Publications des institutions partenaires

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Weak and strong ties, individualism-collectivism, and the diffusion of technological knowledge

Despite the importance of gathering technological knowledge from external sources, many firms are not well-placed to collect information from beyond their own boundaries. Government policies designed to improve access to technological knowledge often encourage firms to develop strong ties with competitors, suppliers or customers. But although strong ties are valuable, especially when…

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English / 01/01/2003

DELI: an interactive new product development tool for the analysis and evaluation of market research data

This paper presents DELI, a new interactive tool for supporting new product development decisions. DELI addresses the `chicken and egg` problem in new product development: a product's features shape the way that the market is segmented and targeted, but that very segmentation/targeting itself determines which features the product needs to incorporate. It is very useful,…

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English / 01/01/2003

Accreditation and quality assurance: The Swiss model

Accreditation and quality assurance at universities have gained new meaning in Switzerland - as in other European nations - through the concurrent increase in autonomy, new educational institutions offering international courses and the implementation of the Bologna Declaration. With respect to these developments the Swiss government together with the university cantons agreed to…

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English / 01/01/2002

External corporate venturing: strategic renewal in rapidly changing industries

Examines how external corporate venturing can enhance organizational renewal, and a practical guide to help management apply it within their own organizations. Keil's succinct, readable study shows how major players in the information and communication technology industries have used corporate venture capital, alliances, acquisitions or spin-offs to achieve remarkable strategic…

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English / 01/01/2002

Nonsmooth Equations in Optimization: Regularity, Calculus, Methods and Applications (Nonconvex Optimization and Its Applications

The book establishes links between regularity and derivative concepts of nonsmooth analysis and studies of solution methods and stability for optimization, complementarity and equilibrium problems. In developing necessary tools, it presents, in particular, (i) an extended analysis of Lipschitz functions and the calculus of their generalized derivatives, including regularity,…

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English / 01/01/2002

Collaborative filtering or regression models for internet recommendation systems?

The literature on recommendation systems indicates that the choice of the methodology significantly influences the quality of recommendations. The impact of the amount of available data on the performance of recommendation systems has not been systematically investigated. The authors study different approaches to recommendation systems using the publicly available EachMovie data set…

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English / 01/01/2002

Real world performance of choice-based conjoint models

Conjoint analysis is one of the most important tools to support product development, pricing and positioning decisions in management practice. For this purpose, various models have been developed. It is widely accepted that models that take consumer heterogeneity into account, outperform aggregate models in terms of hold-out tasks. The aim of our study is to investigate empirically…

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English / 01/01/2002


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