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Der Bitcoin- und Blockchain-Goldrausch.

Müller, Lukas
Der Bitcoin- und Blockchain-Goldrausch.
Aktuelle Juristische Praxis,
ISSN 1660-3362


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/ 12/02/2019

Ambos, Björn; Leicht-Deobald, Ulrich & Leinemann, Alexander (2019) Understanding the formation of psychic distance perceptions: Are country-level or individual-level factors more important? International Business Review, 28 660-671. ISSN 0969-5931

This study investigates individual managers’ formation of psychic distance perceptions to foreign countries. Adopting a social psychological perspective, we propose three social-cognitive mechanisms - social comparison, mere exposure, and social learning - to help explain why and how country- and individual-level characteristics affect the formation of such perceptions. Based on an...

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/ 23/01/2019

Brühwiler, Claudia Franziska: "We're all mad here"? - Im Wunderland der US-Konservativen. Antrittsvorlesung. Universität St. Gallen, 18 December 2018.

Aus der Einleitung:

Ich nehme Sie sogleich mit nach Amerika, in die Stadt, deren Wolkenkratzer auch für Ayn Rand der Inbegriff amerikanischen Pioniergeists und Unternehmertums war: New York.
Am 29. April 1932 legte dort der Ozeandampfer Berengaria an, der als Reparationszahlung von deutschen in britische Hände gewechselt und nach dem ersten Weltkrieg zahlreiche...

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/ 19/12/2018

Frankenberger, Karolin & Zott, Christoph: The role of differentiation, integration, and governance in developing innovative business models. - Academy of Management annual Meeting 2018. - Chicago.

How can established firms that seek to innovate their business models organize best to achieve high degrees of novelty in the resulting business model designs? Rooted in corporate entrepreneurship literature we develop and test a model that explains why the degree of novelty of business model designs depends on the extent of alignment between differentiation, integration and...

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/ 16/11/2018

Perkins, Greg & Murmann, Johann P. (2018) What Does the Success of Tesla Mean for the Future Dynamics in the Global Automobile Sector? Management and Organization Review, 14 (3). 471-480.

After reading Jacobides, MacDuffie, and Tae (2016), the success of Tesla in launching a new automobile company in a crowded sector puzzled us. Jacobides, MacDuffie, and Tae (2016) had convinced us that developing the capabilities to become the manufacturer of a complete, safe automobile system would be quite difficult. Researching the development history of Tesla, we have pieced...

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/ 13/11/2018

Murmann, Johann P.; Huang, Can & Xiaobo, Wu: Constructing large multinational corporations from China: East meets West at Huawei, 1987-2017. 2018. - Academy of Management Annual Meeting (AOM) 2018. - Chicago.

The telecommunication enterprise Huawei, founded in 1987, is one of few multinational
companies emerging from China to date. The development of the capabilities that allowed
Huawei to become a formidable competitor on the global stage undoubtedly owes a great deal to
importation of best practice routines from the West with the help of western consulting firms....

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/ 25/10/2018

Murmann, Johann P. & Landau, Ralph: On the Making of Competitive Advantage: The Development of the Chemical Industries in Britain and Germany since 1850. In Chemicals and Long-Term Economic Growth: Insights from the Chemical Industry. New York : John Wiley & Sons, 1998,

Murmann, Johann P. & Landau, Ralph: On the Making of Competitive Advantage: The Development of the Chemical Industries in Britain and Germany since 1850. In Chemicals and Long-Term Economic Growth: Insights from the Chemical Industry. New York : John Wiley & Sons, 1998,

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/ 25/10/2018

Murmann, Johann P. & Frenken, Koen: Toward a Systematic Framework for Research on Dominant Designs, Technological Innovations, and Industrial Change. In Creative Destruction. UK : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2017, S. 925-952.

The concept of a dominant design has taken on a quasi-paradigmatic status in analyses of the link between technological and industrial dynamics. A review of the empirical literature reveals a variety of interpretations about some aspects of the phenomenon such as its underlying causal mechanisms and its level of analysis. To stimulate further progress in empirical research on...

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/ 24/10/2018

Murmann, Johann P.: Chemical Industries after 1850. In Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History. Oxford University Press, 2003, S. 398-406.

This essay covers the development of the chemical industry from 1850 to 2000 in 4500 words. It is meant to give a concise overview of the economics signifance, the key innovations, the market structures, the environmental impact of the chemical industry. For a more detailed account of the chemical industry, read "Chemicals and Long-Term Economic Growth" edited by Ashish Arora, Ralph...

