Porter’s and Marc Kramer’s “Creating Shared Value” (CSV) concept. First, the authors summarise the positive and negative criticism which CSV has received since 2011. They then show that CSV falls short of a modern understanding of corporate responsibility which is centred on more adequate ideas about the relationship between...

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English / 06/01/2017

Critical Entrepreneurship Studies: A Manifesto

In light of the ongoing dominance of functionalist approaches as well as recent signs of change towards more critical and nuanced perspectives, we offer this book as a collection of critical narratives which render visible diverse examples of non-traditional entrepreneurship as well as usually overshadowed aspects of ‘traditional’ entrepreneurship. The chapters in this book...

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English / 01/01/2017

Ethnographies of social enterprise

Purpose – As a critical and intimate form of inquiry, ethnography remains close to lived realities and equips scholars with a unique methodological angle on social phenomena. This paper aims to explore the potential gains from an increased use of ethnography in social enterprise studies.

Design/methodology/approach – The authors develop the argument through a set of dualistic...

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English / 01/01/2017

A critical understanding of entrepreneurship

In lieu of an abstract, here a short extract from the introduction:

... when using the term “critical” in CES (Critical Entrepreneurship Studies), we have in mind research which deliber- ately goes against the grain of functionalism and its deterministic view of human nature, reality and research, with the aim of opening up space to critique the canon of accepted knowledge and...

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English / 01/01/2017

Probing the power of entrepreneurship discourse: an immanent critique

In lieu of an abstract, here a brief extract from the introduction:

... in this chapter I ask how individuals targeted by the discourse of entrepreneurship either identify with or resist it. This question is investigated in the realm of development aid, a context in which discussions of entrepreneurship and business savvy have acquired increasing prominence over the last...

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English / 25/11/2016

Destituent entrepreneurship: disobeying sovereign rule, prefiguring post-capitalist reality

This article introduces ‘destituent entrepreneurship’ as a way of imagining the political thrust of entrepreneurship under conditions of crisis. Taking its cues from Giorgio Agamben’s work on destituent power, and from theories of prefigurative praxis by other thinkers, this analysis uses the occupied-enterprise movement in Argentina as an illustrative case to cultivate sensitivity...

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English / 23/08/2016

Towards a Comprehensive Financial Literacy Framework: Voices from Stakeholders in European Vocational Education and Training

The authors present a definition of financial literacy that includes individual and systemic facets as a basis for their comprehensive framework of financial literacy. The individual facets cover financial decisions in daily life, and counselling and sales situations focused on the consumer. Based on a systemic orientation, the approach also covers contextual issues of the economy...

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English / 23/05/2016

Registering ideology in the creation of social entrepreneurs: Intermediary organizations, ‘ideal subjects’, and the promise of enjoyment.

Research on social entrepreneurship has taken an increasing interest in issues pertaining to ideology. In contrast to existing research which tends to couch ‘ideology’ in pejorative terms (i.e. something which needs to be overcome), this paper conceives ideology as a key mechanism for rendering social entrepreneurship an object with which people can identify. Specifically, drawing on...

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English / 16/03/2016

Corruption: Uncovering the Price of Normative Morality and the Value of Ethics

Corruption should be understood as illustrative of an ethical problem that runs deeper than specific immoral actions. This Article sees corruption as an unethical exchange, a view that can shed light on the economic structure of normative morality (as distinguished from ethics which is the theoretical field that underlies normative morality)—a structure that enables the possibility...

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English / 01/01/2016

An Uncommon Wealth . . .Transforming the Commons With Purpose, for People and Not for Profit!

The overemphasis on individualism in much normative entrepreneurship discourse belies the powerful role played by local level and communal forms of barter, culturally based collectivist models of organization, social enterprise, and other forms of co-investment. Following Rindova et al., we argue innovation in entrepreneurship can be an emancipatory process with broad change...

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English / 21/10/2015

Beyond Guilty Verdicts: Human Rights Litigation and its Impact on Corporations' Human Rights Policies

During the last years there has been an increasing discussion on the role of business in human rights violations and an increase in human rights litigation against companies. The result of human rights litigation has been rather disillusioning because no corporation has been found guilty and most cases have been dismissed. We argue that it may nevertheless be a useful instrument for...

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English / 13/10/2015

Normativity, Ethics, and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights: A Critical Assessment

This article critically assesses the work of the UN Special Representative for Business and Human Rights (SRSG) John Ruggie. The article adopts a normative perspective on the issue. Thus, its critique is derived from the standpoint of ethics. The SRSG was instrumental in shifting the burden of proof to those who deny corporate human rights responsibilities. This achievement, however...

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English / 11/06/2015

‘‘Why Should We Care about Marriage Equality?' : Political Advocacy as a Part of Corporate Responsibility

More and more companies are publicly taking a stand on social and political issues such as gay marriage legislation. This paper argues that this type of engagement, which can be called ‘‘corporate political advocacy,'' raises new conceptual and normative challenges especially for theories of corporate responsibility. Furthermore, it poses practical challenges for managers...

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English / 29/03/2015

The tactical mimicry of social enterprise strategies: Acting ‘as if' in the everyday life of third sector organizations

Using England as a paradigmatic case of the ‘enterprising up' of the third sector through social enterprise policies and programs, this article sheds light on practitioners' resistance as enacted through dramaturgical identification with government strategies. Drawing from a longitudinal qualitative research study, which is interpreted via Michel de Certeau's theory of...

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English / 23/02/2015

The Corporate Social Responsibility Story of Chiquita : GuiléAcademicAssessment

in-depth assessment of the CSR of a multinational company - This is an in-depth study on the challenges of Corporate Social Responsibility at Chiquita, which I conducted together with Prof. Guido Palazzo and which was accompanied by Fondation Guilé. The study is based on an open-book policy through which we were granted unlimited access to internal and external resources. The result...

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English / 01/01/2015


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