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Gender equality and scientific excellence in Switzerland: An analysis of three discursive meetings

"Scientific excellence" and "gender equality" have been on
the political agenda for more than a decade now. We have
ample evidence of the existence of gender bias in academic
selection procedures. Furthermore, what counts as "scientific
excellence" has been criticized as inherently problematic. The
"ideal researcher…

/ 07/09/2016

A Moderated Mediation Model of Team Boundary Activities, Team Emotional Energy, and Team Innovation.

Past research on team boundary work has focused on a “cold,” information-exchange perspective to explain why boundary activities affect team innovation. Although the theory is widely accepted, empirical studies on the actual mechanism are scant and produce inconsistent results. Drawing from Interaction Ritual Theory (Collins, 2004), we propose a “warm,” affective perspective that…

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English / 01/08/2016

Managing Equal Opportunities in Swiss Universities

With the publication of the proceedings/the conference “Gender and excellence in the making” (European Commission, 2004), the relationship(s) between these two crucial concepts had entered European Union’s political agenda. The proceedings mark out the relevance of Wennerås and Wold’s (1997) findings of male bias in peer review. Although subsequent research had not always been able…

English / 29/06/2016

Translating Equal Opportunities: Discourse Analytical Findings from Swiss Universities

How does change happen and how can we impact it? (Not only) feminist movements have asked this crucial question for decades. How can we conceptualize and experience gender relations differently, while moving beyond traditional models of work division between men and women? The idea of gender equality forms the horizon in which those questions of social and organizational…

English / 29/06/2016

Conflict and Collaboration: A storytelling workshop on tensions and emotions in self-organized work.

From school on we learn that conflict is bad. We are trained to avoid difficult conversations. In organizational life this translates into a pervasive culture of not telling each other what we really think. The problem is that collaborative and creative work depends on perspectives smashing into each other. How can we get comfortable with real conflicts and overcome “organizational…

English / 20/05/2016

Führung als Energiequelle

Die Automotive-Branche steht unter Innovationsdruck. Führungskräfte spielen eine entscheidende Rolle, wenn es darum geht, Mitarbeiter im Umfeld von radikalem Wandel zu motivieren und zu begleiten.
Mitarbeiterbefragungen und Führungskräfte-Workshops können hierfür Grundlagen legen. Ein Praxisfall.

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/ 01/05/2016

Neue Väter, alte Mütter? Elternschaft zwischen Egalität und Unterschiedlichkeit

Im vorliegenden Artikel werden die aktuellen Diskussionen um die Revision des Sorgerechts und des Kindesunterhalts in der Schweiz diskurspsychologisch untersucht. Konkret lassen sich in den untersuchten Dokumenten vier interpretative Repertoires identifizieren: Egalität, Kindeswohl, Ungleichheit von Mutter und Vater und individuelle familiäre Lösungen. Zwischen diesen Repertoires…

Deutsch / 01/05/2016

Gender in der Kita

Räum und Alltagsroutinen in Kitas können Geschlechterrollen mehr oder weniger festschreiben. In einem Forschungsprojekt wurde untersucht, wie das geschieht.

Deutsch / 15/02/2016

How and when customer feedback influences organizational health

– The purpose of this paper is to explore how and when customers influence organizational climate and organizational health through their feedback. Based on affective events theory, the authors classify both positive and negative customer feedback (PCF and NCF) as affective work events. The authors expect that these events influence the positive affective climate of…

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English / 01/01/2016

Age and Acceptance Of Workplace Accommodations : The Role of the Employee Social Context

In most developed countries, the workforce is aging. With increasing individual age, there is a higher chance to acquire health restrictions. Organizations typically react to these circumstances by providing health-related workplace accommodations. Prior research indicates that the effectiveness of workplace accommodations strongly relies upon stakeholders such as coworkers and their…

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English / 01/01/2016

Financial work incentives for disability benefit recipients: Lessons from a randomized field experiment

The high implicit taxation of employment income (i.e. disabled lose benefits if labor incomes exceed a certain threshold) is considered one of the prime reasons for the low outflow from disability insurance. This paper presents the short-term results of a conditional cash program that financially incentivizes work related reduction of disability benefits. A randomized group of…

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English / 01/01/2016

Neue Arbeitsformen: Team Boundary Management in Multiprojekt-Kontexten

Im Zuge der Einführung neuer Arbeitsformen setzten Firmen zunehmend auf netzwerkartige Formen der Zusammenarbeit. Allerdings beinhalten diese weniger hierarchisch strukturierten Organisationsdesigns auch Herausforderungen, wie z.B. mögliche Rollenüberforderungen, erhöhten Abstimmungsbedarf und Schwierigkeiten bei der gemeinsamen Priorisierung. Unsere Studie bei einem international…

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Deutsch / 01/01/2016


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