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Positioning the plural ethos of cosmopolitanism in global organizations

The authors are focusing attention on ethics in international business as evaluated from the perspective of cosmopolitan theory. Considering political, cultural and social perspectives on cosmopolitanism, they discern the different ways that global organizations are positioned in the nexus of ethics and politics.

English / 01/01/2015

Organizational creativity as taste-making - towards a pragmatics of contemporary dance theater production

In this thesis, I sought to contribute to organizational creativity research by empirically studying the collective production of Contemporary Dance Theater (CDT). I began with suggesting that the literature domain of organizational creativity, while a burgeoning academic field, is perpetuating paradigmatic and ideological assumptions that often separate creativity from practice. It…

English / 01/01/2015

Intergrating gender and diversity in management education : Finding the right balance between "integration" and "marginalization"

The University of St Gallen stands out as one of the first Business Schools in German-Speaking countries to establish a gender and diversity study program. As this program has become a key part of St Gallen's Curriculum, we could draw the preliminary conclusion that our integration of gender and diversity topics into management education has been successful. However, this is not…

English / 01/01/2015

Change agency as performance and embeddedness : Exploring the possibilities and limits of Butler and Bourdieu

In this paper we explore the dual role of human agency in maintaining the status quo and generating change. Judith Butler and Pierre Bourdieu offer differing conceptions of change agency in relation to organisation and transformation of gender relations. Focusing on how those approaches would work, we analyse an empirical case study on a particular change process: getting women the…

English / 01/01/2015

Translation in Cross-Cultural Management: A matter of voice : A matter of voice

Translation and globalization: three (hi)stories
Translation in cross-cultural management
Beyond monolingualism: language as translingual practices

English / 01/01/2015

CABOTAGESTUDIEN - A study on trucking deregulation and cabotage in Scandinavia and beyond

An open European market for goods and services, including transport services, stimulates trade, global competitiveness and economic growth. At the same time, concerns about domestic job security, regulation compliance and the environment have sparked a debate. This report should be considered one of the first modest contributions to the mainly unexplored area of European freight…

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English / 01/01/2015

The Revaluation of Risk-Taking : European Startups and High-Tech Companies: A 5-Point-Plan to Increase Global Competitiveness

European Startups and High-Tech Companies: A 5-Point Plan to Nurture Global Euro-Champions

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English / 01/01/2015

Coming Home or Breaking Free? A Closer Look at the Succession Intentions of Next-Generation Family Business Members

Family business owners have a strong desire to keep their company under family control across generations. But who is best suited to take over, and which factors encourage succession within the next generation?
In our previous study, Coming home or breaking free? Career choice intentions of the next generation in family businesses (2011), we explored what motivates students to…

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English / 01/01/2015

How does family control influence firm strategy and performance? A meta-analysis of US publicly-listed firms

Research Question/Issue: A contentious and prominent research question in the management literature is whether publicly listed family firms (FFs) outperform other types of corporations. Through a research synthesis of all available studies on the performance of US FFs, we address this question directly. We also extend the debate by raising three salient follow-up questions. First, is…

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English / 01/01/2015

The Corporate Social Responsibility Story of Chiquita : GuiléAcademicAssessment

in-depth assessment of the CSR of a multinational company - This is an in-depth study on the challenges of Corporate Social Responsibility at Chiquita, which I conducted together with Prof. Guido Palazzo and which was accompanied by Fondation Guilé. The study is based on an open-book policy through which we were granted unlimited access to internal and external resources. The result…

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English / 01/01/2015

Transculturalism and Management in the BRIC States: Introduction

Transculturalism and Business in the BRIC States, edited by Yvette Sánchez and Claudia Franziska Brühwiler, is the first handbook on the BRIC States that offers a transcultural perspective, which goes beyond the typical ‘how to' manuals or economic projections and provides an understanding of transculturalism as it is studied and practiced in the respective countries themselves…

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English / 01/01/2015

Turning regulation into value

As an export-based industry, the survival of Swiss private banking depends on its access to an international client base in relevant markets. Adoption of transnational regulation is especially critical as the foreign onshore business gains importance while the offshore business declines. Transnational regulation should therefore not be seen as an option. Rather, it is central to a…

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English / 01/01/2015

Public Value: Turning a Conceptual Framework into a Scorecard

In this chapter, Meynhardt's public value theory is outlined and systematically applied to construct and justify a Public Value Scorecard (PVSC). Different inquiry techniques, such as survey versions, interview methods and social media analysis, are introduced. A number of case examples, e.g. FC Bayern Munich, Federal Labor Agency and Nestlé are described to illustrate…

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English / 01/01/2015

Towards the algorithmic detection of archetypal structures in system dynamics

Traditionally, model analysis follows qualitative, heuristic, and trial-and-error-driven approaches for testing dynamic hypotheses. Only recently have other methods like loop dominance Analysis or control theory been proposed for this purpose. We advocate complementing established qualitative heuristics with a quantitative method for model analysis. To that end, we propose two…

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English / 01/01/2015

Entrepreneurship and process studies

Process studies put movement, change and flow first; to study processually is to consider the world as restless, something underway, becoming and perishing, without end. To understand firms processually is to accept but also – and this is harder perhaps – to absorb this fluidity, to treat a variable as just that, a variable. The resonance with entrepreneurship studies is obvious. If…

English / 01/01/2015


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