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/ 24/10/2018

Murmann, Johann P.; Aldrich, Howard; Levinthal, Daniel & Winter, Sidney: Evolutionary Thought in Management and Organization Theory at the Beginning of the New Millennium. In The Evolution of Organizations. UK : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2012,

The beginning of a new millennium provides a welcome opportunity to take stock of the accomplishments, open questions, and most promising research avenues of evolutionary models in management and organization theory. Johann Peter Murmann has invited Howard Aldrich, Daniel Levinthal, and Sidney Winter to appraise the state of the art in evolutionary research and where scholarly...

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/ 24/10/2018

Murmann, Johann P.: Evolutionary Perspectives. In The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Management. Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, 2015, S. 114-115.

Evolutionary perspectives contend that complex structures in the social and the biological world have developed over time through causal processes that require little or no foresight but considerable trial and error. Evolutionary thought in organizational analysis comprises two distinct intellectual lines. The first, concerned with organizational change, relies to a considerable...

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/ 24/10/2018

Hettich, Erwin & Müller-Stewens, Günter: Tesla Motors. Business Model Configuration. In de Wit, Bob (ed.): Strategy: An International Perspective. Hampshire : Cengage Learning, 2017, S. 759-774.

Hettich, Erwin & Müller-Stewens, Günter: Tesla Motors. Business Model Configuration. In de Wit, Bob (ed.): Strategy: An International Perspective. Hampshire : Cengage Learning, 2017, S. 759-774.

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/ 24/10/2018

Murmann, Johann P. & Frenken, Koen: Toward a Systematic Framework for Research on Dominant Designs, Technological Innovations, and Industrial Change. In The New Evolutionary Economics. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2014,

The concept of a dominant design has taken on a quasi-paradigmatic status in analyses of the link between technological and industrial dynamics. A review of the empirical literature reveals a variety of interpretations about some aspects of the phenomenon such as its underlying causal mechanisms and its level of analysis. To stimulate further progress in empirical research on...

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/ 23/10/2018

Brenner, Thomas & Murmann, Johann P.: Using Simulation Experiments to Test Historical Explanations: The Development of the German Dye Industry 1857–1913. In Foundations of Economic Change. Springer, 2017,

In a simulation experiment, building on the abductive simulation approach of Brenner and Werker (2007), we test historical explanations for why German firms came to surpass British and France firms and to dominate the global synthetic dye industry for three decades before World War 1 while the U.S. never achieved large market share despite large home demand. Murmann and Homburg (2001...

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/ 23/10/2018

Murmann, Johann P.; Stephan, John; Goodstein, Jerry & Bocker, Warren (1997) Competition in a Multimarket Environment: The Case of Market Exit. Organization Science, 8 (2). 126-142.

Studies of competition typically have two underlying assumptions: that competition occurs within the boundaries of industries or markets and that all firms in a market or industry are affected equally by competitive pressures. The concept of multipoint competition challenges both assumptions. Multipoint theory addresses how different levels of contact between firms across multiple...

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/ 22/10/2018

Murmann, Johann P. (2000) Knowledge and Competitive Advantage in the Synthetic Dye Industry, 1850–1914: The Coevolution of Firms, Technology, and National Institutions in Great Britain, Germany, and the United States. Enterprise & Society, 1 (4). 699-704.

It is London 1856. William Henry Perkin serendipitously invents the first synthetic dye while he is trying to synthesize quinine, a medicine for malaria. The nineteen-year-old Perkin leaves the Royal College of Chemistry and quickly commercializes his aniline purple dye, launching the synthetic dye industry. From that time on, the industry continues to dazzle the eye with ever new...

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/ 22/10/2018

Murmann, Johann P.; Aldrich, Howard E.; Levinthal, Daniel & Winter, Sidney G. (2003) Evolutionary Thought in Management and Organization Theory at the Beginning of the New Millennium. Journal of Management Inquiry, 12 (1). 22-40. ISSN 1056-4926

The beginning of a new millennium provides a welcome opportunity to take stock of the accomplishments, open questions, and most promising research avenues of evolutionary models in management and organization theory. Johann Peter Murmann has invited Howard Aldrich, Daniel Levinthal, and Sidney Winter to appraise the state of the art in evolutionary research and where scholarly...

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/ 22/10/2018


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