The unrecognized future dimension of corporate sustainability assessment



Schneider, Anselm


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Companies play a central role on the way towards sustainable development. Over the last years, many approaches have emerged that attempt to measure companies’ contribution to sustainable development, i.e. corporate sustainability. Our analysis of existing approaches reveals two major shortcomings. First, value creation as a core condition for sustainability as well as for further contributions to economic sustainability is often ignored in these assessments. Second, existing approaches fail to differentiate between the actual contribution of a firm to sustainability on one hand and the structural and managerial measures aimed at attaining this contribution on the other hand. We argue that the implementation of sustainability oriented organizational structures and managerial instruments alone does not necessarily guarantee sustainability performance. In response to these shortcomings we put forward a generic framework for corporate sustainability assessment. Besides the dimension of current sustainability performance we introduce the notion of future-orientation of management as the second – and so far unrecognized – dimension of corporate sustainability assessment.





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