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Strategic transfer pricing, absorption costing, and observability

This paper analyses the use of transfer pricing as a strategic device in divisionalized firms facing duopolistic price competition. When transfer prices are observable, both firms’ headquarters will charge a transfer price above the marginal cost of the intermediate product to induce their marketing managers to behave as softer competitors in the final product market. When transfer...

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English / 01/01/2000

Strategic transfer pricing, absorption costing, and observability

This paper analyses the use of transfer pricing as a strategic device in divisionalized firms facing duopolistic price competition. When transfer prices are observable, both firms’ headquarters will charge a transfer price above the marginal cost of the intermediate product to induce their marketing managers to behave as softer competitors in the final product market. When transfer...

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English / 01/01/2000

Fast high precision decision rules for valuing manufacturing flexibility

The valuation of Flexible Manufacturing Systems is one of the most frequently undertaken productivity improvement activities. In practice, the introduction of an FMS into industry must be done on the basis of cost justification. Recently developed techniques for the evaluation of the value of flexibility typically include the computation of stochastic dynamic programs. However, the...

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English / 01/01/2000

Sportethische Kasuistik

Herausgegeben im Auftrag der Görres Gesellschaft von Wilhelm Korff, Alois Baumgartner, Hermann Franz, Joachim Genosko, Karl Homann, Christian Kirchner, Wolfgang Kluxen, Hans Ulrich Küpper, Arnold Picot und Trutz Rendtorff. Das Handbuch der Wirtschaftsethik stellt das Gespräch zwischen Ökonomie und Ethik auf eine neue Grundlage: In vier Bänden wird auf mehr als 2.000 Seiten die...

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Deutsch / 01/01/1999

A performance comparison of strategic transfer pricing and tidy cost allocation in presence of product market competition and congestion costs

This paper compares the performance of transfer pricing and tidy cost allocations in a multiproduct firm in presence of output market competition and production externalities. In absence of competition, tidy cost allocations are creating inefficient allocations within the firm while transfer prices can always be adjusted to replicate the first best solution of the centralized firm....

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English / 01/01/1999

Pretiale Lenkung als Instrument der Wettbewerbsstrategie

One of the major functions of transfer pricing is the optimal coordination of internal trade between responsibility centers in decentralized firms. According to standard theory the efficient level of internal trade is achieved by marginal cost pricing. If one of the firm's profit centers faces duopolistic competition on the final product market, the firm's headquarters can...

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Deutsch / 01/01/1998


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