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New ventures' inward licensing: examining the effects of industry and strategy characteristics

New ventures compete by creating innovative products. Liabilities of newness and inexperience, limited resources, rapid technological obsolescence and constantly changing market conditions often encourage new ventures to license other companies' technologies to complement and augment their internally developed innovations. Building on the knowledge-based view of the firm, we…

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English / 01/01/2005

Ideological foundations of perceived contract breach associated with downsizing: An empirical investigation

This paper explores the effects of three managerial ideologies on the degree of psychological contract breach perceived in connection with a downsizing event. Results from surveys conducted in the U.S. and Singapore suggest that a strong belief in the ideologies of market competition or shareholder interest reduces the perceived contract breach associated with a downsizing, while…

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English / 01/01/2005

Perceived breach of contract for one's own layoff vs. someone else's layoff: Personal pink slips hurt more

In this study we examine how the perception of layoff as a violation of a psychological contract can vary depending upon one's perception of employer contractual obligation. We also investigate how perceptions of layoffs vary depending on whether one is focusing on his/her own layoff or the layoff of someone else. Survey results from 81 layoff victims reveal that respondents…

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English / 01/01/2005

How to support knowledge creation in new product development

Knowledge management methods need to be selected depending on the purpose for which knowledge is ‘being managed’. In this article, purpose is considered in terms of encouraging knowledge creation in new product development (NPD) projects. Given that companies have started to deploy a number of knowledge management methods in support of NPD efforts, the central aim of this research is…

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English / 01/01/2005

Forschungsstarke Hochschulen haben einen Startvorteil

Im Gegensatz zu den USA ist die schweizerische Hochschullandschaft noch immer alles andere als hierarchisiert. Professor Egon Franck ist überzeugt, dass sich dies indes durch die BolognaReform ändern wird. Mit dem Ordinarius für Betriebswirtschaftslehre an der Universität Zürich unterhielt sich NZZRedaktor Jan Mühlethaler.

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Deutsch / 20/04/2004

Zur Filterleistung von Hochschulsystemen - Bildungswege von Topmanagern in den USA, Frankreich und Deutschland

Starting with Arrow's hypothesis that higher education is a filter, the paper studies three alternative filter-designs. These designs can be attributed to the higher education systems of three different countries: In the U.S., competition between schools not only leads to a stable and stratified hierarchy of schools but also validates the degrees issued by these schools. In…

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Deutsch / 01/02/2004


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