Publications des institutions partenaires

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Personal Bankruptcy Law, Debt Portfolios, and Entrepreneurship

Every year 400,000 entrepreneurs fail and 60,000 file for personal bankruptcy. The option to declare bankruptcy provides entrepreneurs with insurance against the financial consequences of business failures. However, it comes at the cost of worsened credit market conditions. In this paper, we construct a quantitative general equilibrium model of entrepreneurship to show that the…

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English / 02/07/2012

Contests and the Private Production of Public Goods

The private provision of public goods generally suffers from two types of efficiency failures: sorting problems (the wrong individuals contribute) and quantity problems (an inefficient amount is provided). Embedding the provision game into a contest that rewards larger contributions with higher probabilities of winning a prize may remedy such failures. Applications include tenure…

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English / 01/07/2012

"The Big Society", Public Expenditure, and Volunteering

The debate on volunteering has paid insufficient attention to the relationship between public spending and volunteering. Recently, the importance of this relationship was highlighted by the current British government's "Big Society" plan, which asserts that withdrawing public agencies and spending will be compensated by an increase in volunteering. This idea is based…

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English / 01/06/2012

Transition Strategies in Fundamental Tax Reform

This paper discusses transition strategies that might be used in moving from an
income tax to consumption based business taxes in the form of an R-base cash-flow
tax, an R+F-base tax, or an ACE (allowance for corporate equity) tax. While these three taxes have attractive neutrality properties, moving from the status quo to a new system often involves a diffi cult trade-…

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English / 01/06/2012

Innovation, Trade and Finance

This paper provides a theory of incorporation and taxation that emphasizes
the role of the corporate legal form in facilitating access to external capital
and the potential advantages of limited liability. Incorporation relaxes financing
constraints and makes corporations larger than comparable non-corporate
firms. For the same reason, a tax on corporations…

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English / 10/02/2012

Should Europe Become a Fiscal Union?

Moving towards a fiscal union does not address the problems of divergence in Europe. Given cultural heterogeneity and diverse preferences, fiscal policy should remain under national sovereignty while important regulatory power is assigned to the Union. The paper argues that more credible fiscal rules combined with tighter surveillance reduce negative policy spillovers. A better…

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English / 01/01/2012

Incorporation and Taxation

This paper provides a theory of incorporation and taxation that emphasizes
the role of the corporate legal form in facilitating access to external capital
and the potential advantages of limited liability. Incorporation relaxes financing
constraints and makes corporations larger than comparable non-corporate
firms. For the same reason, a tax on corporations…

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English / 01/01/2012

Taxation and Incorporation

This paper provides a theory of incorporation and taxation that emphasizes
the role of the corporate legal form in facilitating access to external capital
and the potential advantages of limited liability. Incorporation relaxes financing
constraints and makes corporations larger than comparable non-corporate
firms. For the same reason, a tax on corporations…

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English / 15/07/2011

The Design of Capital Income Taxation : Reflections on the Mirrlees Review

This commentary reflects on the recommendations of the Mirrlees Review on tax reform with a special focus on capital income taxation. Regarding the alternatives of moving to a consumption based tax system, the commentary discusses the relative merits of choosing an ACE system (allowance for corporate equity) rather than a cash-flow tax on the company level. It reviews the arguments…

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English / 11/07/2011

Aging and the Financing of Social Security in Switzerland

Demographic projections forecast a doubling of the dependency ratio until 2050 as well as an increase of 10% in population due to longer life expectancy in Switzerland. To quantify the effects on social security and public finances, we use a computational overlapping generations model with five margins of labor supply: labor market participation, hours worked, job search, retirement…

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English / 02/06/2011

Life-Cycle Unemployment, Retirement, and Parametric Pension Reform

This paper investigates the consequences of pension reform for life-cycle unemployment and retirement. We find that (i) improving actuarial fairness in pension assessment not only boosts old age participation but also reduces unemployment among prime age workers and raises welfare; (ii) strengthening the tax benefit link boosts life-cycle labor supply on all margins and welfare; (iii…

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English / 16/05/2011

Public Spending and Volunteering: "The Big Society", Crowding Out, and Volunteering Capital

The current British Government's "Big Society" plan is based on the idea that granting more freedom to local communities and volunteers will compensate for a withdrawal of public agencies and spending. This idea is grounded on a widely held belief about the relationship between government and volunteering: a high degree of government intervention will cause a crowding…

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English / 01/03/2011

Entry Deterrence and the Calculation of the Net Cost of Universal Service Obligations

This paper relates to the current discussion about how to measure the net cost and the unfair burden of universal service provision in network industries. The established profitability cost approach compares the profit of a universal service provider (USP) with and without a universal service obligation (USO). This paper argues that the net cost of universal service provision…

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English / 01/03/2011

Regulatory risk in the tendering of rail

In this paper we discuss the regulatory risk associated with tendering regional public transport lines from the regulator's and the operators' perspective.

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English / 22/12/2010

Postal Markets and Electronic Substitution : What is the Impact of Intermodal Competition on Regulatory Practices and Institutions?

There is an increasing convergence between postal products and telecom applications which suggests the need for a co-evolution of regulation. But there is hardly any discussion in academia or in practice about the consequences for regulation. Relevant questions are: Which parts of current regulation will become redundant? Is there additional regulation needed due to new bottlenecks…

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English / 20/12/2010

Pension reform, retirement, and life-cycle unemployment

This paper investigates the labor market impact of four often proposed
policy measures for sustainable pensions: strengthening the tax benefit link, moving from wage to price indexation of benefits, lengthening calculation periods, and introducing more actuarial fairness in pension assessment. We consider the impact on three margins of aggregate labor supply, retirement…

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English / 07/10/2010

Corporate taxation, debt financing and foreign-plant ownership

This paper compares domestically and foreign-owned plants with respect to their debt-to-assets ratio and analyzes to which extent the difference is systematically affected by corporate taxation. To derive hypotheses about influence of corporate taxation on a firm's debt financing we adapt a standard model of taxation and financing decisions of firms for the case of international…

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English / 01/01/2010


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