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Structural conditions for novelty: the introduction of new environmental clauses to the trade regime complex

When do parties introduce novel clauses to a system of contracts or treaties? While important research has investigated how clauses diffuse once introduced, few empirical studies address their initial introduction. Drawing on network theory, this paper argues that novel clauses are introduced when agreements are concluded in certain structures of earlier agreements and the clauses…

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/ 10/03/2020

NPO-Managementerfolg dank internationaler Zusammenarbeit

In: Verbands-Management, 2019, vol. 45, no. 3, p. 30-38

Institution partenaire

Université de Fribourg

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/ 09/03/2020

Security governance as a service on the cloud

Small companies need help to detect and to respond to increasing security related threats. This paper presents a cloud service that automates processes that make checks for such threats, implement mitigating procedures, and generally instructs client companies on the steps to take. For instance, a process that automates the search for leaked credentials on the Dark Web will, in the…

Institution partenaire

Haute Ecole de Gestion de Genève

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English / 09/03/2020

Meynhardt, Timo: Europäische Werte und gute Führung: Rollendistanz wagen. In Flick, Corinne Michaela (ed.): Der Wert Europas in einer bedeutsameren Weltgeschichte. Göttingen : Wallstein Verlag, 2020, S. 93-110.

Meynhardt, Timo: Europäische Werte und gute Führung: Rollendistanz wagen. In Flick, Corinne Michaela (ed.): Der Wert Europas in einer bedeutsameren Weltgeschichte. Göttingen : Wallstein Verlag, 2020, S. 93-110.

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/ 08/03/2020

BigTech and the changing structure of financial intermediation

We consider the drivers and implications of the growth of "BigTech" in finance – ie the financial services offerings of technology companies with established presence in the market for digital services. BigTech firms often start with payments. Thereafter, some expand into the provision of credit, insurance and money management products, either directly or in cooperation with…

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English / 06/03/2020

Murmann, Johann P.: THE MANAGEMENT TRANSFORMATION OF HUAWEI: AN OVERVIEW. In The Management Transformation of Huawei From Humble Beginnings to Global Leadership. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2020, S. 1-51.

This introductory chapter offers an overview of the entire book on the management transformation of Huawei. Huawei is now China’s most prominent multinational company and a leader in 5G mobile telephone technology, which will be rolled out across the world in the next few years. What makes Huawei interesting is its rate of growth and the level of detail in which we can observe not…

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/ 29/02/2020

Replik: Whistleblower und interne Kontrolle: Gastkommentar

Eberle, Reto. Replik: Whistleblower und interne Kontrolle: Gastkommentar. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 18 February 2020, p.9.

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English / 28/02/2020

China's offshore corporate dollar bonds

China's bond market is destined to play an increasingly important role, both at home and abroad. And the inclusion of the country's bonds in global indexes will be a milestone for its financial market integration, bringing big opportunities as well as challenges for policymakers and investors alike. This calls for a good understanding of China's bond market structure, its unique…

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English / 24/02/2020

Meynhardt, Timo; Jasinenko, Anna & Grubert, Thorben (2019) Die Gemeinwohl-Bilanz auf dem Prüfstand der Bevölkerung: empirische Überprüfung der demokratischen Legitimation der Gemeinwohl-Bilanz. zfwu Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik, 20/2019 (3). 406-426. ISSN 1439-880X

Die Gemeinwohl-Bilanz ist ein Instrument zur Messung des Gemeinwohlbeitrages von Unternehmen. Mithilfe einer bevölkerungsrepräsentativen Studie in Deutschland nähern wir uns der Frage nach der demokratischen Legitimation des Gemeinwohlverständnisses dieser Bilanz. Insgesamt spiegeln sich die Grundzüge des Gemeinwohlverständnisses auch in der deutschen Bevölkerung wider, doch bestehen…

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/ 23/02/2020

Macro- and mesoscale pattern interdependencies in complex networks

Palazzi, Maria J; Borge-Holthoefer, Javier; Tessone, Claudio J; Solé-Ribalta, Albert (2019). Macro- and mesoscale pattern interdependencies in complex networks. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 16:20190553.

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English / 20/02/2020

Meynhardt, Timo (2020) Purpose ist kein Gutmenschentum. Harvard Business manager, Februar 2020 28-33. ISSN 0174-335X

Mitarbeiter wollen heute mehr denn je wissen, wofür ihr Arbeitgeber steht. Was müssen Unternehmen tun, um diese Erwartung zu erfüllen? Ein Gespräch mit dem Leipziger Managementprofessor Timo Meynhardt über die richtige Wortwahl, ein neues Führungsmodell und das beste Purpose-Statement Deutschlands.

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/ 20/02/2020

WTO dispute settlement post 2019: what to expect ?

What does the imminent demise of the WTO Appellate Body (AB) mean for the settlement of ongoing and future trade disputes? This editorial discusses two 'unlikely solutions', at least in the short term: the US lifts its veto on AB appointments; a WTO organ unlocks the impasse. Appeals pending on 10 December 2019 will most likely be carried-over pursuant to (contested) Rule 15 of the…

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/ 11/02/2020

Wirtschaftlich tätige Genossenschaften in der Schweiz

In: Verbands-Management, 2019, vol. 45, no. 3, p. 18-24

Institution partenaire

Université de Fribourg

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/ 06/02/2020

Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Genossenschaftssektor

In: Verbands-Management, 2019, vol. 45, no. 3, p. 6-16

Institution partenaire

Université de Fribourg

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/ 06/02/2020

Quand s'intéressera-t-on vraiment aux coopératives?

In: Verbands-Management, 2019, vol. 45, no. 3, p. 25-27

Institution partenaire

Université de Fribourg

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/ 06/02/2020

Steigende Zahlungsbereitschaft bei grösserem Mitgliedernutzen

In: Verbands-Management, 2019, vol. 45, no. 3, p. 48-54

Institution partenaire

Université de Fribourg

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/ 06/02/2020

Erfolgreiche Verbandskommunikation?! - Ein Vergleich

In: Verbands-Management, 2019, vol. 45, no. 3, p. 63-69

Institution partenaire

Université de Fribourg

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/ 06/02/2020


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