Publications des institutions partenaires

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The impact of skills, working time allocation and peer effects on the entrepreneurial intentions of scientists

Little is currently known about the effects of skill composition on academic entrepreneurship. Therefore, in this paper, following Lazear’s (J Labor Econ 23(4):649–680, 2005) jack-of-all-trades approach, we study how the composition of a scientist’s skills affects his or her intention to become an entrepreneur. Extending Lazear, we examine how the effect of balanced skills is…

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English / 01/01/2015

Does the director election system matter? Evidence from majority voting

We examine the effect of a change in the director election system—the switch from a plurality voting standard to a more stringent standard known as majority voting (MV). Using a regression discontinuity design, we document abnormal returns of 1.43–1.60 % around annual meeting dates where shareholder proposals to adopt MV are voted upon, suggesting that shareholders perceive the…

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English / 01/01/2015

Practical relevance of practice-based research on strategy

In this chapter we review practice-based studies that have examined the ontological and epistemological conditions for producing strategy research that proves relevant to management practice. Drawing on these works, we argue that researchers inevitably adopt a scholastic point of view, which makes it impossible to capture directly the logic of strategy practice. However, scholars can…

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English / 01/01/2015

Much ado about nothing? Sustainability disclosure in the banking industry

This paper examines the sustainability disclosure in the banking industry with respect to potential greenwashing. We build a theoretical framework to assess the sustainability disclosure along materiali-ty criteria in the banking industry and apply this framework to the corporate sustainability reporting of two global systemically important banks. The results of our case study point…

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English / 01/01/2015

Testing for measurement invariance by detecting local misspecification and an illustration across online and paper-and-pencil samples

Political scientists often need to evaluate whether samples are comparable,for example, when analysing different countries or time points or when comparing data collected using different methods. A necessary condition for conducting such meaningful cross-group comparisons is the establishment of measurement invariance. One of the most frequently used procedures for establishing…

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English / 01/01/2015

Skill heterogeneity in startups and its development over time

We study how startup teams are assembled in terms of team member human capital characteristics. To this end, we derive a statistically motivated benchmark for new venture team heterogeneity in terms of observed team member characteristics to generate stylized facts about team member diversity at startup and how it evolves as the new venture matures. We use the population of Danish…

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English / 01/01/2015


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