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A Practice Theory Approach to Sustainable Consumption

Sustainable consumption is often reduced to consumer choices or forms of product appropriation. Such a narrow focus on individual acts neglects their role in reproducing social order and only shows the top of the iceberg of consumption. In contrast, reconstructing consumption as a part of social practices sheds light on the fundament of the iceberg and shows how everyday consumption...

English / 27/06/2014

Negotiating privilege: Power dynamics in linguistically diverse organizations.

Critical diversity studies have pointed out the need for more empirical studies on the dynamics of power and diversity in organizations. Exploring how the diverse workforce itself experiences diversity is required. This paper makes a contribution to meeting the research agenda by empirically examining the negotiation processes around privilege in linguistically diverse organizations...

English / 08/06/2014

Drei Papis und ein Baby : Das Spiel in der Puppenecke hat grosses Potenzial für die Förderung der Gleichstellung

Vielfältige Familienformen sowie in der Kinderbetreuung aktive Väter und berufstätige Mütter sind Teil der Alltagserfahrungen heutiger Kinder und sollten auch im freien Rollenspiel in der Puppenecke ihren Ausdruck finden. Sowohl die pädagogische Gestaltung des Rollenspielbereichs wie auch die Spielbegleitung haben so das Potenzial zur Förderung der Gleichstellung.

Deutsch / 04/04/2014

Towards a topology of 'doing gender': An analysis of empirical research and its challenges

‘Doing gender' is a much used term in research on gender, work and organizations. However, translating theoretical insight into empirical research is often a challenging endeavour. A lack of clarity with regard to the conceptualization and operationalization of key terms in turn often limits the theoretical and empirical purchase of a concept. The aim of this article is...

English / 01/03/2014

The City as Socio-Material Performance

In recent years, attempts to move urban planning from a focus on formal designs to processes of organizing that take place outside and across the boundaries of well-defined planning projects have gathered steam. The presentation seeks to contribute to this movement through a conceptual and empirical reconsideration and revitalization of the notion of participation. Empirically, the...

English / 20/02/2014

Coaching als integratives Lehr- und Lernkonzept im Rahmen der Weiterbildung von Erwachsenen

Wie können individuelle Coaching- und organisationale Supervisionskonzepte auf das Coaching von Gruppen im Rahmen von Weiterbildungen an Hochschulen übertragen werden? Wenn es um das Coaching von individuellen Anliegen im Rahmen von Gruppen in einem Weiterbildungssetting geht, dann stellen sich mehrere Herausforderungen. Anders als in "klassischen" Supervisionssettings gibt...

Deutsch / 20/02/2014

Counteracting skill decay: four refresher

In process automation, skill decay has not been investigated systematically. In two experimental studies, refresher interventions (RIs) were compared to support skill and knowledge retention of a start-up procedure on a simulated process control task. Based on theories of proceduralisation, the 'testing-effect' and mental practice, four different RIs were designed. In Study...

English / 01/02/2014

Leadership 2.0 - Führung in digitalen Zeiten : Leadership- Chancen und Herausforderungen der Digitalisierung

Das Verständnis von Führung in Unternehmen ist im Wandel begriffen. Führungskräfte stehen jeden Tag vor neuen Herausforderungen und müssen in kürzester Zeit Veränderungen bewältigen und Chancen ergreifen können. Dabei
wird erwartet, dass sie Höchstleistungen erbringen, Innovationen vorantreiben,
Kunden begeistern und die Potenziale von Mitarbeiterengagement und

Full Text

Deutsch / 01/01/2014

Careers in Transition : Continuity, Complexity and Conflicting Desires in the Discursive Identity Construction of Ex-Consultants

Volltext unter:$FILE/dis4282.pdf

This dissertation investigates notions of continuity, complexity and conflicting desires in the identity construction of ex-consultants, especially as they make sense of a past career transition: away from the...

English / 01/01/2014


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