Publications des institutions partenaires

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Costing improved water supply systems for developing countries

The aim or this paper is to present a practical manual prepared for the World Health Organization (WHO) on how to identify, collect, estimate and compare costs of the available technical options to provide access to safe drinking water in low-income communities.

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2011

Bank Funding, Securitization and Loan Terms: Evidence from Foreign Currency Lending

We examine how bank funding and securitization activity affect the currency denomination of business loans. We analyze a unique dataset that for more than hundred thousand loans granted by one Bulgarian bank to over sixty thousand different firms in the period 2003-2007 includes information on the requested and granted currency of the loans. Our findings confirm the conjecture that…

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English / 01/01/2011

Trade Liberalization and Growth: Plant-Level Evidence from Switzerland

This paper estimates the effect of trade liberalization on growth, using plant-level data from Switzerland. We employ a natural experiment framework to quantify the effect of a bundle of treaties liberalizing trade between Switzerland and the EU enacted in June 2002 ("Bilateral Agreements I") on the growth of Swiss plants. Using both a semi-parametric difference-in-…

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English / 01/01/2011

Did the 2007-08 Financial Crisis Change Risk Perception?

This paper investigates, how the 2007-08 financial crisis has affected the risk perceptions of institutional bond investors. Using a methodology novel to the empirical finance literature, we quantify the impact that changes in risk perception have had on bond spreads over the course of the crisis. The relative contribution of the change in risk perceptions can be measured by…

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English / 01/01/2011

Relaxing monotonicity in the identification of local average treatment effects

In heterogeneous treatment effect models with endogeneity, the identification of the local average treatment effect (LATE) typically relies on an instrument that satisfies two conditions: (i) joint independence of the potential post-instrument variables and the instrument and (ii) monotonicity of the treatment in the instrument. We show that identification is still feasible when…

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English / 01/01/2011

Optimal enough?

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2011

A New Measure of Tariff Preference Margins Adjusted for Import and Domestic Competition

This paper provides a new theoretically-derived measure of preference margins at the product level, that takes into account competition across exporters as well as competition with domestic producers on a given market. This indicator is derived for differentiated goods under imperfect competition, in a frame-work extended from Ottaviano, Tabuchi and Thisse (2002). We compute our…

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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English / 01/01/2011

Global versus Local Asset Pricing: A New Test of Market Integration

Should capital cost calculations be based on a global or local market benchmark? The December 2000 redefinition of the Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI) global equity index was a natural experiment addressing this question. It is argued that this event triggered a portfolio shift (by index funds) large enough to affect the residual asset supplies constituting the global and…

Institution partenaire

Université de Genève

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Français / 01/01/2011

Punishment Despite Reasonable Doubt-A Public Goods Experiment with Sanctions Under Uncertainty

Under a great variety of legally relevant circumstances, people have to decide whether or not to cooperate when they face an incentive to defect. The law sometimes provides people with sanctioning mechanisms to enforce pro-social behavior. Experimental evidence on voluntary public goods provision shows that the option to punish others substantially improves cooperation, even if…

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English / 01/12/2010

Social comparison and performance : Experimental evidence on the fair wage-effort hypothesis

We investigate the impact of wage comparisons for worker productivity. We present three studies which all use three-person gift-exchange experiments. Consistent with Akerlof and Yellen's (1990) fair wage-effort hypothesis we find that disadvantageous wage discrimination leads to lower efforts while advantageous wage discrimination does not increase efforts on average. Two…

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English / 01/12/2010

Vermögen ist Vorsorge : Der Sozialstaat macht die Verteilung der Vermögen nicht gleicher - im Gegenteil

In wenigen Ländern sind die Vermögen noch ungleicher verteilt als in der Schweiz. Pünktlich zu Halloween wurde das Schreckgespenst der Klassengesellschaft wiederbelebt und seit Tagen in einem Teil der Presse mit teils furchterregenden Zahlen gefüttert. Den Stoff lieferte ein neues Buch zum Reichtum in der Schweiz. Die Studie ist interessant, und Sorgen zur Lage des Mittelstandes in…

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Deutsch / 07/11/2010

Es ist zuerst eine Katastrophe nötig, bis die Politik handelt : Was die niederländischen Deiche mit den schweizerischen Banken gemein haben

Am 1. Februar 1953 wurden grosse Teile der Niederlande von einer Sturmflut heimgesucht. Etwa 2000 Menschen starben und die Wirtschaftsleistung grosser Landstriche wurde weitgehend zerstört. Ausgelöst wurde die Flutkatastrophe durch unglückliche klimatische Umstände und den schlechten Zustand vieler Deiche im Mündungsgebiet der drei Flüsse Rhein, Maas und Schelde.

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Deutsch / 25/10/2010

AHV beziehen mit 65 Jahren, das ist heute zu früh : Wir sollten das Rentenalter der gestiegenen Lebenserwartung anpassen

Wenn ich mich an eines erinnern kann aus den frühen 1970er Jahren, so ist es die jeweils ungeduldig erwartete sonntägliche Hitparade am Radio. Der damalige Moderator der - wie ich mangels Frühenglisch verstand - "Bestzähler" auf dem Plattenteller, Jürg Marquart, wurde kürzlich 65 (Gratulation!). Inzwischen einer der 300 reichsten Schweizer, stellte er klar: "Ich…

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Deutsch / 12/09/2010

Exploiting Regional Treatment Intensity for the Evaluation of Labour Market Policies

We estimate the effects of active labour market policies (ALMP) on subsequent employment by nonparametric instrumental variables and matching estimators. Very informative administrative Swiss data with detailed regional information are combined with exogenous regional variation in programme participation probabilities, which generate an instrument within well-defined local labour…

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English / 01/09/2010

An den Schulen braucht es keine Glücks- oder Medienkurse : Lehrer sollen ihre Kernaufgaben erfüllen und den Unterricht frei gestalten

Mein Göttibub wünschte sich vor einigen Jahren eine MP3-Player. Im Laden liessen wir uns die damals noch sehr teuren Musik-Abspielgeräte zeigen. Beim Anblick eines Modells der höchsten Preisklasse mit grösserem Speicherplatz begannen die Augen des Knaben, der 12-jährigen Unschuld aus den Bergen, zu leuchten. Wofür er denn so viel Speicher brauche, fragte ich. Ohne zu zögern und zur…

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Deutsch / 15/08/2010

Culture and cooperation

Does the cultural background influence the success with which genetically unrelated individuals cooperate in social dilemma situations? In this paper, we provide an answer by analysing the data of Herrmann et al. (2008a), who studied cooperation and punishment in 16 subject pools from six different world cultures (as classified by Inglehart & Baker (2000)). We use analysis of…

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English / 02/08/2010

Identification of the Effects of Dynamic Treatments by Sequential Conditional Independence Assumptions

This paper approaches the dynamic analysis of the effects of training programs for the unemployed in West Germany, or in general the effects of sequences of interventions, from a potential outcome perspective. The identifying power of different assumptions concerning the connection between the dynamic selection process and the outcomes of different sequences is discussed. When…

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English / 01/08/2010

Unemployed and their caseworkers : should they be friends or foes?

In many countries, caseworkers in a public employment office have the dual roles of counselling and monitoring unemployed persons. These roles often conflict with each other leading to important caseworker heterogeneity: Some consider providing services to their clients and satisfying their demands as their primary task. Others may however pursue their strategies even against the…

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English / 26/02/2010


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