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Ökonomische Theorie der Verfassung

In this paper the approach of Constitutional Economics is presented and some of its applications are shown. First, the concept of the original position (constitutional convention) with its informational restrictions and the unanimity rule are discussed. Next, the exchange paradigm which lies behind the whole approach and the role of the self-interest assumption are discussed. Then it...

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Deutsch / 01/12/2004

Schaltegger, Christoph A. und Stefan C. Schaltegger (Hrsg.) (2004): Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik - Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Prof. Dr. René L. Frey

Mit dem Sammelband «Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik - Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Prof. Dr. René L. Frey» wird eine akademische Persönlichkeit geehrt,die es in ihrem über 30-jährigen Wirken an der Universität Basel verstanden hat, Brücken zwischen volkswirtschaftlicher Forschung, Beratung und Lehre und damit zwischen Theorie und Praxis zu bauen. Die nebst einem Vorwort von...

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English / 01/12/2004

Zehn Jahre WTO-Streitschlichtung: Eine Zwischenbilanz / L'OMC: un bilan intermédiaire après dix ans de règlement des différends

Mit dem WTO-Abkommen trat am 1. Januar 1995 ein neues Streitschlichtungsverfahren für das multilaterale Handelssystem in Kraft. Der neue Mechanismus brachte eine stärkere Regelorientierung bei der Beilegung von Handelsstreitigkeiten. Nach zehn Jahren Anwendung kann sich die Zwischenbilanz sehen lassen: Das Verfahren wird von den Mitgliedern rege genutzt, und auch die...

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Deutsch / 01/12/2004

Zum Zusammenhang zwischen staatlicher Aktivität und wirtschaftlicher Entwicklung

First, the problem of defining the government size and theoretical considerations about the relation between this size and economic growth are discussed. Then the international comparative empirical literature as well as the one discussing the Swiss situation are reviewed. Neither of them comes to firm conclusions. One reason for this is that in international cross-section as well as...

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Deutsch / 01/11/2004

The Role of Direct Democracy in the European Union

In this paper, the introduction of direct-democratic decision-making in all EU decisions is considered when it is feasible without prohibitively increasing decision-making costs. We start with the contractarian argument that each constitution is a contract joining the citizens of a state and requires as such the explicit agreement of (a majority of) citizens. Thus, the future...

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English / 01/11/2004

Die Bedeutung der Körperschaftssteuer: Theoretische Überlegungen, die internationale Entwicklung und die Schweiz

Taking into account that international tax competition is going stronger, first arguments in favour of abolishing corporate income taxation or even any capital income taxation are presented. Second, the arguments in favour of capital income taxation and especially of corporate income taxation are discussed. There, we also consider those arguments which explain differences in the...

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Deutsch / 01/09/2004

The WTO Rules That We Deserve? Comment on Professor Morrissey's chapter

In recent years, the World Trade Organization (WTO) has come under sustained attack from many academics and other observers. Many of the arguments employed in this attack are found in Professor Morrissey's paper and the purpose of this comment is to critically examine them. Professor Morrissey's principal argument is that the likelihood of successfully completing...

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English / 04/06/2004

Beiträge von Patricia Islas-Züttel in Swissinfo zum Besuch des mexikanischen Präsidenten Vicente Fox Quesada in der Schweiz am 12. Mai 2004 / Contribuciones de Patricia Islas-Züttel en Swissinfo sobre la visita del Presidente de México, Vicente Fox Quesada en Suiza el día 12 de mayo 2004

Artikel / Articulo: "Aumento del 17% en exportaciones a México" (91 KB) Interview von / Entrevista de Patricia Islas Züttel mit / con Peter Riesterer, Thomas A. Zimmermann, Vicente Fox Quesada, Marta Sahagún de Fox; Technik / servicio tecnico: Werner Christen (mp3) (6.36 MB)

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English / 17/05/2004

A microeconometric evaluation of rehabilitation of long-term sickness in Sweden

In this study the effects of various types of rehabilitation programmes on labour market out-comes are estimated. A main feature of this study is that it jointly evaluates multiple treat-ments by nonparametric matching estimators. The study is based on a large sample of per-sons in western Sweden who are long-term sick and could participate in rehabilitation pro-grammes. Our results...

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English / 01/05/2004

A note on the role of the propensity score for estimating average treatment effects

Hahn [Hahn, J. (1998). On the role of the propensity score in efficient semiparametric estimation of average treatment effects. Econometrica 66:315-331] derived the semiparametric efficiency bounds for estimating the average treatment effect (ATE) and the average treatment effect on the treated (ATET). The variance of ATET depends on whether the propensity score is known or unknown....

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English / 01/05/2004

Aktuelle Trends in der Aussenwirtschaftspolitik der USA: Anlass zur Sorge? / Faut-il s'inquiéter des tendances actuelles de la politique économique extérieure américaine?

In den letzten Jahren haben sich die aussenwirtschaftspolitischen Parameter der USA teilweise stark geändert. Drei augenfällige Trends bestimmen seither die US-amerikanische Aussenwirtschaftspolitik: Erstens fliessen Sicherheitsüberlegungen seit den Terroranschlägen vom 11.September 2001 massiv in aussenwirtschaftliche Regelungen ein; zweitens schenken die USA der regionalen und...

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Deutsch / 01/05/2004

Programme evaluation with multiple treatments

This paper reviews the main identification and estimation strategies for microeconometric policy evaluation. Particular emphasis is laid on evaluating policies consisting of multiple programmes, which is of high relevance in practice. For example, active labour market policies may consist of different training programmes, employment programmes and wage subsidies. Similarly, sickness...

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English / 01/04/2004

Finite sample properties of propensity-score matching and weighting estimators

In this paper the finite-sample properties of matching and weighting estimators, often used for estimating average treatment effects, are analyzed. Potential and feasible precision gains relative to pair-matching are examined. Local linear matching (with and without trimming), k-nearest neighbour matching, and particularly the weighting estimators performed worst. Ridge matching, on...

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English / 01/02/2004


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