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Ist die Bank der Zukunft eine Bank?

Ist die Bank der Zukunft noch eine Bank? Ist sie noch eine Bank mit Menschen, oder wird die virtuelle Bank das Modell der Zukunft sein? Haben die Filialen noch eine Chance, oder werden künftig alle Bankgeschäfte über Computer abgewickelt? Umfragen unter Kreditinstituten bestätigen, dass die gegenwärtig drängendste Frage ist, auf welchem Weg die Bank und der Mensch zusammenkommen.

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Deutsch / 04/02/1997

Why are the unemployed so unhappy? Evidence from panel data

This paper tests for the importance of non-pecuniary costs of unemployment using a longitudinal data-set on life-satisfaction of working-age men in Germany. We show that unemployment has a large detrimental effect on satisfaction after individual specific fixed effects are controlled for. The non-pecuniary effect is much larger than the effect that stems from the associated loss of...

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English / 22/01/1997

Comment on: F.M. Scherer, "How US antitrust can go astray: the brand name prescription drug litigation"

Comments on the article `How US Antirust Can Go Astray: The Brand Name Prescription Drug Litigation,' by F.M. Scherer. Discussion of the issue of patent protection; Uniform monopoly price; Summary of price differentiation between groups of consumers.

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English / 01/01/1997

How young workers get their training: A survey of Germany versus the United States

The recent economic literature on the incidence of various forms of post-secondary on-the-job and off-the-job training in Germany and the United States, as well as on the effects of training on wages, inequality, and labor mobility is surveyed. Young workers in Germany receive substantially more company-based (apprenticeship) training than United States workers. In the United States...

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English / 01/01/1997

Les règles de conduite des négociants

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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Français / 01/01/1997

Communication Messengers as a Basis for Distributed Algorithms

The messenger paradigm is one of the earliest models which propose the exchange of code to implement computer communication. Code becomes mobile and mobile code is now considered a promising alternative for the implementation of distributed applications. One application of mobile code is in the implementation of software agents which themselves are used to implement complex...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/1997

Embeddedness, power, control and innovation in the telecommunications sector

In the present paper, relationships between embeddedness, power, control and innovation are examined in the context ofthe telecommunications sector. It is contended that in a tightly embedded, technology-intensive sector, technological and economic control are closeb intertwined. Consequently, the ability to appropriate economic rents is large& based on technological control. In...

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English / 01/01/1997


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