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Using recruiter assessments of applicants' resume information to predict applicant mental ability and big five personality dimensions

Information provided on applicants' resumes provides a convenient, cost-effective means for applicant screening. We sought to determine if recruiters' assessments of the presence of certain types of information on job applicants' resumes was related to applicants' general mental ability and personality traits. Forty recruiters from 35 organizations assessed the…

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English / 01/01/2003

Organizational Culture

English / 01/01/2003

Lernen in der Kampfarena - Interaktionsthemen im Change Management als reichhaltige Lernplattformen nutzen

Wie lassen sich die in der Organisation «liegenden» Interaktionsthemen für eine lernunterstützende «organisierte Komplexität» nutzen? Wie können die Tagesgeschäft-Themen zum interessierenden Konfrontationsfeld für Mitarbeiter/-innen und Führungskräfte werden? Veränderung ­ so unsere These ­ vollzieht sich in der konkurrierenden Auseinandersetzung der dominierenden «alten» Logik mit…

Deutsch / 01/01/2003

Organizational Learning and Learning Organizations. Theory and empirical findings

Presents a survey of the concepts and empirical evidence of the effects of organizational learning (OL) and learning organizations (LO). It summarizes and compares theories, empirical studies, and practical implications from 4 main research perspectives: information processing (IP), knowledge management (KM), strategic management (SM), and organizational culture (OC). The IP…

English / 01/01/2003

Qualifying Otherness

English / 01/01/2003


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