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Entrepreneurship as in(ter)vention : Reconsidering the conceptual politics of method in entrepreneurship studies

Special Issue: A Festschrift for Bengt Johannisson

In this article, I look into Bengt Johannisson's experiments with enactive research in the so-called Anamorphosis Project. This methodological experiment was based on the assumption that to understand entrepreneurship, researchers themselves must enact an entrepreneurial process and reflect upon it by engaging in auto-…

English / 01/01/2011

Six memos for a curious and imaginative future scholarship in entrepreneurship studies

In this introductory article, we explain the purpose of this special issue that is set up as a Festschrift in honour of the (editorial) work of Bengt Johannisson. Inspired by Italo Calvino's Six Memos for the Next Millennium, the special issue is structured along six essays that are both commemorative and affirmative, that is we use the work of Johannisson to explore fresh…

English / 01/01/2011

Narrative Reflexive Practices and Innovation : Voicing The Unheard

In this contribution we explore the relationships between reflexive practices and different modes of organizing from a narrative perspective. Our considerations have recursively developed out of the involvement in action research with an international student and alumni organization over the course of two years. We critically discuss the role narrative reflexive practices play in…

Deutsch / 17/09/2010

Intertwined practices of gender and technology : The case of home heating

This paper focuses on the everyday practices of technology acquisition. Acquisition decisions not only have a large and long-term impact on the structural possibilities for sustainability as an everyday practice and have so far been mainly ignored by research on everyday consumption, also interpretative flexibility (Bijker, Hughes & Pinch, 1987) is especially visible here.Our…

English / 03/09/2010

High Responsibility Teams - Teamwork Context-Specific Transfer of Crew Resource Management Training from Aviation to other Teams within High Reliability Organisations

The goal of this study is to emphasise the importance of studying High Responsibility Teams (HRT) in organisational research and to present a teamwork context analysis inventory that reveals the requirements for HRTs. HRTs work, among other areas, within anaesthesia, police forces, fire services or aircraft maintenance. Although research on teamwork and team training is widespread…

English / 02/09/2010

Geschlechtertheorie und Diversity Management : Vorwort

"Managing Gender und Diversity" ist zu einem zentralen Praxisfeld der Geschlechterpolitik geworden, das nicht nur die (Management-)Praxis in Unternehmen formt, sondern auch weiterreichende Vorstellungen von Gleichheit und Differenz. Obwohl Gender als wichtigster Dimension des Diversity Managements (DM) in den deutschsprachigen Ländern eine grosse Relevanz zukommt, lässt die…

Deutsch / 01/09/2010

Vielfältige Schweiz? Diskurse zu Diversität zwischen globaler Idee und lokalem Verständnis

Diversität als Managementansatz wird in der Schweizer Unternehmenswelt erst seit kurzem diskutiert. Anhand empirischer Studien zeigt dieser Beitrag auf, wie die "globale Idee" des Diversity Managements im Kontext eines lokal verankerten Verständnisses von Pluralität und Chancengleicheit in spezifischen Weisen interpretiert, kontextualisiert und in die lokalen betrieblichen…

Deutsch / 15/07/2010

Towards a reflexive politics of translation and language in management and organization studies

Sub-theme: Englishization and Language Diversity in Contemporary Organizational Life

English / 28/06/2010


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