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Industrial or Traditional Bamboo Construction? Comparative Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of Bamboo-Based Buildings

The past five decades have witnessed an unprecedented growth in population. This has led to an ever-growing housing demand. It has been proposed that the use of bio-based materials, and specifically bamboo, can help alleviate the housing demand in a sustainable manner. The present paper aims to assess the environmental impact caused by using four different construction materials (…

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English / 30/08/2018

Die zwei Agrarinitiativen pflegen auch unseren Chauvinismus

Die Agrarvorlagen, über die wir am 23. September abstimmen, gehen von einer Welt aus, die funktioniert wie im Globi-Buch – oder wie in den Klischees linker Geografielehrer.

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Deutsch / 26/08/2018

Bamboo reinforced concrete – a critical review

The use of small diameter whole-culm (bars) and/or split bamboo (a.k.a. splints or round strips) has often been proposed as an alternative to relatively expensive reinforcing steel in reinforced concrete. The motivation for such replacement is typically cost—bamboo is readily available in many tropical and sub-tropical locations, whereas steel reinforcement is relatively more…

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English / 16/07/2018

Kein Wachstum ohne Strukturwandel

Über Nachhaltige Entwicklungshilfe

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Deutsch / 15/06/2018

Vorsorge, nicht verhindern

Die politischen Leitfaden der Gentech-Landwirtschaft: Vorsorgeprinzip

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Deutsch / 12/05/2018

Der katalanische Unabhängigkeit unlauter und provinziell

Angesichts des Gezerres um die Auslieferung von Carles Puigdemont setzt sich in der europäischen Öffentlichkeit immer mehr das Narrativ durch, dass Katalonien ein Opfer des spanischen Imperialismus sei. Dabei erzählen die politisch demokratischen Realitäten mit Autonomierechten für die Regionen eine andere Geschichte.

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Deutsch / 12/05/2018

Der katalanische Unabhängigkeitsmythos : Unlauter und provinziell : Gastkommentar

Angesichts des Gezerres um die Auslieferung von Carles Puigdemont setzt sich in der europäischen Öffentlichkeit immer mehr das Narrativ durch, dass Katalonien ein Opfer des spanischen Imperialismus sei. Dabei erzählen die politisch demokratischen Realitäten mit Autonomierechten für die Regionen eine andere Geschichte.

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Deutsch / 12/05/2018

Guilty speculators? Range-based conditional volatility in a cross-section of wheat futures

In response to the unusually high levels of price volatility during the world food price crisis of 2007/2008, US and EU regulators have introduced position limits that aim to protect commodity markets from exposure to excess speculation. Such regulatory initiatives presuppose that excess speculation is indeed responsible for excess volatility. Our results debunk this presupposition…

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English / 01/01/2018

Business Ethics and Human Rights. The Industrial Involvement in the Embeddedness of the Tibetan Community in Rikon, Switzerland: A Case Study

This case study discusses the complex socio-cultural and political dynamics of the Tibetan Diaspora in Switzerland from a multilayer perspective of history, human rights, law, international business, social and developmental economics. We focus on the village Rikon in Tösstal, Canton Zurich as an example of social embeddedness for refugees driven by the Kuhn-Rikon industry and…

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English / 01/01/2018

In search of new product ideas: Identifying ideas in online communities by machine learning and text mining

Online communities are attractive sources of ideas relevant for new product development and innovation. However, making sense of the ‘big data’ in these communities is a complex analytical task. A systematic way of dealing with these data is needed to exploit their potential for boosting companies' innovation performance. We propose a method for analysing online community data…

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English / 09/12/2017

"Principled Embeddedness": How foreign direct Investment may contribute to inclusive and sustainable growth in developing economies?

Foreign direct investment (FDI) plays a crucial role in enabling developing economies to embark on a path of inclusive growth. This applies in particular if local subsidiaries of multinational enterprises (MNEs) are committed to ‘principled embeddedness’ meaning that they are prepared to integrate parts of the local economy into global value chains by enabling them to comply with the…

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English / 23/11/2017

Sustainable and Future Oriented Cocoa Production in Ghana: Analysis of the Initiatives of two Swiss Chocolate Manufacturers

Sustainability remains high on the worldwide agenda in the cocoa sector as numerous problems threaten its viability. This study gives a broad picture of the Ghanaian cocoa sector and examines the initiatives of two Swiss chocolate manufacturers aiming at a more sustainable and future-oriented cocoa production in Ghana.
The study reveals many challenges the Ghanaian cocoa sector…

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English / 23/11/2017

Embeddedness of Chiquita’s Banana Production in Panama: The potential to mitigate social and ecological problems

The study examines the banana production operations of Chiquita in the remote region of Changuinola in Panama and contrasts it with experiences from Guatemala and Costa Rica. Of particular interest are the local context and the socio-economic framework conditions in which the company is operating. They are essential to assessing the embeddedness of the company in the region. Moreover…

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English / 23/11/2017

Positive Sustainability Effects Resulting from Embeddedness: Evidence from Syngenta’s potato business in Kenya and Colombia

A variety of studies assess the impact of multinational enterprises (MNE) in developing countries. They mainly focus on the negative externalities of these companies. Therefore, this study focuses on the positive effects emanating from the presence of MNEs in developing countries. It is hypothesised that positive externalities resulting from MNEs have their source in the local…

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English / 23/11/2017

Der Schweizer Mietimmobilienmarkt belohnt andere Nachhaltigkeitsmerkmale als Energieeffizienz

Analysiert wird der Einfluss von Nachhaltigkeitsmerkmalen auf die Bestandesmieten von 3120 Wohnungen. Im Ergebnis zeigen sich substanzielle Mietprämien für Tageslicht, geringe Strahlenbelastung und ökologische Baumaterialien sowie ÖV-Anschluss.
Ein schwach signifikanter Mietpreisabschlag wird für Flexibilität sowie Heizwärmebedarf ermittelt.

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Deutsch / 01/11/2017


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