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Specific investment and negotiated transfer pricing in an international transfer pricing model

We study the efficiency of negotiated transfer pricing for solving a bilateral hold-up problem in a multinational enterprise. We show that negotiated transfer pricing will generally not provide incentives for an efficient renegotiation of the initial contract and efficient investments because the divisions possess only one instrument for solving two problems. Either they minimize…

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English / 01/01/2013

Specific investment and negotiated transfer pricing in an international transfer pricing model

We study the efficiency of negotiated transfer pricing for solving a bilateral hold-up problem in a multinational enterprise. We show that negotiated transfer pricing will generally not provide incentives for an efficient renegotiation of the initial contract and efficient investments because the divisions possess only one instrument for solving two problems. Either they minimize…

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English / 01/01/2013

Zusammenhang zwischen Nachhaltigkeitsperformance und Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung – Legitimität oder finanzielle Überlegungen?

Both theoretical considerations as well as empirical findings report mixed results on the relationship between sustainability disclosure and sustainability performance. Theoretical considerations are mainly based on legitimacy theory and voluntary disclosure theory. Due to shortcomings of previous studies with regard to the measurement of the main variables, our paper concentrates on…

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Deutsch / 01/01/2013

Why do corporate actors engage in pro-social behavior? A Bourdieusian perspective on CSR

Drawing on Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of social practice, this article develops a novel approach to the study of corporate social responsibility (CSR). According to this approach, pro-social activities are conceptualized as social practices that individual managers employ in their efforts to attain social power. Whether such practices are enacted or not depends on (1) the particular…

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English / 01/01/2013

Aubin property and uniqueness of solutions in cone constrained optimization

We discuss conditions for the Aubin property of solutions to perturbed cone constrained programs, by using and refining results given in Klatte-Kummer "Nonsmooth Equations in Optimization", Kluwer, 2002. In particular, we show that constraint nondegeneracy and hence uniqueness of the multiplier is necessary for the Aubin property of the critical point map. Moreover, we give…

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English / 01/01/2013

Theory matters for financial advice!

We show that the optimal asset allocation for an investor depends crucially on the theory with which the investor is modeled. For the same market data and the same client data different theories lead to different portfolios. The market data we consider is standard asset allocation data. The client data is determined by a standard risk profiling question and the theories we apply are…

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English / 01/01/2013

Margin Regulation and Volatility

In this paper we examine the quantitative effects of margin regulation on volatility in asset markets. We consider a general equilibrium infinite-horizon economy with heterogeneous agents and collateral constraints. There are two assets in the economy which can be used as collateral for short-term loans. For the first asset the margin requirement is exogenously regulated while the…

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English / 01/01/2013

Organisationskommunikation und Public Relations Organisations- trifft Kommunikationsforschung: Der Beitrag der „Communication Constitutes Organization“-Perspektive (CCO)

This article introduces one emergent theoretical perspective from the North American research field of organizational communication that has come to be called “communication constitutes organization“ (CCO). The CCO perspective ascribes to communication a fundamental role in the constitution of organizations: Organizations basically consist of interconnected events of communication.…

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Deutsch / 01/01/2013

Explaining cooperative enterprises through knowledge acquisition outcomes

This paper develops a model of a cooperative enterprise and compares it to a vertically separated market. In our model of a multi-stage production process, agents can acquire costly knowledge to decrease production costs. Our model shows that the cooperative acquires less non-generalizable knowledge than the market, but more generalizable knowledge if the large member in the…

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English / 01/01/2013

Im Schatten der Sportwirtschaft

Im Schatten der Sportwirtschaft lautet der Titel der 16. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises Sportökonomie e.V., welche in Magglingen Schweiz vom 3. bis 5. Mai 2012 veranstaltet wurde.
Der Tagungsband sammelt Beiträge, welche eine Reihe von Phänomenen, jenseits der stets betrachteten Sonnenseite des Sports diskutieren. Das Hauptinteresse gilt nicht den Preisgeldern, Transfersummen…

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Deutsch / 01/01/2013

Die Arbeit in einem Produktionsnetzwerk ist ein Mannschaftssport: 5 Taktiken für ein erfolgreiches Spiel

Most of today’s manufacturing companies are organized in networks. Discussions concerning these networks include the global footprint, but hardly how the sites can be successfully coordinated. Leaning at coordination mechanisms known from team sports, this article provides five tactics of how the network coordination can be done successfully. These include a consequent reassessment…

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Deutsch / 01/01/2013


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