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Socially responsible investing and stock performance: New empirical evidence for the US and European stock markets

This paper empirically examines the theoretically ambivalent relationship between socially responsible investing (SRI) and stock performance. It contributes to the existing literature by considering both the US and the entire European stock markets and by using consistent world-wide corporate sustainability performance data. Our portfolio analysis from 1998 to 2009 is based on the…

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English / 01/11/2014

Nachhaltigkeit und Risiken bei Immobilieninvestitionen : Konzepte und Entscheidungsgrundlagen für die Praxis

Viele Entscheidungen im Zusammenhang mit Immobilien sind im Kern Investitionsentscheidungen. Wie bei jeder Kapitalanlage sind für dabei Rendite und Risiko als Entscheidungskriterien einzubeziehen. Zur Beurteilung der Rentabilität stehen heute eine Vielzahl von Methoden und Verfahren zur Verfügung. Zur Beurteilung der mit Immobilieninvestitionen verbundenen Risiken fehlen jedoch…

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Deutsch / 01/09/2014

Can system dynamics learn from social network analysis?

This article deals with the analysis of large or complex system dynamics (SD) models, exploring the benefits of a multimethodological approach to model analysis. We compare model analysis results from SD and social network analysis (SNA) by deploying SNA techniques on a pertinent example from the SD literature—the world dynamics model. Although SNA is a clearly distinct method from…

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English / 24/07/2014

Embracing ambiguity – lessons from the study of corporate social responsibility throughout the rise and decline of the modern welfare state

In the work of Karl Polanyi, the negative effects of a self-regulating market economy are described as being limited by societal forces such as the policies of the welfare state. With the decline of the modern welfare state since the late 1970s, social activities of business firms are increasingly regarded as an important complement to or even as a substitute for welfare state…

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English / 01/07/2014

The principle of common concern and climate change

Effective policies combating global warming and incentivising reduction of greenhouse gases face fundamental collective action problems. States defending short term interests avoid international commitments and seek to benefit from measures combating global warming taken elsewhere. The paper explores the potential of Common Concern as an emerging principle of international law, in…

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English / 01/06/2014

Kaffee, Kakao, Bananen: Gut und Böse sind nicht mehr so klar verteilt

Nachhaltige Landwirtschaft wird in Wohlstandgesellschaften wie der unseren gerne mit der Förderung von Bio und Fair Trade in Verbindung gebracht. Kaum jemand kennt jedoch Standards der Nachhaltigkeit wie Rainforest Alliance, UTZ (Umwelt- und Sozialbestimmungen), SA8000 (Arbeiterschutz) oder Technoserve (Armutsbekämpfung durch Ermächtigung zum Unternehmertum). Bei diesen Labels sollen…

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Deutsch / 11/05/2014

The motivation and impact of organized public resistance against agricultural biotechnology

Fifteen years of experience with the commercial cultivation of genetically modified (GM) corps and countless national and international risk assessments of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) suggest that the risks related to this new technology are not any different from those already known in conventional agriculture. Despite these reassuring findings, public distrust toward GMOs…

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English / 28/03/2014

The influence of pension funds on corporate governance

Although pension funds have gained importance in the last two decades, their role has not been described in detail by economic models. This article focuses on the scope of these institutional investors when they are not satisfied with a management team of a company in which the pension fund holds a block of shares. Stock holdings by pension funds are largely dispersed. Therefore, any…

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English / 28/03/2014

Unternehmen, Menschenrechte und Global Governance: Zur Umsetzung von Compliance auf Unternehmensebene

Wie die Unternehmenspraxis zeigt, greifen Compliance und CSR ineinander und werden regelmäßig gemeinsam betrachtet. Der Tagungsband vereint die aktuelle Diskussion dieser Themen, indem er die Idee von Compliance mit geltendem Recht mit der Forderung nach freiwilliger Mehrverantwortung im Sinne von CSR zusammenführt und die aktuellen Fragestellungen der Unternehmenspraxis mit der…

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Deutsch / 01/02/2014


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