Publications des institutions partenaires

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Psychometric properties of the Polish versions of the HEXACO-60 and the HEXACO-100 personality inventories

Skimina, Ewa; Strus, Włodzimierz; Cieciuch, Jan; Szarota, Piotr; Izdebski, Pawel K (2020). Psychometric properties of the Polish versions of the HEXACO-60 and the HEXACO-100 personality inventories. Current Issues in Personality Psychology, 8(3):259-278.

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English / 26/01/2021

The Rise of Machine Learning in Marketing: Goal, Process, and Benefit of AI-Driven Marketing

Mari, Alex (2019). The Rise of Machine Learning in Marketing: Goal, Process, and Benefit of AI-Driven Marketing. Zurich: Swiss Cognitive.

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English / 26/01/2021

Voice Commerce: Understanding Shopping-Related Voice Assistants and their Effect on Brands

Mari, Alex (2019). Voice Commerce: Understanding Shopping-Related Voice Assistants and their Effect on Brands. In: IMMAA Annual Conference, Northwestern University in Qatar, Doha, 4 October 2019 - 6 October 2019.

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English / 26/01/2021

Wie mit künstlicher Intelligenz umgehen? Die Gesellschaft begegnet der Digitalisierung teilweise mit tiefem Misstrauen. Um die Chancen der künstlichen Intelligenz für die Gesellschaft nutzbar zu machen, muss man diese Skepsis ernst nehmen.

Mader, Clemens; Cas, Johann; Scherer, Anne (2020). Wie mit künstlicher Intelligenz umgehen? Die Gesellschaft begegnet der Digitalisierung teilweise mit tiefem Misstrauen. Um die Chancen der künstlichen Intelligenz für die Gesellschaft nutzbar zu machen, muss man diese Skepsis ernst nehmen. Die Volkswirtschaft, 2020(8-9):53-55.

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English / 26/01/2021

Geteilte Verantwortung

Scherer, Anne; Wenzel, Claudia (2020). Geteilte Verantwortung. In: Fieke, Nadine. Wert von Daten. Zürich: Stiftung Mercator Schweiz, 55-57.

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English / 26/01/2021

Challenges and practices of interviewing business elites

Ma, Shenghui; Seidl, David; McNulty, Terry (2021). Challenges and practices of interviewing business elites. Strategic Organization, 19(1):81-96.

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English / 26/01/2021

The role of time-varying contextual factors in latent attrition models for customer base analysis

Bachmann, Patrick; Meierer, Markus; Näf, Jeffrey (2021). The role of time-varying contextual factors in latent attrition models for customer base analysis. Marketing Science:Epub ahead of print.

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English / 22/01/2021

How has external knowledge contributed to lithium-ion batteries for the energy transition?

Stephan, Annegret; Anadon, Laura D.; Hoffmann, Volker H.

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English, Deutsch / 22/01/2021

Webinar zum LehrstellenPuls: Ergebnisse LehrstellenPuls Dezember 2020

Bolli, Thomas; Caves, Katherine M.; Pusterla, Filippo; Rageth, Ladina; Renold, Ursula; Sritharan, Aranya; Trachsel Díaz-Tejeiro, Sandra

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English, Deutsch / 21/01/2021

Concern for the Transgressor’s Consequences: An Explanation for Why Wrongdoing Remains Unreported

Khan, Saera R; Howe, Lauren (2020). Concern for the Transgressor’s Consequences: An Explanation for Why Wrongdoing Remains Unreported. Journal of Business Ethics:Epub ahead of print.

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English / 18/01/2021

WP - 2021-01-18 - Jens H. E. Christensen and Nikola Mirkov: The safety premium of safe assets

Safe assets usually trade at a premium due to their high credit quality and deep liquidity. To understand the role of credit quality for such premia, we focus on Swiss Confederation bonds, which are extremely safe but not particularly liquid. We therefore refer to their premia as safety premia and quantify them using an arbitrage-free term structure model that accounts for time-…

Institution partenaire

Banque nationale suisse

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English / 18/01/2021

WP - 2021-01-15 - Till Ebner, Thomas Nellen and Jörn Tenhofen: The rise of digital watchers

Many consumers use payment instruments to control their budget. Previously, such behavior has been associated with checking disposable cash ("pocket watching"). Based on recent survey data, we show that "digital watchers" have emerged, i.e., noncash payers who use digital applications to control their budget. Both watcher types have distinct characteristics. Pocket watchers tend to…

Institution partenaire

Banque nationale suisse

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English / 15/01/2021

The value of publicly available, textual and non-textual information for startup performance prediction

Kaiser, Ulrich; Kuhn, Johan M (2020). The value of publicly available, textual and non-textual information for startup performance prediction. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 14:e00179.

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English / 14/01/2021

How employees react to unsolicited and solicited advice in the Workplace: Implications for using advice, learning, and performance

Landis, Blaine; Fisher, Colin M; Menges, Jochen (2021). How employees react to unsolicited and solicited advice in the Workplace: Implications for using advice, learning, and performance. Journal of Applied Psychology:Epub ahead of print.

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English / 14/01/2021

Résultats du Pouls des places d’apprentissage d'décembre 2020

Bolli, Thomas; Caves, Katherine M.; Pusterla, Filippo; Rageth, Ladina; Renold, Ursula; Sritharan, Aranya; Trachsel Díaz-Tejeiro, Sandra

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English, Deutsch / 14/01/2021

Ergebnisse LehrstellenPuls Dezember 2020

Bolli, Thomas; Caves, Katherine M.; Pusterla, Filippo; Rageth, Ladina; Renold, Ursula; Sritharan, Aranya; Trachsel Díaz-Tejeiro, Sandra

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English, Deutsch / 14/01/2021

Apprenticeship Pulse Results December 2020

Bolli, Thomas; Caves, Katherine M.; Pusterla, Filippo; Rageth, Ladina; Renold, Ursula; Sritharan, Aranya; Trachsel Díaz-Tejeiro, Sandra

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English, Deutsch / 14/01/2021

Asthmamanagement mit MAX, einem Chatbot für Fachpersonen, Betroffene und Familienmitglieder

Kowatsch, Tobias; Schachner, Theresa; Harperink, Samira; Barata, Filipe; Dittler, Ullrich; Xiao, Grace; Stanger, Catherine; Fleisch, Elgar; von Wangenheim, Florian; Oswald, Helmut; Möller, Alexander

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English, Deutsch / 13/01/2021

Smartphone-basierte Hustenerkennung – Auf dem Weg zu einem digitalen Biomarker für chronische Atemwegserkrankungen

Cleres, David; Rassouli, Frank; Fleisch, Elgar; Brutsche, Martin; Kowatsch, Tobias; Barata, Filipe

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English, Deutsch / 13/01/2021

Breeze, ein spielerisches Biofeedback Atemtraining für das Smartphone: Physiologische Reaktionen und subjektive Einschätzungen aus einem Labor- und Online-Experiment

Lukic, Yanick Xavier; Klein, Shari; Shih, Iris; Tomita, Naofumi; Galliker, Helen; Kowatsch, Tobias

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English, Deutsch / 13/01/2021


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