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Aufgaben, Kompetenzen und Verantwortung des VR-Sekretärs

Die Bedeutung des VR-Sekretärs wird unterschätzt. Dabei ist seine Aufgabe mit der Business Judgment Rule wichtiger und anspruchsvoller geworden. Vom VR-Sekretär wird nicht nur eine rasche und korrekte Protokollführung, sondern auch eine administrative Unterstützung des Verwaltungsrats verlangt. Übt er zusätzlich noch die Funktion eines Compliance Officer aus, hat er eine…

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Deutsch / 01/12/2015

The Tide Turns? Trade Protectionism, and Slowing Global Growth. The 18th GTA Report

The G20’s principal task of reviving global economic growth has never been easy – it is harder now that world trade is contracting. World trade growth isn’t slowing down – the latest available monthly data compiled for this report suggests that it has been falling in volume and value terms through 2015. On average G20 exports have fallen 4.5% since world trade peaked in value in…

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/ 01/11/2015

Foreign bank ownership and household credit

Theoretical and empirical work on banking emphasizes the role of banks in overcoming information asymmetries and agency problems between borrowers and lenders. This paper investigates the importance of bank ownership in determining the sorts of customers that a bank serves, and consequently, the sorts of information problems a bank lender chooses to address. Using survey data for…

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English / 01/10/2015

Ein wenig genügt bereits

Investitionen werden vor allem ökonomisch untersucht. Die Ökonomie kann auch für jene Investitionen Hinweise geben, in denen es nicht um Geld, sondern um andere Ressourcen geht, die für Gesundheit und Wohlsein wichtig sind.

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Deutsch / 24/09/2015

State Liability and Critical Infastructure: A Comparative and Functional Analysis

Critical Infrastructure (CI) provision is characterized by privatization of CI providers, transnational risks and a changing role of the state. We describe two paradigmatic systems of state liability with a view to CI liability, namely Germany as a fault system and Switzerland as a strict liability system. Both are unsatisfactory and not well adapted to the modern realities and…

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Deutsch / 10/09/2015

Weshalb die Schweiz nach Honig schmeckt

Sauberes Wasser, Sicherheit, gute Schulen - den wichtigsten Pfeiler der Sozial- und Familienpolitik nehmen wir gar nicht richtig wahr.

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Deutsch / 06/09/2015

A hard nut to crack: What regulatory failure reveals about how rating really works

Some eight years on from the Credit Rating Agency Reform Act of 2006 it seems clear that this measure has achieved little in the way of substantive change in the credit rating industry. The new law did not prevent the series of rating failures that have contributed to the global financial crisis that started in summer 2007.

What lies at the heart of this regulatory…

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English / 03/09/2015

Electricity Derivatives Pricing with Forward-Looking Information

In order to increase overall transparency on key operational information, power transmission system operators publish an increasing amount of fundamental data, including forecasts of electricity demand and available capacity. We employ a fundamental model for electricity prices which lends itself well to integrating such forecasts, while retaining ease of implementation and…

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English / 01/09/2015

Labour market effects of sports and exercise: : Evidence from Canadian panel data

Based on the Canadian National Population Health Survey we estimate the effects of individual sports and exercise on individual labor market outcomes. The data covers the period from 1994 to 2008. It is longitudinal and rich in life-style, health, and physical activity information. Exploiting these features of the data allows for a credible identification of the effects as well as…

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English / 01/08/2015

The Exposure of Mortgage Borrowers to Interest Rate Risk, Income Risk and House Price Risk – Evidence from Swiss Loan Application Data

We study the exposure of mortgage borrowers in Switzerland to interest rate, income and house price risks and examine how the households' choice of risky mortgages is related to individual interest rate expectations and risk-aversion. Our analysis is based on a unique data set of household mortgage applications from September 2012 until January 2014. Our assessment of risk…

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English / 01/08/2015

Vom Elfenbeinturm in dIe Öffentlichkeit - und wieder zurück

Weshalb gelingt es der Ökonomie nicht, die eigenen Ansprüche an die Forschung und die Forderungen der Gesellschaft nach verständlichen Erkenntnissen in Einklang zu bringen? Wäre denn ein Abschied vom Elfenbeinturm angezeigt? Die Antwort sei hier bereits verraten: Nein. Aber: Universitäten und Nachfrager nach ökonomischem Wissen sollten Modelle finden, die den Wissenschaftlern…

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Deutsch / 23/07/2015

Die Abschöpfung der Steuerkraft in Finanzausgleichssystemen

Die Grenzabschöpfungen im Finanzausgleich stellen implizite Minimalsteuersätze für Gemeinden oder Kantone dar. Steigende Durchschnittsabschöpfungen implizieren weit höhere Grenzabschöpfungen.

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Deutsch / 10/07/2015

"You can have the cake and eat it:" The role of sovereign ratings in the construction of sovereign bonds as liquid and safe collateral

The fact that collateral whose function is to secure repayment via its attributed low credit and liquidity risk is traded prominently in a "shadow" banking environment may still go unnoticed. This article analyzes the role of credit rating agency (CRA) ratings in the construction of collateral using the example of sovereign ratings as eligibility criterion for sovereign…

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English / 09/07/2015


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