Sales and distribution

Consumers’ Reactions to Assortment Reductions and Shelf Categorizations


To support customers' shopping processes, retailers should take into account (1) the assortment size and (2) the categorization of shelves.
We show in a field setting that both instruments simplify shopping processes. A combination of both shows the most positive outcome.

New Insights in the Moderating Effect of Switching Costs on the Satisfaction-Loyalty Link

Inner Value Conflicts: Emotional and Behavioral Consequences in a Cross-Border Shopping Context


Although cross-border shopping has enormous impacts on many economies, it has not been investigated from a consumers' perspective. We show that cross-border shoppers feel inner conflicts that affect their purchase behaviors. Public policy makers can influence these conflicts by actively communicating the reasons for price differences in neighboring countries.

The Impact of Multichannel Assortment Integration on Customer Choice


Customer choice in retailing increasingly takes place in multichannel settings. Channel integration, that is, how consistent multiple channels of the same company are in terms of retail mix elements (e.g. price, assortment), receives rising attention in research and practice. In this article, we investigate the effects of multichannel assortment integration on customer choice. Further, we research the moderating impact of assortment relations as well as customer characteristics. We test our hypothesis in a 3 x 3 role-playing experiment using a nationwide representative sample of 959 customers. We find that multichannel assortment integration positively influences customers' perceived choice, exploration, and choice confidence. We also unveil that different interactions between channel assortment integration and assortment relations are at work for each choice construct. The effectiveness of channel assortment integration further depends on customers' personal need for structure and their level of involvement. Our results underscore the need for retailers to consider offering consistent assortments across channels. This is especially important, given that 70% of retailers have not fully integrated their channels. The paper closes with implications for multichannel managers and researchers.

Mobile Internetnutzung

Beliebteste Online Shopping Webseiten 2017

Einkaufstourismus: Keine Entwarnung

Chi bler voul, poch piglia.


«Chi bler voul, poch piglia» ist Rätoromanisch und bedeutet: „Wer viel will, nimmt wenig.“ Dieses Sprichwort steht stellvertretend für das Selbstverständnis der Schweiz, bescheiden mit seinen Ressourcen umzugehen. Doch gerade die allumfassende Digitalisierung könnte diese Grundeinstellung bei Schweizer Käufern nachhaltig verändern. Schweizer Handelsunternehmen sollten den Sprung nach vorne hinzu mehr Innovationen wagen, denn auch die Käufer hierzulande werden anspruchsvoller.

Der perfekte Sturm


Sigmund Freud sagt: «Der Mensch ist ein unermüdlicher
Lustsucher, und jeder Verzicht
auf eine einmal genossene Lust wird ihm sehr
schwer.» Der Schweizer Handel kann davon
ein Lied singen. Die Lust, im alltäglichen Einkauf
grosse Summen zu sparen, hat viele Konsumenten
immer öfter in die grenznahen Einkaufsgebiete gedrängt.
Vom starken Franken getrieben, hat ein ökonomischer
Erdrutsch die Schweizer Einkaufszentren und
Geschäfte teilweise leergefegt, während die Warteschlangen
an den Kassen in Frankreich, Deutschland,
und Österreich immer länger wurden.

Luxury and "Mobile First"


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