Publications des institutions partenaires

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The politics of fiscal policy during economic downturns, 1981-2010

ThisarticleinvestigatesfiscalpolicyresponsestotheGreatRecessioninhistoricalperspective.It explores general trends in the frequency, size and composition of fiscal stimulus as well as the impact of government partisanship on fiscal policy outputs during the four international recessions of 1980–1981, 1990–1991, 2001–2002 and 2008–2009. Encompassing 17–23 Organisation for Economic...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2015

The Swiss Way. The Nature of the Swiss Relationship with the EU

Swiss–EU relations are based on a set of negotiated sector-specific agreements and lack central coordinating institutions or enforcement mechanisms. At first sight, this arrangement promises a much greater degree of autonomy and self-determination towards the EU than the comprehensive and legally constraining architecture of the EEA. This official depiction has been questioned in...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2015

Women's substantive representation: defending feminist interests or women's electoral preferences?

To what extent does the inclusion of marginalized groups in policymaking institutions influence policy outcomes? This article examines whether and under which conditions female legislators are more likely to represent women's interests compared to male legislators. Building on the literature on women's substantive representation, it is argued that the advocacy of women...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2015

Rebel governance and the politics of civil war

Dominant narratives and theories developed at the turn of the 21st century in order to account for civil wars in Africa converged around the idea that this upsurge in violence was linked to state failure or decay. Violent conflict thus came to be seen as the expression of the weakness, disintegration and collapse of political institutions in the post-colonial world, and guerrilla...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2015

Women’s substantive representation: defending feminist interests or women’s electoral preferences?

To what extent does the inclusion of marginalized groups in policymaking institutions influence policy outcomes? This article examines whether and under which conditions female legislators are more likely to represent women’s interests compared to male legislators. Building on the literature on women’s substantive representation, it is argued that the advocacy of women’s interests by...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2014

Essays on export diversification, transaction costs and regional integration among developing countries

One of the most important factors which prevent developing countries from reaching a sustainable development is their vulnerability to international price shocks and to natural shocks. Opening trade with developed countries, which are far geographically and different in terms of production patterns could increase developing countries' vulnerability. On the one hand, this leads...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2014

When Supply Creates Demand: Social Democratic Party Strategies and the Evolution of Class Voting

This paper focuses on the policy strategies adopted by social democratic parties and their impact on the class basis of their support. It is argued that political appeals matter for explaining the development of class voting. This argument is tested through a comparison of the policy strategies of social democratic parties in Austria and Switzerland and the evolving patterns of class...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2014

Privacy and Democracy: A Response to James Rule

James Rule is puzzled by the ‘idiosyncratic’ approach that I take to the philosophical study of privacy. As evidence for this idiosyncracy, he cites my relative indifference to the distinction between consequentialist and deontological perspectives on privacy although these differences are proof of ‘intricate, yet enormously consequential intellectual tensions’. My choice of...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2014

Democracy and Folk Epistemology: A Reply to Talisse

According to Robert Talisse, ‘we have sufficient epistemological reasons to be democrats’ and these reasons support democracy even when we are tempted to doubt the legitimacy of democratic government. As epistemic agents, we care about the truth of our beliefs, and have reasons to want to live in an environment conducive to forming and acting on true, rather than false, beliefs....

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2014

Opposing the Government but Governing the Audience? Exploring the Differential Mediatization of Parliamentary Actors in Switzerland

This article operationalizes the mediatization of politics by comparing the expressed preferences toward the mass media between different groups of members of parliament (MPs) in three conflicted legislative decision-making processes in Switzerland. Different from elections, MPs face a more pronounced tension between audience-oriented and policy-oriented activities in legislative...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2014

The Swiss vote to curb immigration, and what it means for Europe

On February 9, Swiss voters narrowly approved the reintroduction of quotas on immigration, damaging Swiss-EU relations in the process. Why did the Swiss vote this way? Does it have anything to do with Robin Hood? And will this impact on the EU membership debate in the UK?

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2014

When Village Commons Become Global. The Role of Transnational Community-based Networks in the transformation of global norms for the commons

Since the 2000s, local communities responsible for the management of common-pool resources, such as water or forest, have started to organize themselves regionally in order to promote their mode of community-based governance. Such a change in the scale of governance and in the agency of local communities reflects the on-going globalization of common-pool resources. Furthermore, it...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2014

Assessing the institutional setting and legal basis for addressing intersectoral issues in transboundary river basins

The Water-Energy-Land Use-Ecosystems Nexus Methodology for Transboundary Basins has been developed specifically for shared water bodies, to assess intersectoral linkages, trade-offs and benefits. It has been developed under the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (Water...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2014

Class (Non)Voting in Switzerland 1971-2011: Ruptures and Continuities in a Changing Political Landscape

This article deals with the evolution of class voting in Switzerland from 1971 to 2011. It shows that class cleavage (working class versus owners/employers) has weakened in Switzerland. The existence of a large right-wing party with strong support among the working class contributes to blurring the traditional class divisions in voting. However, the analysis indicates that class...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2014

Policy environment and public motivation

This article analyzes whether and to what extent the policy environment of civil servants has an impact on their level of Public Service Motivation (PSM). It hypothesizes that public employees working in different policy domains and stages of the policy cycle are diversely motivated by four PSM orientations (Compassion, Commitment to the public interest, Self-sacrifice and Attraction...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2014

The power of functionalist extension: how EU rules travel

This contribution proposes a decentred conceptualization of Euro- pean Union (EU) international influence based on the external ramifications of its internal policies. It views the EU’s international role less as that of an emerging unitary actor than as conglomerate of loosely coupled sectoral regimes expanding their prescriptive scope towards third countries in differentiated ways...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2014

Trade Agreements as Venues for ´Market Power Europe´? The Case of Immigration Policy

In the absence of an international migration regime, the rising salience of migration issues and the limits of unilateral policies led the European Union to seek appropriate venues for co-operation with the sending and transit countries of migrants. Many of the newer relevant multilateral or regional venues are soft law frameworks. Conversely, trade agreements provide a formal, hard...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2014

Associational Involvement, Social Capital and the Political Participation of Ethno-Religious Minorities: The Case of Muslims in Switzerland

This paper looks at the determinants of the political participation of Muslims. We assess the impact of associational involvement on their overall political participation and their involvement in protest activities. We do so using original survey data consisting of a random sample of Muslim residents in Switzerland. Our analysis provides support to the argument that associational...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

Full Text

English / 01/01/2014


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