Publications des institutions partenaires

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Religious minorities and secularism: an alternative view of the impact of religion on the political values of Muslims in Europe

This paper proposes an alternative explanation of Muslims’ endorsement of secular values based on their belonging to religious minorities. We argue that, contrary to what is often asserted in both the academic literature and the public debate, Muslims’ endorsement of secular values is not simply a matter of strong individual religiosity, but may also result from belonging to a…

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2016

Electoral participation of Muslims in Europe: assessing the impact of institutional and discursive opportunities

This paper explores the hypothesis that the electoral participation of Muslims varies according to two main types of opportunities, namely, institutional and discursive opportunities (DOs), characterising their country of residence. More specifically, we assess the impact of institutional opportunities (IOs) in terms of civic and cultural dimensions. We then add up the analysis of…

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2016

Making use of TRIPS flexibilities: Implementation and diffusion of compulsory licensing regimes in Brazil and India

As their economic clout increases, emerging powers are becoming policy-shapers in their own right. This chapter evaluates the ways in which emerging countries have made use of the flexibilities available under the TRIPS Agreement to espouse their social and economic concerns. We consider one of the most significant and controversial of these flexibilities: compulsory licensing as a…

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2016

Jobless citizens: political engagement of the young unemployed

This book examines patterns of political engagement of long-term unemployed youth. The authors show how unemployment affects the personal, social, and political life of young people. Focusing on the case of Geneva in Switzerland, the study shows the importance of socioeconomic, relational, psychological, and institutional resources for the political engagement of unemployed youth.…

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2016

Protest participation and economic crisis: The conditioning role of political opportunities

The economic crisis that started in 2008 has negatively affected European nations to different degrees. The sudden rise in demonstrations particularly in those countries most hard hit by the crisis suggests that grievance theories, dismissed in favour of resource-based models since the 1970s, might have a role to play in explaining protest behaviour. While most previous studies have…

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2016

How civil society actors responded to the economic crisis: the interaction of material deprivation and perceptions of political opportunity structures

We examine the relationship between material deprivation and different types of responses to economic crises by civil society actors. We are interested in understanding whether material deprivation has an effect on civil society reactions to the crisis and whether political opportunity factors contribute to this relationship. In particular, we wish to ascertain if the effect of…

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2016

Muslims' integration as a way to defuse the “Muslim Question”: insights from the Swiss case

The article argues that in European public debates the Muslim Question is performed by and linked to the issues of Muslims’ integration and recognition as political (unthreatening) subjects. I suggest that, in order to defuse the performative negative effects of the Muslim Question on Muslims’ democratic agency, we should address it without rendering them invisible in the public…

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2016

Must we vote for the common good?

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2016

Conflicts of interest in International Organizations. Evidence from two United Nations humanitarian agencies

The independence of International Civil Servants (ICSs) from their country of origin is often presumed but rarely accounted for empirically. In order to address this gap, we investigate whether ICSs face conflicts between national and international interests and which conditions are more conducive to the manifestation of this conflict in International Organizations. We adopt a mixed-…

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2016

Introduction to the special issue: citizens’ responses to the european economic crisis in the public domain

Citizens may respond to economic crises and to policy responses to such crises in a variety of ways. This special issue focuses on collective responses as they express themselves in the public domain, in the form of social movements or other types of interventions. The special issue originates in a large-scale comparative research project funded by the European Commission and titles…

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2016

Rethinking Comparative Political Economy: The Growth Model Perspective

This paper develops an analytical approach to comparative political economy that focuses on the relative importance of different components of aggregate demand—in the first instance, exports and household consumption—and dynamic relations among the “demand drivers” of growth. We illustrate this approach by comparing patterns of economic growth in Germany, Italy, Sweden and the UK…

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2016

Racial Profiling and the Political Philosophy of Race

Philosophical reflection on racial profiling tends to take one of two forms. The first sees it as an example of ‘statistical discrimination,’ (SD), raising the question of when, if ever, probabilistic generalisations about group behaviour or characteristics can be used to judge particular individuals.(Applbaum 2014; Harcourt 2004; Hellman, 2014; Risse and Zeckhauser 2004; Risse 2007…

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2016

Multileveling EU external governance: The role of international organizations in the diffusion of EU migration policies

The thematic and geographical expansion of EUmigration policies has gone along with an increasing mobilisation of pertinent international organisations such as the IOM and UNHCR. Combining insights from the external governance approach with IR debates on international institutional complexity, this article examines the dynamics behind this ‘multilevelling’ of EU external policies.…

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2016

Regional migration governance

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2016

The Consequences of Social Movements

Social movements have attracted much attention in recent years, both from scholars and among the wider public. This book examines the consequences of social movements, covering such issues as the impact of social movements on the life course of participants and the population in general, on political elites and markets, and on political parties and processes of social movement…

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

Full Text

English / 01/01/2016


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