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'After' context

English / 01/01/2016

Narrative identity construction in times of career change: Taking note of unconscious desires

Working at the intersection of narrative and psychoanalytic theory, we present in this article an affective conceptualization of identity dynamics during times of career change, incorporating the notion of unconscious desires. We propose that frictions in career change narratives, such as the paradoxical co-existence of coherence and ambiguity, allude to unconscious subtexts that can…

English / 01/12/2015

Researching affective atmospheres

In this contribution, I suggest activating the notion of atmospheres as a heuristic device to empirically research affects. I will argue that analysing the composition of atmospheres allows one to take into account three key dimensions of affects: their spatio-materiality, their sensuality and their (in)stability. Building on a process understanding of atmospheres, I reflect on how…

English / 05/10/2015

Play-time and multi-temporality

Sub-Theme: The Temporal Experience of Organizing

English / 03/07/2015

Doing gender and professionalism : Exploring the intersectionalities of gender and professionalization in early childhood education

Men in early childhood education (ECE) are subjected to different discourses: while they are facing serious mistrust on the one hand, their otherness to the field is also interpreted as new and potentially innovative on the other hand. This article explores how male childcare workers create and take up different subject positions by drawing on these competing discourses in order to…

English / 15/06/2015

Embodied multi-discursivity: An aesthetic process approach to sustainable entrepreneurship

Sustainable entrepreneurship is a vital and growing area of entrepreneurship studies. Although charged with multiple potentially conflicting discourses, sustainable entrepreneurship is usually viewed from a binary logic of business versus sustainability. This article uses an aesthetic process approach to sustainable entrepreneurship to move beyond this binary logic and unearth the…

English / 14/04/2015


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