Publications des institutions partenaires

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The UN Global Compact as a Learning Approach

It is our intention here to discuss the consequences of globalization for corporate responsibility and global governance. We shall highlight the role of the Global Compact and its goals and describe Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as a corporate learning process. We shall then discuss the challenges in this learning process by pointing out what corporations must learn, and…

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English / 01/01/2010

Frauen in Führungspositionen in der Wirtschaft

In fast allen Ländern sind Frauen in Führungspositionen – gemessen an ihrem prozentualen Vorkommen als Erwerbstätige -immer noch stark unterrepräsentiert. Dieser Beitrag analysiert den Frauenanteil in Kaderpositionen in der Schweiz und diskutiert optionale Erklärungen für die Unterrepräsentation von Frauen:(1)Diskriminierung in Folge des vorherrschenden Stereotypes männlicher…

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Deutsch / 01/01/2010

The production of entrepreneurial opportunity: A constructivist perspective

This article presents a conceptual model of entrepreneurial opportunity production from a constructivist perspective. The model assumes that opportunity production proceeds through several stages, including conceptualization of an opportunity idea by an entrepreneur, objectification of that idea, and enactment of the opportunity into a new venture. However, not all opportunity ideas…

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English / 01/01/2010

Discussion of decentralized capacity management and internal pricing

Dutta and Reichelstein (2010) study the role of transfer pricing and organizational choice in providing incentives for efficient decisions on the acquisition and subsequent reallocation of capacity within decentralized firms. Their analysis suggests that transfer prices based on the historical cost of capacity facilitate the efficient allocation of resources. They also find that…

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English / 01/01/2010

Discussion of decentralized capacity management and internal pricing

Dutta and Reichelstein (2010) study the role of transfer pricing and organizational choice in providing incentives for efficient decisions on the acquisition and subsequent reallocation of capacity within decentralized firms. Their analysis suggests that transfer prices based on the historical cost of capacity facilitate the efficient allocation of resources. They also find that…

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English / 01/01/2010

Optimal precision of accounting information in debt financing

This paper studies qualitative characteristics of accounting systems that are used in debt financing. We consider a financially constrained firm that provides to lenders information on the value of assets that serve as collateral in a financing contract for a risky investment project. We find that the investor prefers an accounting system that provides biased signals about the value…

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English / 01/01/2010

Optimal precision of accounting information in debt financing

This paper studies qualitative characteristics of accounting systems that are used in debt financing. We consider a financially constrained firm that provides to lenders information on the value of assets that serve as collateral in a financing contract for a risky investment project. We find that the investor prefers an accounting system that provides biased signals about the value…

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English / 01/01/2010


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