Publications des institutions partenaires

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Autorégulation, intervention étatique, mise en réseau. Les transformations de l’Etat social en Europe : les cas du VIH/sida, de l’abus d’alcool et des drogues illégales

Self-regulation, government intervention, networking: transformations of the social state in europe (the cases of hiv/aids, alcohol and drug abuse) A reflection about the development of the social state and its recent changes proceeds from the analysis of the policies carried out in the areas of alcohol and illegal drug abuse and HIV/AIDS. A historical reconstruction provides a view…

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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Français / 01/01/1999

La France et l'intégration européenne. Une évaluation du paradigme "identitariste"

Cet article critique un paradigme "identitariste" qui est souvent trop ontologique. Il y a certes parfois des contradictions entre "identité française" et intégration européenne. Mais il faut éviter de réifier cette notion d'"identité française"."

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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Français / 01/01/1999

Security Dimension in the EU Enlargement

The chapter attempts to present the case for EU enlargement for reasons of security, using an adapted use of the Karl Deutsch concept of "community of security", as well as a dose of realism. The author also argues that EU enlargement has something to do with the perception of a Russian threat as well as to balancing a possible German hegemony.

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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Français / 01/01/1999

Gli effetti della democrazia diretta sul processo politico svizzero

The authors investigate the impact of direct democracy on aspects of the political process in Switzerland. They dwell in particular on the concrete use of the instruments of direct democracy by organized groups of citizens, and on the effects of this use on collective protest movements (or social movements) at the local level. The essay divides into three parts. The first briefly…

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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Italiano / 01/01/1999

Under The Spotlight: The Impact of Media Attention on Protest Policing

Explanations of protest policing have neglected the "spotlight of the media." Based on data on repression and its media coverage in four Swiss cities from 1965 to 1994, our findings suggest that the mass media do have an impact on levels and forms of repression, along with political opportunity dimensions and levels of disruption. We identify two mechanisms. First, we show…

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/1999

Statistical Inference for Welfare under Complete and Incomplete Information

We show how a collection of results in the literature on the empirical estimation of welfare indicators from sample data can be unified. We also demonstrate how some of these ideas can be extended to empirically important cases where the data have been trimmed or censored.

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/1999

Models of citizenship, political opportunities, and the claim-making of immigrants and ethnic minorities: A comparison of France and Switzerland

In this paper we discuss the institutional setting, both cultural and political, for the claim-making of immigrants and ethnic minorities and derive a number of hypotheses regarding variations in the extent, forms, and content of claim-making. The general underlying idea is that the political-institutional setting shapes the modalities of claim-making, while the cultural-…

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/1999

L'arbitrage en droit du travail

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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Français / 01/01/1999

Les acteurs non étatiques et la politique européenne de la Suisse

Les résultats principaux de cette enquête ont été obtenus, grâce à une enquête auprès de représentants de la société civile du pays et montre qu'ils sont favorables à l'adhésion à l'UE et à une intensification des échanges avec les pays d'Europe centrale et orientale. Par ailleurs, ils fustigent la timidité du gouvernement, mais cette critique est tempérée par le…

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

Full Text

Français / 01/01/1998


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