Publications des institutions partenaires

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Childbearing and (female) research productivity: a personnel economics perspective on the leaky pipeline

Despite the fact that childbearing is time-consuming (i.e., associated with a negative resource effect), we descriptively find female researchers with children in business and economics to be more productive than female researchers without children. Hence, female researchers with children either manage to overcompensate the negative resource effect associated with childbearing by...

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English / 01/01/2014

Part-time employment-boon to women but bane to men? New insights on employer-provided training part-time employment

Although previous literature has found substantial differences between female and male workers in almost all labor market outcomes, the question of whether training participation differs between female and male part-time workers has been neglected. This article provides a novel examination of whether the part-time training gap is gender-dependent. Using a Swiss dataset, we find that...

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English / 01/01/2014


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