Publications des institutions partenaires
Nighttime lights as a proxy for human development at the local Level
Nighttime lights are increasingly used by social scientists as a proxy for economic activity and economic development in subnational spatial units. However, so far, our understanding of what nighttime lights capture is limited. We construct local indicators of household wealth, education and health from geo-coded Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) for 29 African countries. We show...
Institution partenaire
Customer-Driving Marketing: Neue Kundenbedürfnisse wecken
Kundenbedürfnisse verändern sich unabhängig von technologischen Entwicklungen. Diese Veränderungen müssen möglichst frühzeitig identifiziert und für das eigene Unternehmen genutzt werden. Doch den meisten Unternehmen gelingt es nicht, sich von den derzeitigen Bedürfnissen ihrer Kunden zu lösen: Sie sind „Customer-Driven“. Dieses Verhalten führt zwar zu marginalen Verbesserungen der...
Institution partenaire
Cultural distance and the process of firm internationalization: A meta-analytical review and theoretical implications.
Institution partenaire
Family firms and national competitiveness: Does family firm prevalence matter?
We revisit the question of family firms (FFs) and their capacity for internationalization, and link it to the literature on national competitiveness. We draw widely on the FF competitive advantage and internationalization literature to argue that FFs’ organizing preferences and capabilities will typically support exporting and that these same organizing preferences will mitigate...
Institution partenaire
Heterogeneous Employment Effects of Job Search Programmes: A Machine Learning Approach
We systematically investigate the effect heterogeneity of job search programmes for unemployed workers. To investigate possibly heterogeneous employment effects, we combine non-experimental causal empirical models with Lasso-type estimators. The empirical analyses are based on rich administrative data from Swiss social security records. We find considerable heterogeneities only...
Institution partenaire
HSG Trading Room: Active Learning and Teaching for Security Analysis and Risk Management
Institution partenaire
Income Inequality and Technology Diffusion
This paper investigates how household income inequality shapes the diffusion of tech-
nologies. A simple demand side model with hierarchical preferences is used to show that
after some minimum level of average income relative to the price of the technology is
achieved, more consumer inequality hinders the diffusion process for new technologies.
Using data on...
Institution partenaire
Work-related Social Support Modulates Effects of Early Life Stress on Limbic Reactivity during Stress
Early life stress (ELS) affects stress- reactivity via limbic brain regions implicated such as hippocampus and amygdala. Social support is a major protective factor against ELS effects, while subjects with ELS experience reportedly perceive less of it in their daily life. The workplace, where most adults spend a substantial amount of time in their daily lives, might serve as a major...
Institution partenaire
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