Publications des institutions partenaires

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Do all networks facilitate international commerce? US law firms and the international market for corporate control

This paper estimates the effects of several American law firms' international networks of offices on the total value of overseas mergers and acquisitions (M&A) by US corporations. Nowdays many nations can review proposed mergers and US law firms help clients overcome such regulatory hurdles, effectively greasing the market for corporate control. However, they can also oppose...

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English / 01/12/2003

Relative Demand Shocks and Relative Wage Rigidities During the Rise and Fall of Swiss Unemployment

Little is known on the existence of negative relative demand shocks against low-skilled workers on a ‘US-style' deregulated labour market with a ‘German-style' vocational (apprenticeship) education system. Switzerland provides an appealing testing ground to investigate this question. Traditionally a ‘zero unemployment' economy, Switzerland has seen an unprecedented...

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English / 01/11/2003

The Challenge of Reforming the WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding

Die im Mai 2003 abgelaufene Frist für den Abschluss der Verhandlungen über Verbesserungen und Klarstellungen zum WTO-Übereinkommen über dei Streitschlichtung (Dispute Settlement Understanding; DSU) unter dem Doha-Mandat wurde verfehlt. Die WTO-Mitglieder einigten sich jedoch im Juli 2003 auf eine Verlängerung des Verhandlungsmandates bis Ende Mai 2004. Der vorliegende Beitrag fasst...

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English / 01/09/2003

Preserving Trade Policy Flexibility in Antidumping Reform

Antidumping ist zum bevorzugten Instrument für temporäre Handelsbeschränkungen avanciert. Diese Entwicklung gibt Anlass zur Sorge, da Antidumping mit stark negativen Wohlfahrtseffekten einhergeht. Zahlreiche Reformvorschläge wurden in der Vergangenheit gemacht. Sie beinhalten im wesentlichen strengere Vorbedingungen für die Benutzung des Instruments, was zu einer Schmälerung...

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English / 01/09/2003

The WTO Dispute Settlement System: Objectives - Procedures - Experience

Workshop-Präsentation am "Model WTO" 2003; St. Gallen, 11. Juni 2003; Download der Präsentation: (210 KB)

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English / 11/06/2003

Can Developing Economies Benefit from WTO Negotiations on Binding Disciplines on Hard Core Cartels?

In September 2003 members of the World Trade Organization (WTO) must decide the terms of upon which any negotiations on a multilateral framework on competition policy are to be conducted. This decision will involve determining which, if any, provisions should be included in such a framework, and of particular interest here is the desirability of including of possible provisions on so...

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English / 01/06/2003

On the Political Economy of Environmental Policy

In the past there was hardly any use of economic instruments in environmental policy, mainly command and control measures were used. More recently, ecological taxes as well as tradable permits became more popular and voluntary agreements have been implemented. Using the Public Choice approach we ask for the reasons of this wider acceptance of economic instruments. We conclude that...

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English / 01/06/2003

Abstention because of Indifference and Alienation, and Its Consequences for Party Competition: A Simple Psychological Model

The basic idea behind this paper is that voters have to be able to distinguish the positions of the parties. Following Weber's Law this depends on the relative distance with respect to their own optimal position. Using such a measure a model of voter participation is developed which allows for abstention because of indifference as well as alienation. Two variants of this model...

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English / 01/04/2003

The Deterrent Effect of National Anti-Cartel Laws: Evidence from the International Vitamins Cartel

During the 1990s the European Commission and the United States Department of Justice between them prosecuted over 40 cartels that involved private firms and whose effects went beyond national borders. These private international cartels were found in a wide range of products - from citric acid, vitamins, newsprint, and fax paper to shipping and chemicals such as aluminium phosphide...

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English / 01/01/2003

Can Developing Countries Benefit from Negotiations on Transparency in Government Procurement in the Doha Round?

It is important to appreciate how large the world's government procurement markets are. Although precise estimates are hard to come by, a recent analysis by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) indicates that total central government expenditures of its members, excluding military spending and the compensation of state employees, was just under $2...

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English / 01/01/2003

Links between development and competition law in developing countries

The econometric literature on the effects of competition law on investment focuses almost exclusively on the consequences for inflows of foreign direct investment. What is more, the empirical papers in this literature can be counted on the figures of one hand and contain potentially contradictory findings. Precious little has been made of the potential effects of competition law...

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English / 01/01/2003

Strengthening institutional and capacity building in the area of Competition and Consumer Policy for the Central American countries: Cases of Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, and Nicaragua, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development

With the move towards democracy and measures to liberalise domestic sectors and foreign trade, policymakers in Central America and elsewhere have taken a greater interest in the linkages between consumer protection policies and economic and sustainable development. This has manifested itself in a greater commitment to implementing and enforcing national consumer protection statutes...

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English / 01/01/2003


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