Publications des institutions partenaires
How to (actually) save time while working remotely
Howe, Lauren; Whillans, Ashley; Menges, Jochen (2020). How to (actually) save time while working remotely. Harvard Business Review:online.
Institution partenaire
English / 05/02/2021
Do Risk Disclosures Matter When it Counts? Evidence from the Swiss Franc Shock
Hail, Luzi; Muhn, Maximilian; Oesch, David (2020). Do Risk Disclosures Matter When it Counts? Evidence from the Swiss Franc Shock. SSRN 2939935, University of Zurich.
Institution partenaire
English / 05/02/2021
Acknowledging uncertainty impacts public acceptance of climate scientists’ predictions
Howe, Lauren C; MacInnis, Bo; Krosnick, Jon A; Markowitz, Ezra M; Socolow, Robert (2019). Acknowledging uncertainty impacts public acceptance of climate scientists’ predictions. Nature Climate Change, 9(11):863-867.
Institution partenaire
English / 05/02/2021
Intangible Capital and Leverage
Horsch, Philipp; Longoni, Philip; Oesch, David (2019). Intangible Capital and Leverage. SSRN 2906283, University of Zurich.
Institution partenaire
English / 05/02/2021
How social norms are often a barrier to addressing climate change but can be part of the solution
Sparkman, Gregg; Howe, Lauren; Walton, Greg (2020). How social norms are often a barrier to addressing climate change but can be part of the solution. Behavioural Public Policy:1-28.
Institution partenaire
English / 05/02/2021
CMS in Schweizer Unternehmen - Anforderungen, Zertifizierung und Praxis der Berichterstattung.
Wittmann, Jan-Philipp; Jablowski, Lea-Victoria & Berndt, Thomas
CMS in Schweizer Unternehmen - Anforderungen, Zertifizierung und Praxis der Berichterstattung.
Expert Focus,
1/2 2021…
Institution partenaire
/ 03/02/2021
How do apprentices moderate the influence of organizational innovation on the technological innovation process?
Rupietta, Christian; Meuer, Johannes; Backes-Gellner, Uschi (2018). How do apprentices moderate the influence of organizational innovation on the technological innovation process? Swiss Leading House Working Paper 145, University of Zurich.
Institution partenaire
English / 03/02/2021
A robust share-of-choice model
In this paper, we propose an approach to take into account , in a robust way, part-worth uncertainty in a share-of-choice (SOC) model. More precisely, we extend the method proposed by Wang and Curry by endogenously including competition. Indeed in their approach, competition is described exogenously and the model cannot take into account part-worth uncertainty for the competition’s…
Institution partenaire
English / 02/02/2021
Psychometric properties of the Polish versions of the HEXACO-60 and the HEXACO-100 personality inventories
Skimina, Ewa; Strus, Włodzimierz; Cieciuch, Jan; Szarota, Piotr; Izdebski, Pawel K (2020). Psychometric properties of the Polish versions of the HEXACO-60 and the HEXACO-100 personality inventories. Current Issues in Personality Psychology, 8(3):259-278.
Institution partenaire
English / 26/01/2021
The Rise of Machine Learning in Marketing: Goal, Process, and Benefit of AI-Driven Marketing
Mari, Alex (2019). The Rise of Machine Learning in Marketing: Goal, Process, and Benefit of AI-Driven Marketing. Zurich: Swiss Cognitive.
Institution partenaire
English / 26/01/2021
Voice Commerce: Understanding Shopping-Related Voice Assistants and their Effect on Brands
Mari, Alex (2019). Voice Commerce: Understanding Shopping-Related Voice Assistants and their Effect on Brands. In: IMMAA Annual Conference, Northwestern University in Qatar, Doha, 4 October 2019 - 6 October 2019.
Institution partenaire
English / 26/01/2021
Wie mit künstlicher Intelligenz umgehen? Die Gesellschaft begegnet der Digitalisierung teilweise mit tiefem Misstrauen. Um die Chancen der künstlichen Intelligenz für die Gesellschaft nutzbar zu machen, muss man diese Skepsis ernst nehmen.
Mader, Clemens; Cas, Johann; Scherer, Anne (2020). Wie mit künstlicher Intelligenz umgehen? Die Gesellschaft begegnet der Digitalisierung teilweise mit tiefem Misstrauen. Um die Chancen der künstlichen Intelligenz für die Gesellschaft nutzbar zu machen, muss man diese Skepsis ernst nehmen. Die Volkswirtschaft, 2020(8-9):53-55.
Institution partenaire
English / 26/01/2021
Geteilte Verantwortung
Scherer, Anne; Wenzel, Claudia (2020). Geteilte Verantwortung. In: Fieke, Nadine. Wert von Daten. Zürich: Stiftung Mercator Schweiz, 55-57.
Institution partenaire
English / 26/01/2021
Challenges and practices of interviewing business elites
Ma, Shenghui; Seidl, David; McNulty, Terry (2021). Challenges and practices of interviewing business elites. Strategic Organization, 19(1):81-96.
Institution partenaire
English / 26/01/2021
The role of time-varying contextual factors in latent attrition models for customer base analysis
Bachmann, Patrick; Meierer, Markus; Näf, Jeffrey (2021). The role of time-varying contextual factors in latent attrition models for customer base analysis. Marketing Science:Epub ahead of print.
Institution partenaire
English / 22/01/2021
Concern for the Transgressor’s Consequences: An Explanation for Why Wrongdoing Remains Unreported
Khan, Saera R; Howe, Lauren (2020). Concern for the Transgressor’s Consequences: An Explanation for Why Wrongdoing Remains Unreported. Journal of Business Ethics:Epub ahead of print.
Institution partenaire
English / 18/01/2021
The value of publicly available, textual and non-textual information for startup performance prediction
Kaiser, Ulrich; Kuhn, Johan M (2020). The value of publicly available, textual and non-textual information for startup performance prediction. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 14:e00179.
Institution partenaire
English / 14/01/2021
How employees react to unsolicited and solicited advice in the Workplace: Implications for using advice, learning, and performance
Landis, Blaine; Fisher, Colin M; Menges, Jochen (2021). How employees react to unsolicited and solicited advice in the Workplace: Implications for using advice, learning, and performance. Journal of Applied Psychology:Epub ahead of print.
Institution partenaire
English / 14/01/2021
Marital goals: Circular value-based model and measurement
Czyżkowska, Anna; Cieciuch, Jan (2020). Marital goals: Circular value-based model and measurement. Current Psychology:Epub ahead of print.
Institution partenaire
English / 04/01/2021
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