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Chess-like games are dominance solvable in at most two steps

We show that strictly competitive, finite games of perfect information that may end in one of three possible ways can be solved by applying only two rounds of elimination of dominated strategies.

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English / 01/01/2000

“Yes men”, integrity, and the optimal design of incentive contracts

In a pioneering approach towards the explanation of the phenomenon of “yes man” behavior in organizations, Prendergast [American Economic Review 83 (1993) 757–770] argued that incentive contracts in employment relationships generally make a worker distort his privately acquired information. This would imply that there is a trade-off between inducing a worker to exert costly effort…

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English / 01/01/2000

Capacity planning under uncertainty in a Gutenberg production model

The paper considers a two stage capacity and production planning model under uncertainty. The optimal second stage production policy falls into three cases: When capacity is slack the firm will produce with the cost minimizing production rate and adjust the production time to meet its output target. When the capacity constraint is binding, the firm will first adjust the production…

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English / 01/01/2000

Inequality, Redistribution, and Economic Growth

This paper provides a critical review of the recent literature on inequality and growth. After discussing historical and more recent distributional trends as well as empirical evidence on the relationship between inequality and growth, I focus on recent explanations of the inequality-growth puzzle. I consider both the impact of the functional and the personal distribution on long-run…

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English / 01/01/2000

Is there a Golden Rule for the Stochastic Solow Growth Model?

This paper analyzes the dependence of average consumption on the saving rate in a one-sector neoclassical Solow growth model with production shocks and stochastic rates of population growth and depreciation where arbitrary ergodic processes are considered. The long-run behavior of the stochastic capital intensity and hence average consumption is uniquely determined by a random fixed…

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English / 01/01/2000

Fussball-Aktien: Nur ausnahmsweise ein Renner

Aktien von Fußball-Vereinen haftet immer noch das Etikett des Exotischen an: bislang werden diese denn auch erst an wenigen europäischen Börsen gehandelt. So werden an der London Stock Exchange (LSE) 18 der 92 englischen sowie 2 schottische Profi-Clubs notiert. Außerbörslich (OFEX) werden darüber hinaus Arsenal London, Manchester City und Glasgow Rangers gehandelt. In…

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Deutsch / 01/01/2000

Segmentation Based Competitive Analysis with MULTICLUS and Topology Representing Networks

Two neural network approaches, Kohonen's Self-Organizing (Feature) Map (SOM) and the Topology Representing Network (TRN) of Martinetz and Schulten are employed in the context of competitive market structuring and segmentation analysis. In an empirical study using brands preferences derived from household panel data, we compare the SOM and TRN approach to MULTICLUS, a parametric…

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English / 01/01/2000

Managerial Power and Compensation

According to the widely used Managerial Power Model, a higher hierarchical position with associated higher power leads to higher compensation. In contrast, the Compensating Wage Differentials Model argues that there is a non-positive relationship between positional power and total compensation. Both power and income yield utility and in equilibrium managers are prepared to trade-off…

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English / 01/12/1999

Ecological Tax Reform with Exemptions for the Export Sector in a two Sector two Factor Model

This present paper analyzes an energy tax reform that exempts the energy-intensive export sector from paying the energy tax and uses the additional revenue to cut existing taxes in all sectors. To that end, a two sector two factor model of an open economy that is small on the import side but not on the export side is applied. Within this model, an equivalence between a tax reform…

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English / 01/12/1999

Business Cycle Phenomena in Overlapping Generations Economies with Stochastic Production

This paper analyzes economic fluctuations in an overlapping generations economy with productive capital in which random shocks in aggregate productivity are present. Under specific assumptions we obtain an explicit solution of the model. Applying random dynamical systems theory, we can prove that the long-run behavior of the economy is uniquely described by an asymptotically stable…

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English / 01/12/1999

Outcome, Process & Power in Direct Democracy

Based on survey data for Switzerland, new empirical findings on direct democracy are presented. In the first part, we show that, on average, public employees receive lower financial compensation under more direct democratic institutions. However, top bureaucrats are more constrained in direct democracies and have to be compensated by higher wages for that loss of power. In the second…

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English / 01/11/1999

Motivation, Knowledge Transfer, and Organizational Forms

"Employees are motivated intrinsically as well as extrinsically. Intrinsic motivation is crucial when tacit knowledge in and between teams must be transferred. Organizational forms enable different kinds of motivation and have different capacities to generate and transfer tacit knowledge. Since knowledge generation and transfer are essential for a firm’s sustainable…

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English / 01/11/1999

External spillovers, internal spillovers and the geography of production and innovation

We consider a three-location duopoly model such that (i) firms choose production and innovation locations before (Bertrand) competition takes place and (ii) there are internal and external knowledge spillovers. We show: (1) agglomerations where firms earn negative profits may exist when there are both external and internal knowledge spillovers; (2) greater external spillovers do not…

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English / 08/10/1999

Maximising Happiness?

"The measurement of individual happiness challenges the notion that revealed preferences only reliably reflect individual utility. Reported subjective well-being is a broader concept than traditional decision utility; it also includes concepts like experience and procedural utility. Micro- and macroeconometric happiness functions offer new insights on determinants of life…

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English / 01/10/1999

Demokratieindizes für die Kantone der Schweiz

Die direkte Demokratie ist in den Kantonen der Schweiz unterschiedlich stark ausgeprägt. Die Beteiligung der Bürger im politischen Prozess via Verfassungs- und Gesetzesinitiative, Gesetzesreferendum und Finanzreferendum ist durch verschieden hohe Hürden eingeschränkt. Unterschiede bestehen beispielsweise bei der Anzahl Unterschriften, die verlangt werden, um ein Instrument zu…

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English / 01/10/1999

Was bewirkt die Volkswirtschaftslehre?

"Due to its formality and highly analytic thinking, economics is often attributed a leading role among the social sciences and a prominent position as contributor to economic or social issues in the real world. Fact is, however, that the empirical proof for such a claim is either missing or anecdotal. This paper aims to outline the ""economics of economics”.…

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English / 01/10/1999

Multilaterale Abkommen für Direktinvestitionen - Lernen aus dem MAI?

Die Verhandlungen innerhalb der OECD zu einem multilateralen Abkommen ueber Investitionen (MAI) sind gescheitert. Damit werden Direktinvestitionen gegenwaertig weiterhin durch bilaterale Vertraege und durch einige wenige multilaterale Abkommen geregelt. In Zukunft ist jedoch weiterhin damit zu rechnen, daß diese durch ein allgemeines Rahmenwerk nach Vorlage des MAI ersetzt werden.…

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English / 01/10/1999


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