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Human resource management and radical innovation: a fuzzy-set QCA of US multinationals in Germany, Switzerland, and the UK

This paper explores, based on the varieties-of-capitalism approach, configurations of key human resource management practices that explain radical innovation in subsidiaries. A fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis is conducted with data for 69 subsidiaries of US-based MNEs in Germany, Switzerland, and the UK. Contrary to the implications of the varieties-of-capitalism…

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English / 01/01/2016

Effectiveness of Social Media Communication - An Empirical Analysis of Key Performance Drivers

Despite the fact that most companies have embraced social media as part of the mar-keting mix, there still remains a significant lack of knowledge as to what drives com-munication effectiveness in this new kind of peer-to-peer environment where tradi-tional, well-settled marketing communication paradigms like domination and control do show their limits. Accordingly, corporate…

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English / 01/01/2016

Stochastic Integrated Assessment of Ecosystem Tipping Risk

One of the major potential consequences of climate change is damage to earth’s ecosystems, damage which could manifest itself in the form of tipping risks. We establish an economic growth model of ecosystem tipping risks, set in the context of possible forest dieback. We consider different specifications of impacts arising from the forest dieback tipping point, specifications such as…

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English / 01/01/2016

Business statesman or shareholder advocate? CEO responsible leadership styles and the micro-foundations of Political CSR

In this article we pursue two objectives. First, we refine the concept of responsible leadership from an upper echelon perspective by exploring two distinct styles (instrumental and integrative) and thereby further developing the understanding of the newly emerging integrative style. Second, we propose a framework that examines the micro-foundations of political corporate social…

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English / 01/01/2016

Decomposing the effects of online customer reviews on brand, price, and product attributes

Online customer reviews (OCRs) have become a major source of information for customers in the Internet. Understanding the impact of OCRs on customers' decisions is an important challenge for academics and practitioners. We apply a choice-based conjoint experiment that combines all relevant levels of the OCR dimensions (valence, volume, and variance) and that estimates the effect…

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English / 01/01/2016

Mechanism design and intentions

We introduce intention-based social preferences into mechanism design. We explore information structures that differ with respect to what is commonly known about the weight that agents attach to reciprocal kindness. When the designer has no information on reciprocity types, implementability of an incentive-compatible social choice function is guaranteed if it satisfies an additional…

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English / 01/01/2016

Veränderungen in der gruppenspezifischen Nutzung von ganztägigen Schulangeboten - Längsschnittanalysen für den Primarbereich

Seit Beginn des Bundes-Investitionsprogramms „Zukunft Bildung und Betreuung“ (IZBB) im Jahr 2003 hat sich der Anteil der Grundschulkinder, die ganztägig eine Schule besuchen, mehr als vervierfacht. Vor diesem Hintergrund untersucht der vorliegende Beitrag zum einen, welche demografischen und sozioökonomischen Merkmale Kinder aufweisen, die ganztägige Schulangebote nutzen. Zum anderen…

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Deutsch / 01/01/2016

Irrational time allocation in decision-making

Time is an extremely valuable resource but little is known about the efficiency of time allocation in decision-making. Empirical evidence suggests that in many ecologically relevant situations, decision difficulty and the relative
reward from making a correct choice, compared to an incorrect one, are inversely linked, implying that it is optimal to use relatively less time for…

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English / 01/01/2016

Innovation vs. imitation and the evolution of productivity distributions

We develop a tractable dynamicmodel of productivity growth and technology spillovers that is consistent with the emergence of real world empirical productivity distributions. Firms can improve productivity by engaging in in-house R&D, or alternatively, by trying to imitate other firms’ technologies, subject to the limits of their absorptive capacities. The outcome of both…

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English / 01/01/2016

Assessing statistical significance in multivariable genome wide association analysis

Motivation: Although Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS) genotype a very large number of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), the data is often analyzed one SNP at a time. The low predictive power of single SNPs, coupled with the high significance threshold needed to correct for multiple testing, greatly decreases the power of GWAS.
Results: We propose a procedure in…

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English / 01/01/2016

Attentional Bias towards Positive Emotion Predicts Stress Resilience

There is extensive evidence for an association between an attentional bias towards emotionally negative stimuli and vulnerability to stress-related psychopathology. Less is known about whether selective attention towards emotionally positive stimuli relates to mental health and stress resilience. The current study used a modified Dot Probe task to investigate if individual…

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English / 01/01/2016

Naive Haftpflichtklage oder tragischer Regulierungsfehler?

Beim Produkt Yasmin® ist die Risikodeklaration sowohl gegenüber den Patientinnen als auch gegenüber den Ärzten irreführend und in zentralen Punkten unvollständig. Es ist nicht auszuschliessen, dass die Kosten der Nebenwirkungen höher als die erwirtschafteten Gewinne sind. Die Kostenfolgen der Nebenwirkungen muss aber die Allgemeinheit tragen.

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Deutsch / 01/01/2016

Carbon taxes, path dependency, and directed technical change: evidence from the auto industry

Can directed technical change be used to combat climate change? We construct new firm-level panel data on auto industry innovation distinguishing between “dirty” (internal combustion engine) and “clean” (e.g., electric, hybrid, and hydrogen) patents across 80 countries over several decades. We show that firms tend to innovate more in clean (and less in dirty) technologies when they…

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English / 01/01/2016


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