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Das größere Ganze. Über Hans Ulrich, Gesammelte Schriften (2001)

Prof. Dr. Hans Ulrich hat mit seinem Werk die Entwicklung der Managementlehre maßgeblich geprägt. Er hat auch seine Alma Mater richtungsweisend mitgestaltet, sowohl in ihrer konzeptionellen und inhaltlichen Orientierung, als auch bezüglich der Qualität von Forschung und Lehre. Ulrich war Mitbegründer und langjähriger Leiter des Instituts für Betriebswirtschaft an der Hochschule St.…

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Deutsch / 01/01/2016

Family business philanthropy Creating lasting impact through values and legacy

Family business philanthropy operates at the intersection of family, business and society and is of crucial importance to social goods such as education, health and humanitarian aid around the world. For instance, corporations and foundations in the US, many which
are family-owned, donate over US$ 67 billion per year. In the UK, the top 100 family businesses and foundations…

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English / 01/01/2016

Model-based Management: A Cybernetic Concept

The purpose of this contribution is to elaborate an integrative framework for model-based management, drawing on the concepts of cybernetics. This conceptual frame should enhance managers' understanding of structures that give rise to patterns of system behavior, helping them to design more effective policies and improve their practice in general. We ?esh out the commonalities…

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English / 14/12/2015

Competenza gestionale : Quali sono le competenze necessarie ai dirigenti di una piccola impresa?

Dirigere un'azienda è un compito impegnativo. Ma quali sono le competenze necessarie ai diri- genti di una piccola impresa per raggiungere gli obiettivi aziendali assieme a collaboratori e col- laboratrici?

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Italiano / 18/11/2015

Compétences de gestion : De quelles compétences les cadres de petites entreprises ont-ils besoin?

La gestion est une tâche exigeante. Mais de quelles compétences les cadres des petites entre- prises ont-ils besoin pour atteindre les objectifs de l'entreprise avec leurs collaboratrices et leurs collaborateurs?

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Français / 18/11/2015

Führungskompetenz : Welche Kompetenzen benötigen Führungspersonen im Kleinunternehmen?

Führung ist eine herausfordernde Aufgabe. Doch welche Kompetenzen benötigen Führungskräfte im Kleinunternehmen, um die Unternehmens- ziele gemeinsam mit den Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern zu erreichen?

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Deutsch / 18/11/2015

In the horns of the dilemma: socioemotional wealth, financial wealth and acquisitions in family firms

We posit that family firms often face a dilemma in their strategic decision making: whether to maintain current socioemotional wealth (SEW) or pursue prospective financial wealth. Applying such a mixed gamble perspective to acquisitions, family owners assess potential acquisitions with regard to their impact on both wealth dimensions. In line with this reasoning, we find that family…

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English / 17/11/2015

Wertvolle Aussenperspektive : Externe Verwaltungsräte

Er bietet der Geschäftsleitung von KMU die nötige Aussensicht, komplementiert das Unternehmerwissen und nutzt seine Rolle als kritischer Sparringpartner: Der externe Verwaltungsrat

Der Artikel kann unter folgendem Link eingesehen werden:

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Deutsch / 03/11/2015

Family, Wealth, and Governance: An Agency Account

Family firms often evolve into ownership constellations with multiple family owners. Building on agency theory, we argue that the growing complexity within a group of family blockholders gives rise to what we label family blockholder conflicts, defined as conflicts within a group of family owners. To curb family blockholder conflicts, families often separate the family from its…

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English / 01/11/2015

Gemeinwohl: Was dient der Allgemeinheit? Und wer?

Um die Definition des Begriffs Gemeinwohl ringen kluge Geister seit mehr als 2000 Jahren. Ein Essay von Prof. Timo Meynhardt und Prof. Peter Gomez über ihren Ansatz beim GemeinwohlAtlas.


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Deutsch / 30/10/2015

Organizing for sustainability : a cybernetic concept for sustainable renewal

Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to propose a holistic structural framework for a sustainable renewal that embraces all relevant contexts - individual, organizational, local-regional and worldwide. This should help humanity achieve a future in which society, economy and ecology are united in an evolutionary process based on multiple symbiosis.

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Deutsch / 05/10/2015

Constructivist paradigms: implications for strategy-as-practice research

The practice turn in strategy research (Johnson, Melin and Whittington 2003; Johnson et al. 2007; Golsorkhi et al. 2010; Vaara and Whittington 2012) implies an explicit reconsideration of paradigmatic premises (Tsoukas and Knudsen 2002; Feldman and Orlikowski 2011; Vaara and Whittington 2012). The strategy-as-practice research programme challenges concepts of strategy that have long…

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English / 01/10/2015


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