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Health benefits at work - A review of Mark V. Pauly's, Health benefits at work. An economic and political analysis of employment-based health insurance

Reviews the book `Health Benefits at Work. An Economic and Political Analysis of Employment-Based Health Insurance,' by Mark V. Pauly.

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English / 01/01/1998

Managed care in Germany and Switzerland

The point of departure for this contribution is a problem common to all Western healthcare systems, namely the deficiency of their basic building block, the physician-patient relationship. This deficiency opens up a market for complementary agents in healthcare, ranging from medical associations to the central government. While Germany has traditionally put the emphasis on medical...

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English / 01/01/1998

The economic benefits of schooling in New Zealand: comment and update

In this paper, I discuss the interpretation of qualification related income differentials from income functions that control for age rather than the theoretically more appropriate variable years of labour market experience. I reestimate income functions for New Zealand that were originally reported by Maani (1997) with changed specification, and I update her results by also...

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English / 01/01/1998

Les acteurs non étatiques et la politique européenne de la Suisse

Les résultats principaux de cette enquête ont été obtenus, grâce à une enquête auprès de représentants de la société civile du pays et montre qu'ils sont favorables à l'adhésion à l'UE et à une intensification des échanges avec les pays d'Europe centrale et orientale. Par ailleurs, ils fustigent la timidité du gouvernement, mais cette critique est tempérée par le...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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Français / 01/01/1998

Les relations entre l'Union européenne et les États-Unis : analyse critique de l'approche « dissociative »

Cet article critique une approche qualifiée de « dissociative » dans l'analyse des relations entre les États-Unis et l'Union européenne. Il remet en cause aussi bien les présupposés théoriques que les observations empiriques des chercheurs qui ont prédit une dislocation des liens transatlantiques du fait de la fin de la guerre froide. Cette étude analyse principalement les...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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Français / 01/01/1998

Aus alt mach neu: Remanufacturing gebrauchter Maschinen als Unternehmensstrategie

Das Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetz wird die Aufarbeitung, Reparatur, Instandsetzung und Modernisierung von Investitionsgütern (Remanufacturing) vorantreiben und die
Strukturen des Gebrauchtmaschinenmarktes verändern. Unternehmen können auf diesem Markt nur dann erfolgreich sein, wenn sie ihre Strategie an diesen Veränderungen ausrichten.

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Deutsch / 01/01/1998

The microeconomics of transformation and growth

This groundbreaking book discusses the significance of a microeconomic approach to the transformation process in Eastern Europe from a theoretical and empirical perspective. It reveals that microeconomic conditions constitute the framework for the successful restructuring and recovery of the post-socialist countries in Europe.

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English / 01/01/1998

A survey of theories for mobile agents

This paper presents a comparative survey of formalisms related to mobile agents. It describes the π-calculus and its extensions, the Ambient calculus, Petri nets, Actors, and the family of generative communication languages. Each of these formalisms defines a mathematical framework that can be used to reason about mobile code; they vary greatly in their expressiveness, in the...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/1998

Languages and Tools to Specify Hypertext Views on Databases

We present a declarative language for the construction of hypertext views on databases. The language is based on an object-oriented data model and a simple hypertext model with reference and inclusion links. A hypertext view specification consists in a collection of parameterized node schemes which specify how to construct node and link instances from the database contents. We show...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/1998

Formal development of Java based Web parallel applications

The Java object oriented programming language has been the subject of an important involvement from programmers and the industry. Especially for applications related to the Web. The problem of such a rapid penetration of Java programs into commercial products is that software engineers do not have any methodology and have to develop complex parallel applications. We present a formal...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/1998

Using object-oriented algebraic nets for the reverse engineering of Java programs: a case study

The problem addressed in this paper is the following: how to use high-level Petri nets for the reverse engineering of implemented distributed applications. The paper presents a reverse engineering methodology applied on a real (simple) Java applet based client/server application. First, starting from the Java program, several abstraction steps are described using the CO-OPN/2 formal...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/1998

COALA - A Formal Language for Coordinated Atomic Actions

A Coordianted Atomic Action (CA Action) is a unified scheme for coordinating complex concurrent activities and supporting error recovery between multiple interacting objects in distributed object-oriented systems. They constitute a very interesting concept for the structured developement of fault-tolerant distributed applications. To formalize the design of CA actions, this paper...

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/1998


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