Supply Chain Management, Production and Logistics

Digitalisierung für KMU zu teuer

Lieferketten brauchen Sicherheit

Challenges of Sub-supplier Management – from a Cross Industry Perspective

Systematische Methoden für komplexe Geschäfte

Digitalisierung in der Logistik: vom Hype zur Marktrelevanz?

Einblick in die Logistikmarktstudie Schweiz 2018. Wichtige Fakten zur Studie. Bern 2017 (GS1 Schweiz)

Mit Mapping zu mehr Transparenz

Logistik als Wissenschaft - zentrale Forschungsfragen in Zeiten der vierten industriellen Revolution. Positionspapier des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats der Bundesvereinigung Logistik (BVL). Bremen 2017

Digitale Anlieferungskonzepte - Impulse für eine Flexibilisierung der Inbound-Logistik

Third-Party Logistics Providers in the Digital Age: Towards a New Competitive Arena?


This paper looks at the impact of digitalization on third-party logistics (3PL) business models. An eclectic framework for the analysis of digital disruptions in service industries is elaborated by linking Porter’s five forces to insights from research on digitalization and innovation. Applying this framework to the business field of 3PL reveals that logistics service providers face significant digital hardship from new technologies such as autonomous vehicles and 3D printing as well as from platform-based business models and the sharing economy. We see the following changes in the competitive arena: First, 3PLs focusing on standard services may lose significant market share in the near future. Second, management-related 3PL activities seem to be increasingly offered by new external competitors, which may downgrade 3PLs to simple forwarders. Third, digitalization enables the forward or backward integration of 3PL customers and suppliers when they establish their own services. In addition to its threats, the opportunities of digitalization for 3PLs are discussed. These include the customization of standardized logistics services, the provision of cloud logistics services, platform-based asset and logistics infrastructure sharing, the “physical internet” as a future transportation system and the adoption and integration of 3D printing into existing 3PL business models.


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