Publications des institutions partenaires

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Income Tax Competition at the State and Local Level in Switzerland

Tax competition is supposed to lead to inefficiencies in the provision of public goods and difficulties for decentralized redistribution. A necessary condition for these effects to occur is that residence and location decisions are determined by fiscal considerations. In this paper, the impact of personal income taxes and transfer payments on residence decisions of taxpayers is…

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English / 01/04/2001

Consumption and Nutrition: Age - Intake Profiles for Czechoslovakia

This paper provides non-parametric estimates of the relation between nutrient intake and age for Czechoslovak individuals, as a function of both the characteristics of the individual and of their household, on the basis of household purchases. Results show no significant difference between the age-energy intake profiles of men and women. The decomposition of this intake between…

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English / 01/03/2001

Das Personenverkehrsabkommen Schweiz-EG: Ausgangslage, Neuregelungen und erwartete Auswirkungen aus der Perspektive einer Grenzregion

Referat an der Volkshochschule Rheintal in Heerbrugg vom 25.01.2001 in der Vortragsreihe "Die Schweiz und Europa"; Download der Präsentation:

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English / 25/01/2001

Picking winners or creating them? Revisiting the benefits of FDI in the Czech Republic

We examine whether publicly-traded Czech firms that received foreign direct investment (FDI) before the end of 1995 had higher levels of total factor productivity during 1995-8. Preliminary data analysis reveals that, as restructuring occurred, many Czech firms left the sample during 1995-8 and that the recipients of FDI tended to be larger firms. We show that failing to tackle the…

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English / 01/01/2001

Auf dem Weg zu einer "entwicklungsfördernden" Aussenhandelspolitik der Schweiz

Die Frage der Beschaffenheit des Marktzugangs für Exporte aus Entwicklungsländern stellt sich heute ungeachtet eines fortschreitenden Liberalisierungsprozesses im Welthandel. Entsprechend der Handelpolitik anderer Industriestaaten gewährt die Schweiz den Entwicklungsländern seit Jahren eine Vorzugsbehandlung, welche vor allem in einem einseitigen Abbau von tarifären Handelshemmnissen…

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English / 01/01/2001

Trade in cross-border (electronic) Services: Regulatory Barriers and the Role of the WTO

Papier auf einem interdisziplinären Doktorandenseminar zu Fragen der WTO, Tübingen, Juli 2001, unter der wissenschaftlichen Leitung von Prof. Dr. Kokott, Prof. Dr. Hauser und Prof. Dr. Martin Nettesheim #### (pdf, 143k)

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English / 01/01/2001

Prerequisites for Private Restraints on Market Access and International Cartels

With the decline of government-imposed trade barriers policymakers have given greater attention to the international distortions created by the practices of private firms, including cartels. We critically evaluate the techniques used in the economic literature to estimate the effects of these private practices, finding them wanting on several grounds. In contrast, many of the…

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English / 01/12/2000

Developing Nations and the Global Financial System"

The 1990s saw a huge upsurge in flows of private capital from industrial to developing countries. At the beginning of the decade, private and official flows were about the same, but only five years later private flows dwarfed official flows. Not since the late 19th century have international capital flows assumed such prominence. But there are marked differences between the movement…

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English / 01/01/2000

The World Trading System: The Road Ahead

Many aspects of globalization have captured worldwide attention in the 1990s, including capital flows, migration, and environmental issues. But for more than a century, the driving force behind globalization has been the expansion of trade in goods and services. And throughout the early decades of the 21st century, trade will continue to drive global integration, especially among…

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English / 01/01/2000

Do public works programs work in Eastern Germany?

not available in German Frühere Version: Kraus, F., P. Puhani, V. Steiner (1998), Do Public Works Programmes Work? Some Unpleasant Results from the East German Experience, ZEW Discussion Paper 98-07, Mannheim We analyze the effectiveness of public works programs (PWP, Arbeitsbeschaffungsmassnahmen) in east Germany as measured by their effects on individual future re-employment…

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English / 01/01/2000


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