Publications des institutions partenaires

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Behavioral analyses of retailers’ ordering decisions

The main objective I pursue in this thesis is to better understand how different factors may independently and in combination influence retailers' ordering decisions under different supply chain structures (single agent and multi agent), different demand uncertainty (deterministic and stochastic), and different interaction among retailers (no interaction, competition and...

Institution partenaire

Università  della Svizzera italiana

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English / 18/10/2016

Profit theory: a new macroeconomic approach

Profit and its investment in productive activities lie at the heart of modern monetary economies. Indeed, it is thanks to profit investment that fixed capital is produced and used by companies to increase the number of consumption goods and, ultimately, to increase the wealth of households. Yet, despite economists’ full understanding of corporate gains from a microeconomic...

Institution partenaire

Università  della Svizzera italiana

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English / 05/10/2016

The elusive costs of sovereign defaults

Few would dispute that sovereign defaults entail significant economic costs, including, most notably, important output losses. However, most of the evidence supporting this conventional wisdom, based on annual observations, suffers from serious measurement and identification problems. To address these drawbacks, we examine the impact of default on growth by looking at quarterly data...

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/ 12/09/2016

Capital account liberalization, financial development and industry growth: a synthetic view

This paper synthesizes previous studies analyzing the effects of capital account liberalization on industry growth while controlling for financial crises, domestic financial development and the strength of institutions. We find reasonably strong evidence that financial openness has positive effects on the growth of financially-dependent industries, although these growth-enhancing...

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/ 09/09/2016

The role of authenticity constraints and geographical communities on entrepreneurship: Evidence from the Franconian beer industry 1989-2012

This dissertation focuses on the barriers that authenticity brings to entrepreneurial outcomes such as entry of new organizations, product diversification, and introduction of new products in traditional industries. Advancing theory on organizational authenticity and geographical communities, this thesis argues that authenticity is not only an asset that organizations can choose...

Institution partenaire

Università  della Svizzera italiana

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English / 05/09/2016

Can countries rely on foreign saving for investment and economic development?

A surprisingly large number of countries have been able to finance a significant fraction of domestic investment using foreign finance for extended periods. While many of these episodes are in low-income countries where official finance is more important than private finance, this paper also identifies a number of episodes where a substantial fraction of domestic investment was...

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English / 29/08/2016

Making the next billion demand access: the local content effect of in Setswana

Recent attempts to connect the current ‘next billion’ to the Internet in places such as sub-Saharan Africa have not met expectations. In places where Internet infrastructure has come online and prices have gone down, the expected consequent increase in uptake was not observed. I develop a framework that incorporates language in the the two-sided markets framework, viewing differences...

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English / 24/08/2016

Firm response to competitive shocks: evidence from Chinas minimum wage policy

The large regional variation of minimum wage changes in 2002—08 implies that Chinese manufacturing firms experienced competitive shocks as a function of firm location and their low-wage employment share. We find that minimum wage hikes accelerate the input substitution from labor to capital in low-wage firms, reduce employment growth, but also accelerate total factor productivity...

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/ 24/08/2016

Saving China's stock market

What were the economic benefits and costs of preventing a stock market meltdown during the summer of 2015 by the Chinese government intervention? We answer this question by estimating the value creation for the stocks purchased by the government between the period starting with the market crash in mid-June and the market recovery in September. We find that the government intervention...

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/ 24/08/2016

The IMF’s role in Greece in the context of the 2010 stand-by arrangement

In April 2010, Greece became the first euro area country to request financial support from the IMF. The IMF joined the European Commission (EC) and the European Central Bank (ECB)—thus constituting what informally came to be known as the troika—in providing emergency financing, with the Fund’s contribution taking the form of a €30 billion three-year Stand-By Arrangement (SBA)...

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/ 23/08/2016

Does ethnic diversity decrease economic interactions? Evidence from exchange networks in rural Gambia

Using a unique dataset collected in 59 rural Gambian villages, we study how ethnic heterogeneity is related to the structure of four economic exchange networks: land, labor, inputs and credit. We find that different measures of village-level ethnic fragmentation are mostly uncorrelated with network structure. At a more disaggregated level, household heads belonging to ethnic...

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/ 23/08/2016

Dynamic mean preserving spreads

We extend the celebrated Rothschild and Stiglitz (1970) definition of Mean Preserving Spreads to scalar diffusion processes. We provide sufficient conditions under which a family of diffusion processes satisfies the dynamic counterparts to the famous Rothschild and Stiglitz integral conditions. We prove that the only Brownian bridge with non-constant drift that displays the Dynamic...

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/ 23/08/2016

Conditioning the information in asset pricing

This thesis analyzes different theoretical and empirical aspects related to the use of the information in asset pricing. As a main innovation I extend the asset pricing literature proposing a new highly flexible technique for the estimation of the markets subjective distribution of future returns. Applying this technique to different problems I answer to some long-lasting puzzles...

Institution partenaire

Università  della Svizzera italiana

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English / 23/06/2016

Testing for the best instrument to generate sustainable food consumption

The increase in the level of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the atmosphere in the last centuries, and the subsequent increase in temperature, has been a widely studied area in the last few decades. Climate change has become a key item on the political agenda due to concerns regarding the sustainability of current human consumption for future generations. Consumption of food and...

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/ 15/06/2016


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