Publications des institutions partenaires

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Organizational knowledge creation and the generation of new product ideas: A behavioral approach

In this paper, we address the pre-project phase of idea generation in the product innovation process, where the effective generation of new product ideas still remains an issue of high relevance for both management scholars and practitioners. We relate Nonaka and colleagues’ four knowledge creation modes of socialization, externalization, combination, and internalization to the...

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English / 01/12/2008

Aging workforces and challenges to human resource management in German firms

The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the main challenges imposed by demographic change on the human resource management (HRM) policies of German companies. Although many more aspects of business are affected by demographic change, such as changes in consumption or in savings and investment and therefore in capital costs, we concentrate on changes in personnel policies...

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English / 03/11/2008

Die Regulierung der Managergehälter schadet meist mehr, als sie nützt

Im Zuge der Bankenkrise ist der Ruf nach einer schärferen Regulierung der Managergehälter laut geworden. Der Autor zeigt, dass staatliche Vorschriften in der Vergangenheit kaum je nützten und häufig unerwünschte Nebenwirkungen hatten. Erfolgversprechender wäre, den Aktionären mehr Kontrollrechte in Vergütungsfragen zu geben.

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Deutsch / 25/10/2008

The importance of a bottom up development perspective when serving the base of the pyramid

Multinational Corporations can contribute to reach the targeted poverty reduction goals – the Millennium Development Goals of the United Nations. Linking the core business of a multinational with development goals can be found in the concept of Serving the Base of the Pyramid mainly pushed by C.K. Prahalad and Stuart L. Hart. In the “classic” development work, bottom up approaches,...

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English / 22/08/2008

Towards a model of collective organizational identification: a longitudinal survey study

This paper develops a model of collective organizational identification for the work-unitlevel. Following Chen and colleagues’ (2004) procedure for validating collective constructs, we first describe the theoretical development process of a collective perception of organizational identification. In a second step, we extend our understanding of the theoretical construct by...

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English / 13/08/2008

The new political role of business in a globalized world: a call for a paradigm shift in CSR

Mainstream theorizing in management and economics is based on the assumption that business firms focus on profits only, while it is the task of the state system to provide public goods and to regulate the economy in such a way that business activities contribute to the common good. Business firms are conceived of as private actors and governments and their state agencies are...

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English / 13/08/2008

Towards a political conception of leadership responsibility

The paper is concerned with the concept of leadership responsibility. Responsible leadership understood as normatively appropriate conduct in the pursuit of the organizational goals addresses the challenges of nowadays’ leaders in the light of global transformation processes. The paper argues that existing schools of the leadership phenomenon, herein paradigmatically grouped as “...

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English / 12/07/2008

Globalization critics vs. free trade theory: ideological conflicts and the behaviour of MNEs

We discuss the ideological conflict between critics of globalization and free trade theorists who deconstruct the metanarrative of universal human rights that underlies the social agenda of the globalization critics. We point out the implications for the corporate objective function and the
social behaviour of multinational corporations. The ideological conflict has not yet...

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English / 03/07/2008


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