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Fashioning the Future

English / 14/05/2013

OE lehren an der Universität : Ein erfahrungszentrierter Ansatz mit Organisationssimulation

Erfahrungszentrierte Lehrmethoden haben es an der Universität nicht leicht: Wo bleibt der intellektuelle Höhenflug, wo der theoretische Anspruch, wo die analytische Tiefe? Gewiss - man kann auch OE auf die traditionelle Art lehren, indem man anhand von Literatur in die verschiedenen theoretischen Ansätze einführt und die «Praxis» mittels Fallbeispielen hereinholt und analysiert. Seit…

Deutsch / 19/04/2013

Faites vos jeux : Entrepreneurship studies at its philosophical crossroads

"Let us create extraordinary words, on condition that they be put to the most ordinary use… " Gilles Deleuze, Negotiations

We still believe that entrepreneurship research could be much more reflexive about the roots it says to be stemming from and the routes it prioritizes to follow. Therefore, this presentation tries to remember a few important philosophical…

English / 18/03/2013

Vertrauen in die Krise - Eine Analyse des Stakeholdervertrauens in die UBS

Ausgelöst durch die Immobilienkrise 2007 in den USA erlitt das globale Finanz- und Wirtschaftssystem einen nachhaltigen Reputationsschaden. Den Banken ist nach wie vor unklar, wie dieses Vertrauen zurückerobert werden kann. Im Mittelpunkt steht daher die Frage, wie einmal verlorenes Vertrauen wieder aufgebaut werden kann und welche Massnahmen zum Vertrauensaufbau für die einzelnen…

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Deutsch / 01/03/2013

Enhancing Research on Training for Cognitive Readiness : Research Issues and Experimental Designs

In the present article, we aim to provide guidelines on how to conduct research for the enhancement of training for cognitive readiness (CR). After distinguishing between trainable CR skills and stable person-related variables, CR components that are trainable need to be defined in terms of knowledge, skills, and attitudes, and person-related variables need to be selected as…

English / 01/03/2013

Gleich oder doch ganz anders? Identitätsarbeit männlicher Kleinkindbetreuer : Vortrag im Rahmen der Aigner-Rollett Gastprofessur der Universität Graz

Männer in Frauenberufen erleben in ihrem Arbeitsalltag häufig eine "identity dissonance" (Warin, 2005). Sie werden im Kontext der Kinderkrippe qua ihres Geschlechts als unpassend, wenn nicht gar gefährlich erlebt, sind aber heutzutage zugleich sehr erwünscht, da sie die so häufig als fehlend wahrgenommene männliche Vorbildfunktion übernehmen können.
Wie gehen Männer…

Deutsch / 29/01/2013

Hiring subsidies for people with a disability: Helping or hindering? - Evidence from a small scale social field experiment

Many countries provide hiring subsidies aimed at promoting the employment of people with disabilities. The effectiveness of these subsidy schemes remains unclear. The subsidy lowers wages and may thus increase employment, but may also signal lower quality of the applicant (who has to disclose a disability), which deter employers from hiring. This paper evaluates the effectiveness of…

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English / 01/01/2013

The Effects of a Scientifically Based Team Resource Management Intervention for Fire Service Teams

Team resource management training for fire service teams has become increasingly popular. However, the effectiveness of this training, adapted from the well-established crew resource management training for flight crews, has not yet been evaluated for this audience. Ninety-one firefighters participated in a Team Resource Management seminar (experimental and control group) and in…

English / 01/01/2013

Home Heating, Technology and Gender: A Qualitative Analysis

Few empirical studies take gender into account when analysing sustainable consumption. Even those studies that consider gender are not without shortcomings in their theorizing on gender. Drawing on insights from gender theory, we use a multilevel approach to investigate the relevance of gender to domestic energy consumption in Germany.

English / 01/01/2013

Un-Dress: Stories of Ethical Fashion Entrepreneuring

This dissertation investigates ethical fashion businesses through studying the narrations and performances of the founder-entrepreneurs. The main purpose is to explore the interplay between design of clothing, self, organization and society and to figure out how to reveal those dynamics. To examine what this interplay looks like, a social-relational, affirmative approach is adopted…

English / 01/01/2013

Zigzag or interlock? The case of the Sustainable Apparel Coalition

‘What happens when you put executives from Walmart and Patagonia in a room? This isn't the start of a bad joke, it's how the Sustainable Apparel Coalition (in short ‘coalition') was born' (Schwartz 2011). In February 2011, 30 large fashion compa- nies launched a multi-stakeholder alliance with the aim to draft a set of sustain- ability indicators for use across…

English / 01/01/2013


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