Faites vos jeux : Entrepreneurship studies at its philosophical crossroads


Chris Steyaert


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"Let us create extraordinary words, on condition that they be put to the most ordinary use… " Gilles Deleuze, Negotiations

We still believe that entrepreneurship research could be much more reflexive about the roots it says to be stemming from and the routes it prioritizes to follow. Therefore, this presentation tries to remember a few important philosophical bifurcation points which have important consequences for how we can imagine entrepreneurship research and what entrepreneurship researchers can do. Whether we play out Parmenides against Heraclitus, Kant against Arendt or Descartes against Spinoza, the conceptual options are radically different in an ontological, ethical and political sense. As we talk about where entrepreneurship comes from, we are equally attracted about ideas about where entrepreneurship is going and what it can become. While such a philosophical debate might be considered by some as a side-dish, we would like to suggest that this is a vital discussion which spices our appetite for questions of politics, ethics and aesthetics. To actualize an old slogan into a question which seeks to respond to potentialities that fuel our desire to become in the present: how can entrepreneurship research itself become entrepreneurial? Let's play.





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